Federal Politics

Judith Ireland

Judith Ireland is a special writer, weekends, for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based at Parliament House

Publican Trent Miller at Walsh's Hotel in Queanbeyan on Tuesday 4 April 2017. Photo: Andrew Meares

Putting Scott Morrison's tax cuts to the pub test

'I tell you what, if you go down the pub and you talk to small business people, they're not talking about econometric models. What they're talking about is how they're going to grow their businesses,' said Scott Morrison.

A still from the federal government's new domestic violence advertising campaign – but talking about it is not enough.

'He just did it 'cause he likes you'

The Coalition government has launched a confronting new ad campaign, designed to get parents, teachers and coaches to clamp down on disrespectful and aggressive behaviour by boys and young men.

The signature side for the new $5 banknote.

Australia, why do you hate big ideas?

It is a much-honoured national pastime to shoot down ideas and resist even the slightest hint of change. We might be surrounded by sea, but we are also girt by the status quo.