Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts

9 August 2016

Court Appearance for Michelle Erstikaitis

Michelle Erstikaitis appeared in court today and has been charged with attempted murder. In a previous court appearance, Ms. Erstikaitis had with her an item that might make her friends Paulie and Canadian Creativity Movement leader Wes Smith scratch their heads a bit:
But the designated dangerous offender was clutching a Qur’an as she appeared briefly in an Old City Hall courtroom Tuesday to face charges for allegedly slashing a U.S. Consulate security guard.
Not that we actually believe for a moment she is a Muslim now, just as we questioned her commitment to the cause of "White Nationalism."

Still, isn't it interesting that Paulie, who had inexplicably championed her for years, has remained silent?

Things that make you go, hmmmm.

19 March 2016

Soldiers of Odin: Canadians United 4 Canada Ally With Overt Neo-Nazis

On March 7, the founder of the Facebook group Canadians United 4 Canada posted the following message in which she offered her unreserved support for the Soldiers of Odin (SoO).

The Soldiers of Odin (SoO) began in Finland as a vigilante group ostensibly formed to protect women from sexual harassment and assault from the country's immigrant and minority population (which leaves us wondering if they are as concerned about harassment and assaults against women by the majority native European population, but we digress). Though they claim not to be racist, the founder of the SoO has links to the far-right Finish Resistance movement as well as a conviction for a racially motivated assault (my Finish to English translation captures the spirit of the article):
....Soldiers of Odin leader Mika Beach was convicted of assaulting immigrants in 2005. Beach and his friends attacked two immigrants in a restaurant. They beat both victims and his hand was broken, Journal says. Beach was also sentenced for other offenses, including possession of a gun and blade chain in a public place. The offence was racially motivated....
It is noted in the article that another high profile SoO member has and extensive criminal history. Also, some of the membership aren't above lying about their efforts:
The whole story was invented by one man Looper. We are now accused of being liars and just about. We ask all what you humbly apologize that this did happen.
Somehow we have a feeling that they regret getting caught lying rather than the actual lie, but what do we know?

Canadians United 4 Canada don't appear all that concerned with how shady the original Finnish chapter of SoO seems to be in offering unconditional support to the Canadian chapters. The Quebec chapter of the SoO seem to appreciate Ms. O'Farrell's shout-out:

Ms. O'Farrell, founder of Canadians United 4 Canada, wishes to convince her members that the SoO are not racist skinheads and just want to protect Canada and all that we hold dear from the Jihadists at the gate (though she herself show poor judgement in who she adds as friends):

Why don't we test Ms. O'Farrell's claim?

17 August 2015

"Cobbsville Redux" or "The Sequel is Usually Worse Than the Original": Part II

When we last looked at Craig Cobb's North Dakota efforts, he had set his sights on a new town. Antler, population 20 (give or take) is just a hop, skip, and jump over the Canadian border and a 50 minute drive from this writer's home town. Unable to resist attention, he publicly announced his intentions on Stormfront which was picked up by local, state, and eventually national media.

Since that announcement, Crusty the Cobb appears to have grown smug assuming that no one will be able to thwart his masterful plans this time. He even started taunting the folks in Leith, the town he first tried to take over and where he was ultimately arrested. Cobb seems to now believe that he will be able to have his conviction thrown out, the inhabitants of Leith arrested for persecuting him, and the sheriff's department stuck with a civil lawsuit for an unconstitutional arrest:


We had thought that "Antler, ND" might be Cobb, though we're now leaning towards it being Deborah Dutton. No matter. The world is Craig Cobb's oyster.


Yeah, you knew the wheels were going to fall off soon:

13 June 2015

"Cobbsville Redux" or "The Sequel is Usually Worse Than the Original"

Insanity: 1. the condition of being insane; a derangement of the mind. Synonyms: dementia, lunacy, madness, craziness, mania, aberration.

2. (Law) such unsoundness of mind as frees one from legal responsibility, as for committing a crime, or as signals one's lack of legal capacity, as for entering into a contractual agreement.

3. extreme foolishness; a foolish or senseless action, policy, statement, etc.; folly; senselessness; foolhardiness.

4. doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

5. (Noun) Craig Cobb.

Our readers will no doubt vividly recall Craig Cobb's efforts to take over a small, North Dakota hamlet in order to turn it into a White Nationalist enclave. Our readers will further remember the giddy excitement from some boneheads (such as our own Tomasz Winnicki) and the ridicule of the effort by other boneheads. Finally, our readers will remember the absolute disaster of Cobb's attempt to take over the town which ultimately culminated in his arrest and later guilty plea to keep himself out of prison.

When the debacle had passed and he had been released from jail, Cobb suggested that he was done and was going to retire from the movement, at least as a public activist. Considering his desperate need for attention, we never believed him for a moment.

Guess what Craig Cobb is planning to do again?

3 June 2015

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part XII

It has been a while since we last wrote about London's Southern Ontario "Skinheads." In truth, they had been rather boring of late which isn't necessarily a bad thing since that generally means they aren't getting into trouble. We've heard rumors that some of the members had moved on and that the group was rife with infighting, but then that's all standard fare. However there have been a few things that have occurred that have warranted our attention and which we think befit the honour of being entered into our award winning "Stooges" series.

We actually have Dan Hall to thank for prompting us to write this article. You remember Dan Hall, aka: "Odin TheCelt", aka: "Yordi JewKiller", aka: "David Lawson", aka: "Buddy Hall", aka: "LastofaDyingBreed", aka:.... well, we could go on. If you don't remember him, we have a photo handy for quick reference:

28 September 2014

How Is Paulie's Campaign Going? Also, A Contest With Real Cash Prize

In one month, Paulie will go down in flames (again) after another election. Then again, winning the election isn't really why Paulie is running:

Yes, yes, we are indeed a cynical lot. But if Paulie can be considered to be good at anything, it is shamelessly promoting himself to his suckers.... er.... I mean donors. 

A recent publicity stunt certainly suggests the only thing he is serious about is convincing those who still follow him (and it seems to be a shrinking number here in Canada) that he stands an actual chance of winning and thus needs their financial backing. Here he is with the Canadian leader of the violent creativity movement Wes Smith:

Busy Weekend on Campaign Trail -- Mayor of Mississauga 

This was a busy weekend on the campaign trail with extensive literature distribution in many parts of Mississauga. Here we unveil my sharp election banner to inform motorists coming of the QEW gridlock into Port Credit that Paul Fromm is "the motorists' friend."

Hold on there sparky. Mayor of Mississauga? Might be getting a bit ahead of yourself.

I can't help observe two things. First, the traffic. Where is it? Really, it doesn't seem to be so bad.

But assuming traffic is as bad as Paulie claims it to be, we aren't sure someone touting himself as, "the motorist's friend" should be displaying a banner that would inevitably distract said motorists and perhaps result in an accident.

But really, we all knew this already.

The main purpose of this post is to allow our readers to participate in making fun of Paulie:

Oh yes. We certainly couldn't pass of this blank canvas.

As in 2010, we are offering a cash prize to the person who can create the funniest slogan for Pauie's banner. As I am not as affluent at the person who offered the prize the last time, I can only offer $50.00, but it is $50.00 you don't currently have so don't be picky.

Now, I am not as witty (or funny) as Nosferatu, but I did create a few examples to help stoke the creativity of our readers:

10 May 2014

Southern Ontario Skinheads Outed

First, and in deference to our friends who actually ARE skinheads, it needs to be made clear that no one in the SOS is actually a skinhead. They've co-opted the look and, to a degree, very selected elements of the skinhead culture, but it's only window dressing. They are, and always will be, boneheads.

And now the boneheads in the SOS are known to more than the relatively small circle who are part of the Canadian racist movement or who make a point of monitoring the movement in Canada. And that is not a good thing if you are an SOS bonehead:

London skinhead party on police radar

By Jennifer O'Brien, Randy Richmond, The London Free Press
Anti-racism activists are warning about the rise of a new neo-Nazi group in Southern Ontario and a celebration planned for the Victoria Day long weekend near London showcasing their strength.

But the man hosting what’s billed online as a White Pride World Wide celebration, and who’s connected to the group, says there’s nothing to fear from either the gathering or white pride views.

“It’s just a birthday party for me and my daughter, too,” said Jared Gilkes of Dorchester, east of London.

“It’s not white power, it’s white pride. All I am about is being proud of our own race. It’s not hatred. It’s about pride in your heritage, not hate.”

Some members of the group, Southern Ontario Skinheads, have been invited because they’re friends and he has joined them on rallies.

“But I’m part of no group. I put up on my (Facebook) wall: anybody that comes leave your attitudes at home,” Gilkes said, shortly before inviting a Free Press reporter and photographer to drop by May 17.

There’s more to the new group than white pride and the long weekend gathering than a simple birthday party, warn anti-racism activists.

“In reality, it appears to be an excuse for members of the Southern Ontario Skinheads from London and Kitchener, like-minded individuals, and a contingent from the biker culture to get together,” said a spokesperson from Anti-Racist Canada.

Anti-Racist Canada, which describes itself as a non-violent collective of people battling hatred, has been monitoring the Southern Ontario Skinheads (SOS) for just over a year.

The group has at least 12 members, the spokesperson said. “Things have picked up during the last few months and there seems to be more growth.”

SOS recently handed out flyers in Kingston in April, and members posted photographs on their Facebook pages of a small run-in with police and some members of the group giving the Nazi salute.

Several members have criminal records and some were connected to Western Canada’s violent Blood and Honour, a white supremacist group involved in physical attacks on non-whites, Anti-Racist Canada says.

Provincial police said they’ve been monitoring the group for some time and know about the party.


We had access to the Facebook group announcing the gathering as well so we were able to speak to some of the questions posed by the "Free Press":

9 May 2014

May 2014 Bits and Bites

This will be relatively short. First, we would like to provide our readers with what looks to be a bit of a preview:

We have a feeling that the lives of the Southern Ontario Skinheads are about to become a lot more public and, perhaps, a lot less comfortable. And that all might be happening very soon.

More on that later. In the meantime, we offer our readers the wit, wisdom, and silver tongue of Mr. Hynes who waxes poetically about the nature of the fairer gender:

Yeah, hard to believe these people have a difficult time maintaining relationships. Or forming relationships in the first place. But.... wait.... is that Bernie Miller we see? Why yes it is! Miller has just recently completed his house arrest stemming from an incident in Edmonton which also resulted in Kyle McKee ending up serving a year in jail. It's sort of funny that an ally of McKee, someone who is suspected of being involved in the assault on Hynes in the summer of 2012, would be communicating with Hynes. Even more funny when you consider who Miller is pictured with in Miller's profile photo:

That there sidling up to Miler is Eric Marshall, one of the two men (along with Jessie Lajoie) who assaulted Hynes after being lured into the trap with promises of a sexual encounter with Ms. Kissack.

28 April 2014

McKee Associate Convicted and Sentenced in Violent Attack

Leave to go camping a for five days and look at what we missed.

There are a few stories of particular interest to our readers, such as the anti-immigration flyers in Brampton and the "Free Matt Hale" posters being put up by Wes Smith and his friends in the Southern Ontario Skineheads. We'll address those stories at a latter date. However we want to focus on the recent conviction and sentencing of two individuals involved in an attack on the founder and leader of the SOS, Max Hynes. We'll include a little bit of commentary along the way:

Bloody ambush in local park was white power ‘discipline’

KITCHENER — Bad blood within a white supremacy group fuelled the vicious ambush of a former organizer in a Kitchener park almost two years ago.

The masked attack in the summer of 2012 was orchestrated by Kyle McKee, a former Kitchener resident and leader of a Calgary-based neo-Nazi group called Blood and Honour.

For someone who has been in jail as often as he has been, we're surprised that McKee was so careless. He had to have known that his jailhouse conversations would have been recorded.

Then again, maybe he wasn't the one being careless?

6 April 2014

Tone Deaf: Southern Ontario Skinheads Post Videos of March

Sometimes, it really is fun to watch the boneheads self-destruct all on their own. Either through infighting or through ultimately counterproductive behavior, the final result is inevitable.

Take the blowback from the failed "White Man's March" that took place last month. The event was really an unmitigated disaster no matter how those in the movement try to spin it. The only people who actually seems genuinely pleased with the outcome of the march in Canada were John Beattie, Paulie Fromm, and the mouth-breathers in the Southern Ontario Skinheads. But even this resulted in a fair amount of online bickering as Beattie, who if we are to be fair is not exactly much of a player in the Canadian scene. That didn't stop both Paulie and the SOS responded then and some other SOS members responded again later:

The crux of Beattie's concern is that he argues, in all honestly correctly, that overt links to Nazism hurts the cause of, "White Nationalists." So Beattie believes while the Neo-Nazi boneheads will one day serve the purpose of protecting the big thinkers like himself (because he actually views himself as a big thinker), they should leave the public relation stunts to folks like Kyle Hunt who organized the White Man's March.

Because certainly Kyle Hunt wouldn't have anything to do with something as distasteful as the Neo-Nazi movement, right?

Well, Beattie might have to get used to being disappointed:

So really, these guys participating in an event in which boneheads are indeed welcome shouldn't be all that much of a shock:

Managed to get the last name we were not certain about.
So, let's shift our focus back to the Southern Ontario Skinheads, shall we?

The life span of groups like the SOS are between 6 months and 3 years, though a few manage to make it to 5 years. They ultimately fail in large part as a result of the inadequacies of the membership itself. Thus far there is nothing in the SOS that lead us to conclude they will be no different. In fact, given what we've seen we think they are already setting up their own imminent collapse.

Much of the membership itself has some problems with self-control. As members of a gang SOS members derive a sense of power as being part of a larger group. And when they feel empowered, they attempt to intimidate (and threaten) their opposition into silence:



It also doesn't help that a number of the folks now in or associated with the SOS have rather extensive criminal records, including one of their more recent members:

Long term survival in groups such as the SOS require self-control and regulation. Does anyone believe the SOS are capable of these feats?

But you don't have to take our word for it. How about from the horses' mouth? In addition to the few photos they posted online, the SOS decided it would be a good idea to video their march through the streets of Kingston. Because, you know, how could that go poorly?


Complaining about the cold? Come on! Do you think Ragnar Lothbrok would complain about the cold? Some viking warriors you guys are!

The following videos are really the ones that are indicative of the mind set of the SOS membership. As you're watching these videos, we want you to consider how the average Kingston resident would react to a gang such as this walking down the street:

24 March 2014

White Man's March and Canadian Factionalism

You know, we have to admit to having a bit of a soft spot for Sebastian Ronin of the grandiose sounding Renaissance Party of North America. Sure, he's an unjustifiably arrogant bigot with delusions of grandeur, but when he is able to provoke reactions from boneheads such as this particular Rhodes Scholar, one can't help but be just a little appreciative of the work he is doing:


Later, the masked narrator in the above video did a public reading of James Thurber's "The Night the Bed Fell" at the New York Public Library.

Ronin is a bit of a shit disturber. And he's really proud of that notoriety. When the White Man March inevitably failed and the few participant were mocked by.... well.... almost everyone who was even aware of the effort in the first place, Ronin couldn't help saying, "told you so" in as wonderfully dickish a way possible:

Ah, the New Orleans Protocol. We'll get to that again soon enough.

There's a lot more to the exchange, but we think this provides the gist of it.

Still, there was at least one Canadian who believes that the event was an unbridled success:

BTW, thanks for allowing the public to view your profile John.
John Beattie, former leader of the Canadian Nazi Party, current spokesperson for the British People's League (which exists solely as a website and YouTube channel), and fading, doddering, relic of a bygone era desperately trying to claim relevancy in a movement that has LONG passed him by, was overjoyed by the "massive" success of the march. Still, one has to keep in mind that he also has spoken of the avalanche of interest in his efforts as evidenced by the fact that his, "youtubes" have been watched by dozens of people. Still, Beattie was disappointed that there was no march held in Canada, though he didn't know at the time that there were in fact two marches.

20 March 2014

Southern Ontario Skinheads Gone Walkabout in Kingston

On March 15, boneheads around North America participated in an event called, "The White Man's March." Well, "participated" might not be an accurate description of what happened on that day. What might be a more accurate description is that a lot of boneheads talked about participating in, "The White Man's March" in their respective communities but ultimately did nothing.

Yeah, it was sort of a HUGE failure, though the boneheads would have you believe that is was really a HUGE success.

One group that participated in the event was our friends in the Southern Ontario Skinheads who traveled to Kingston, Ontario. Wes Smith was ever so kind as to provide some photos:

They apparently spent time flyering and acting brave when members of the Kingston Police Service asked them what they were up to.

Now, as this event occurred a few days ago, our dear readers might be asking us why we are so slow to update the blog. That's a fair question and deserves a an answer.

The reason why we haven't mentioned it until now is because we were trying to figure out who attended based on the shitty photo they provided (really, SOS members take terrible pictures):

Left to right: Paul McCarroll, Wes Smith, Dan "Buddy" Hall
(aka: Odin TheCelt.... really dude, if you want to conceal
your identity, you might consider a different ski mask and
jacket), Gatlin Gooding, Max Hynes, Luke Northmore, Jared Gilkes,
Simon Letourneau, "Mike White" (which may or may not be his real name).
We have an idea who "???" might be, but the focus isn't clear enough to make a definitive identification.

But still, we have to thank the SOS for their cooperation.

15 March 2014

Paul Fromm Goes to Bat For.... Michelle Erstikaitis???: Part VIII - Fromm Doesn't Understand How Prison Works

Back in June 2013, Wes Smith of the Toronto chapter of the Creativity Movement interviewed an individual who was brought to our attention by Paul Fromm who INSISTED that her legal troubles were as a result of her "White Nationalist" political views and not because she was a violent sociopath. We include a few excepts of that interview below:

Yes. We are absolutely terrified of Michelle Erstikaitis' political acumen.

But we do digress:

Not all that surprisingly, there are a lot of boneheads who remain confused as to why Paulie has taken on Erstikaitis' cause and not all of them are as... we'll say as forgiving, as Paulie is:

Wait, he doesn't respect us at all yet uses the information
in our blog to make his case? Cognitive dissonance anyone?
But Paulie has achieved some success in bringing Erstikaitis into the White Nationalist fold. She certainly seems to have been accepted by Paulie supporter Wes Smith and she had been attending a number of White Nationalist events, including a Doug Christie memorial (where she stood alongside Malcolm Ross and Marc Lemire), an event to support Brad Love, and a protest in front of the South African consulate in Toronto organized by professional Geppetto impersonator Sebastian Ronin.

Some of our more astute readers may have noticed, however, that Michelle Erstikaitis has been really quiet lately which, given her seemingly constant need to be the center of attention in some way, might strike one as a bit odd. Well there's a very good reason for that. Not long after her interview with the Toronto Creativity Movement, this request of the public was issued:

2 March 2014

March 2014 Bits and Bites: Status of Cobb and Clifford

What does it say about ol' Sebastian here that he continually "likes" his own posts on Facebook?

Yep, Craig Cobb has pleaded guilty to one charge of felony count terrorizing (along with a firearms ban) in exchange for the other five terrorizing charges being reduced to misdemeanors. The reality is, and it's a shame it happened because we think the case against Cobb was a strong one, that a plea might have been necessary if Cobb was to face any sort of punishment. The case was undercut by a few individuals in Leith as well and the village's webmaster who acted in a way that was.... shall we say counterproductive? Yes, counterproductive works here.  In the end, this case is as much a lesson on how not to act when dealing with boneheads such as Cobb as it is in how to fight them.

But it also looks like Cobb, who thought he was getting out of jail that day, might be cooling his heels a little bit longer than he though. When he fled Canada after his arrest on hate crime charges, Cobb thought he was pretty clever and bragged about his "escape." It would seem that "escape" has come back to bite him in the as now:

Instead of accepting a plea agreement, South Central District Judge David Reich ordered a presentence investigation and deferred the matter until he gets that report. He said he wants to know more about the hate crimes charge that Cobb fled in Canada and the terrorizing incident.

That report could take weeks, up to another month, so Cobb was escorted from the Burleigh County Courthouse back to the Stanton jail, where he’d optimistically packed up and signed out earlier in the day.

This of course wouldn't be a proper "Bits and Bites" post without providing our readers with a little bit of vintage Goudreau:

15 February 2014

The Failure of "Cobbsville" Part VI: The Canadian Reaction

We hadn't planned on writing another entry in our Cobbsville series, however the following brief message was left in the comments section of Part V:

can we get a sixth part chornciling the epic fail of the cobbsaga

We can't disappoint our fans now can we?

Since our last post on the subject Craig Cobb (who having shaved and gotten a haircut is looking far less like Krusty the Kobb now) begun....

.... and concluded a hunger strike. Had his bail set at over a million dollars which he could not pay and then set at a much lower amount which he still could not pay (we wonder why his "millionaire" friend, the convicted sex offender who founded and runs the White Nations forum, can't seem to help Cobb out)....

....pathetically begged for the charges against him be dropped on the promise he would leave North Dakota forever, sold a number of the properties he purchased in Leith, and had his most trusted ally turn against him in return for agreeing to testify against Cobb.

In short, Cobb appears to be hooped.

Now are readers know that as a result of living in Canada for 5 years a number of decades ago, Craig Cobb was able to apply for and receive Canadian citizenship. But except for those 5 years and the couple of years he lived in Vancouver after being deported from Latvia, his fidelity to this nation might be somewhat in question.

So, how have our home-grown boneheads reacted to the Craig Cobb saga in North Dakota:

2 February 2014

We Don't Think Creator Canada's Wes Smith or SOS Founder Max Hynes Like Us.

Some months ago, Creativity leader Wes Smith and Paul "Paulie" Fromm were featured in "This" magazine out of Toronto:

Not long after, Smith was interviewed for a friendly Creativity online magazine (which he featured on his own blog later):

Gotta love a good bromance. Max Hynes, founder and leader of the Southern Ontario Skinheads who was interviewed by Smith in January, makes this bromance a love triangle:

You know, it's pretty sad when one actually aspires to achieve Paulie's level of gravitas.

But do you know who Wes and Max have no love for?