Showing posts with label Lupkoski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lupkoski. Show all posts

2 June 2017

Racists and Antisemites Attending June 3 Event in Calgary

Tomorrow the protests planned for Ottawa, Calgary, and other Canadian cities should all be under way by noon. Though billed as "million Canadian" marches (thereby attempting to co-opt past progressive events), this writer suspects the numbers will fall far, far, short of one million people. In Ottawa, I suspect there will be between 300 and 500 people, though that is perhaps a generous estimate. In Calgary, perhaps 50 to 100.

Then again, I've never been good at these kinds of estimates, so I may be surprised either way.

In Calgary, WCAI and the Canadian Combat Coalition have been whiny because their event has been referred to by ARC and others as racist and bigoted, a charge WCAI clumsily refutes:

Yeah.... you probably shouldn't do live videos while drunk because this alone undermines everything you just wrote:



Rape jokes too.

Just.... wow.

Well, the WCAI videos MAY have been directed towards Trudeau (and based on the above video, homosexuals, the mentally challenged, and of course, Muslims), but the rhetoric coming from the participants and the possible guests tells another story.

For example, Karyn Draper, someone ARC has discussed in the past, will be attending the June 3 protest. In one post she says there will be another individual who will be attending but that she would like someone to accompany her to the event.

Let's see if you can spot the name I and others working with ARC noticed?

Actually, Merle is a name familiar to many, but let's let that slide for a bit.

It looks like Kyle McKee, founder of the Aryan Guard and current leader of the Calgary chapter of Blood & Honour may be attending the event. Kyle McKee, convicted of such crimes as possession of bomb making materials, possession of prohibited weapons, uttering threats, fleeing police, and assault. Kyle McKee, a man charged with attempted murder and other crimes. Kyle McKee, suspected of being involved in a violent home invasion, vandalism, and the firebombing (directly or having provided orders) of an anti-racist's residence.

Naw! It couldn't be THAT Kyle McKee, could it?

Yes, THAT Kyle McKee.

9 January 2017

Jody Issel, Soldiers of Odin Moose Jaw President, Isn't Even Trying Anymore

You know, if there's one positive thing about Trump's election is that the racists we've been covering here for years have become refreshingly honest about their views. Take this guy for example:

Now this is admittedly an older photo of Jody Issel, but it does sort of capture a particular moment in time, specifically the time he tried to start up an unauthorized chapter of the Aryan Nations' in Saskatchewan. That effort didn't pan out so well, so he threw in his lot with Kyle McKee and the Aryan Guard in Calgary for a while, attending at least one of their "White Pride Day" marches.

A few months after we reported Issel's efforts to start an Aryan Nations' chapter, he contacted us to first beg, then threaten us, to remove his information. We didn't and we still haven't, but at that time he seems to have recognized that being associated with the racist movement wasn't good for his career prospects.

Over the years we kept an eye on him. He was careful, locking down his Facebook from our prying eyes, but there were still a number of times he forgot himself:

Then when the Soldiers of Odin movement found it's way across the Atlantic, Issel found himself in an interesting position in that he lived in Moose Jaw, the SoO were looking for a Moose Jaw city president, and the SoO doesn't actually seem to vet their members or individuals aspiring to positions of leadership. Thus:

Recently, Issel and his merry band of SoO members (four by all accounts) decided to take a stroll about Moose Jaw (at least long enough to snap some photos) to protect the fine folks of that particular prairie community:

The problem here is who will protect the fine folks of Moose Jaw from the people who claim to want to protect them?

Bill Daniels, SOO Provincial President in BC

It's funny, because although he claimed that he wasn't hiding, at the time Issel posted these messages on his other profile, it was locked up tighter than gnat's chuff.

But things have changed on both of his profiles, although this one is the more interesting of the two right now:

So why does Issel feel more comfortable openly expressing his racism?

Take a wild guess:

22 September 2012

State of the Movement: Canada's Blood & Honour Part 2

NOTE: As this article is pretty screen shot heavy, we decided that we would divide it into three parts. This article is Part 2.

We may very well have as many boneheads reading our blog as we do anti-racists, so we were not at all surprised when Jessie Lajoie commented on our article on the Blood & Honour International forums:

What resulted included statements of denial and disbelief, anger, disgust, bemusement, resignation (to the fact that the Canadian B&H members were embarrassments), and righteous indignation:

18 February 2012

Bonehead Family Values

Sometimes, we wonder how the boneheads we focus on in this blog can live with the cognitive dissonance that runs throughout their lives?

Bill Noble and a case of arrested
development. How many diapers
would that guitar have purchased, Bill?
Earlier this week, Bill Noble wrote an editorial for what he claimed was a mainstream magazine. In it, he spouts off the usual claptrap about the persecution of, “White Nationalists,” anti-racism as a code for being, 'anti-white,'” and accusations of genocide. You know, the tired, old, repetitive shtick that has become all too predictable and which bares no resemblance to any objective reality.

But it was the last part of the article – the last sentence in fact – which caught our attention. Not because it says anything new. No, it’s because of the disconnect between what he claims to support and what he actually lives.

As White nationalists, we seek to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. And as Communists threaten that existence and that future, they must be defeated.

Like a lot of politicians who use the phrase, “for the children” when they want to ram some sort of regressive policy down our throats (see Minister Toews’s recent efforts), Bill here uses children as a justification for what he and other boneheads do. This led us to wonder….

Just when was the last time you visited YOUR son and the mother of your child, Bill?

30 May 2010

Update on Kyle McKee: March 30, 2010

We've been receiving bits and pieces of information concerning Kyle McKee who was recently released from the Calgary Remand Centre (he had been incarcerated on attempted murder and weapons charges, though those charges were dropped when McKee plead guilty to being in possession of bomb making materials). One message we received stated that McKee was seen speaking to a woman at an apartment complex and that McKee had grown out his hair.

Today McKee, or someone claiming to be McKee, posted a message on Stormfront today in the thread in which Paul Fromm announced McKee's release. We write, "someone claiming" based on the fact that Natalie S. had posted a couple of messages in February using McKee's Stormfront account. So how can we be sure that it is McKee this time?

Well the functional illiteracy pretty much confirms that it is McKee writing (friendly suggestion, Kyle, is that you let Natalie S. proof read your posts before you publish them).

McKee appears to be pretty smug, doesn't he? But then considering he has beaten attempted murder charges and weapons charges, isn't permitted to associate with two people only (the target of the bombing and his then 17 year old co-accused) and he only has a single year of probation, we don't know if we can blame him.


Turns out, there are a few other conditions imposed on McKee. First McKee has been given a 10 year firearm prohibition. Second, and more interesting, is that it's been reported that one of the conditions for the Crown dropping charges was that McKee would provide information about his fellow travellers. As the charges were dropped, we can only assume that he lived up to his side of the agreement.

McKee (left holding gun) with Tyler Lupkoski, July or August 2006

The waters are still a little muddied for other "White Nationalists." While Paulie was trumpeting McKee's release on Stormfront, he was doing so on his Facebook page as well. It appears that not all completely trust that McKee is completely innocent of the crimes for which he was charged, a double sin considering he was accused of attacking other members of, "the Movement":

The entire truth hasn't come out yet? It seems that Paulie might know more about the case than he's made known. Perhaps he'd be willing to sit down with police investigators and provide them with that information? After all, we can't have people bombing others now, can we? And goodness knows that Paulie, as a well-respected member of, "the Movement" would not want to be associated with such unsavoury criminal activities.

Paul Fromm marching with Aryan Guard, March 21, 2009

As for McKee, he writes that, "the boots are back on the ground and and we are giveing [sic] this city HELL." Kyle, who is "we"? From what we determine, most of the founding members of the Aryan Guard have left. Ryan is gone. So is Dallas. We can't see Rob having anything to do with you. Bill Noble, while celebrating your release, is the moderator of a forum for an Edmonton based "group" (though it might be a stretch to say they're organized to any significant degree) that can't stand you or the Aryan Guard. You've got Marleau still, but really what is he worth? At best, you have a few teenagers.

That doesn't mean that you can't still get into, or cause, some trouble, but it does mean that the Aryan Guard and any new movement you try to start are lame ducks.

11 April 2010

Aryan Guard Had Planned to Set Up a Paramilitary Camp?

Okay, so the headline for this article might be a bit melodramatic. We'll explain.

Not surprisingly, the murder of Eugène Terre'Blanche has set off the racist set, including here at home. That Terre'Blanche's death MAY have been the result of him raping a male teen worker on his farm after having plied him with alcohol (an accusation also being made by a young white member of Terre'Blanche's own AWB) seems to be of little concern. Smear campaign, propaganda, Jewish conspiracy yadda yadda yadda. Nothing all that original from their side, so we'll move on.

Terre'Blanchewas a significant figure in the racist movement not only in South Africa, but as a figure revered and respected by his fellow travelers internationally, in large part because of the AWB was essentially a paramilitary organization who's members received training in AWB camps. A lot of boneheads want to emulate Terre'Blanche's efforts:

Well, if John Marleau is to be believed, the Aryan Guard tried to establish such a camp in Canada, presumably in Alberta:

Now we know the organizational skills of the Aryan Guard was, and is more so now, limited at best. In fact, we doubt the planning ever moved much beyond drunken ramblings about how cool it would be to start paramilitary training in preparation for Rahowa. Still, it does give one pause for thought when Marleau considers these people to be heroes and martyrs for the cause:

And also consider that members (and former members) of the Aryan Guard had somewhat of a gun fetish:

We don't think for a moment that these clowns would be able to overthrow a school board meeting, but given the pipe bomb incident in November 2009, as well as the assaults that Aryan Guard members have engaged in, we can't exactly say that these people weren't dangerous to individuals.

7 March 2009

Aryan Guard Supporter Advocates Genocide

The membership of the Aryan Guard seems to change depending upon who you ask. Depending on the circumstances the Aryan Guard claims a membership of only 3 members, though on other occasions they've claimed as many as 15 active core members. We've narrowed the active membership down to the following individuals, in part as a result of a search of their Facebook group exclusively created for Aryan Guard member as well as additional research:

Kyle McKee  
John Marleau
Bill Noble
Jessie Lajoie

Tyler Lupkoski


“Jason Sturm”

“R.j. Mathews” (Justice)


*Robert Reitmeir

*Tyler Sturrup
(likely to have moved out of Calgary)
*Brent Goldring

Dustyn Johnson (seems to have left the group)

With the exception of member "R.N." those individuals in quotation marks are under 18 years of age and/or are using pseudonyms. "R.N." is currently 18, however as he is currently on trial for attacking a female Japanese immigrant in August of the past year which occurred when he was then 17, we will not publish his name. The remaining three Reitmeier, Sturrup, and Goldring are considered to be close associates (Reitmeier and Goldring appear to be very close friends while Reitmeier and Sturrup are members of what is likely a tiny offshoot of the Aryan Guard known as the White European Brotherhood, or W.E.B.).

20 February 2008

Wildrose Alliance Candidate "Linked" To Paul Fromm

Photograph falls under Fair Use.

Link Byfield shaking hands with Paul Fromm in November 1999. Byfield was being honoured at dinner held by Fromm.

Link Byfield is currently a candidate for the Wildrose Alliance Party in the constituency of Whitecourt-St. Anne (see Byfield campaign website). In 2004, he was chosen as one of Alberta's four senators in waiting, though the Federal government is not obliged to appoint him to the Senate.

29 December 2007

Aryan Guard Sex Scandal

The members of the Aryan Guard have tried to paint themselves as upstanding and moral members of the community. We've already proved that you are far more likely to be victimized by a member of this group than from any minority member you might come across. The numerous crimes and accusations of crimes if far above the national average. Now their leader is embroiled in a sex scandal that broke on Stormfront while his teenage girlfriend Jackie was giving birth to their child.

The story broke a month ago and is outlined on the One Peoples Project website under the story, O(MG), CANADA! The people who run this site managed to get most of the pertinent information and the people involved in the drama. However we would like to add additional information. What we have done is taken the posts from the thread on Stormfront that OPP has up on their site and combined it with two other threads that expand on the story. We've modified the story so that it flows more like a conversation so we've moved some of the postings so that the context of what is said makes more sense, including editting out non-relevant postings.

Here are the main players who are known: