

Brothers Craig and Cameron Zammit (pictured with their wives, Michelle and Belinda, and children) are taking up a fight ...

Fathers battle to save flexible work hours

For eight years, the Zammit twins arrived at work an hour early so they could be home in time to pick their children up from school – freeing their working wives to get them off to school.

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Waiting for the Tooth Fairy

5 cash-free Tooth Fairy ideas that won't disappoint

The Tooth Fairy is awesome. She's this gorgeous little flying creature who takes away hideous rejected body parts and replaces them with cold hard cash. If I didn't have to touch those creepy teeth myself, I'd think she was perfect.

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Letting teens play a part in planning a family holiday can help them stay involved.

Nine ways to make travel with your teen fun

The low point of the trip wasn't when my husband, Andrew, and I hiked into the Grand Canyon without our teens, because Solomon and Celia opted to stay behind in our tiny cabin. As insane as it seemed for them to miss their chance to explore the most spectacular natural phenomenon our country has to offer, that morning, we chose to let it go.

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Road Trips

Australia's 'big things'

Australia's 'big things'

You've heard of The Big Banana, and the Big Pineapple? Here are a few more of the famous and not so famous big things around Australia.

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Sydney staycation:

Three kids, a cool car and a blue tree: our staycation to western Sydney

When you're in the thick of the weekly routine, a weekend away with the family can abstractly seem heavenly. Getting out of the inner city, breathing some different air and traipsing unfamiliar ground sounds so awesome you spend your weekdays dreaming about doing it.

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Robert Kelly and his wife, Kim Jung-A, said they were mortified at first but found the video funny "like everybody else".

Korea expert speaks after his kids crashed BBC interview

On Friday night, university professor Robert Kelly switched off his phone, turned his Facebook and Twitter notifications off and made sure he didn't go anywhere near YouTube or Reddit. 

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  • This article contains a video



Making Time For Me