Showing posts with label John Beattie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Beattie. Show all posts

6 March 2016

Three Canadian Racists Supporting Donald Trump: Sort of Funny

This past Saturday Republican primaries were held in Kentucky, Maine, Kansas, and Louisiana. Donald Trump managed to win both Kentucky and Louisiana by fairly comfortable margins. It was amusing then when we listened to the talking heads on MSNBC pontificate on whether or not the endorsement by David Duke would hurt Trump in Louisiana, a state where the former Klan leader was once elected to the state legislature and where he was the Republican nominee for governor.

Of course it wouldn't hurt Trump.

David Duke is only the most prominent American racist to come out in favor of Trump. Others include Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and  Matthew Heimbach who recently was caught on video assaulting a protester at a Trump rally. But Trump is also getting some love internationally from the far right including xenophobes in the UK, France, the Netherlands, and elsewhere.

Here in Canada, the folks with PEGIDA Canada and posters on the anti-Muslim/refugee/government sites we've started monitoring have come out strongly for Trump. So too have members of our racist movement including Paulie. From last month's London Forum where he was a featured speaker:


And a recent post:

On that note, we thought we would profile three other Canadians who support Donald Trump's race to the White House, though it could be easily argued that there influence in the Canadian movement, already on the fringes of society, is minimal to nonexistent.

We sometimes like to amuse ourselves.

6 February 2016

February 2016 Bits and Bites

So PEGIDA Canada held another rally today without telling anyone. The results were as sad as the previous effort despite the spin they placed on it:


In related news, we're still following the aftermath of our recent article detailing the often violent anti-Muslim/anti-refugee and anti-government rhetoric found on a number of Facebook groups such as PEGIDA Canada. We will be doing a follow-up soon, but we thought we would provide a preview of the reaction from one of the groups we were monitoring until recently, "Trudeau is Malignant":

Oh you are just adorable!

We can't seem to find the group any longer which means they have either shut it down or have figured out which of the 50+ members was our dummy profile. Either way, what was posted there wasn't much different than the bigoted, hateful, and often violent posts found in other groups.

We'll save that all for a later article, but for future reference just because we haven't mentioned you, doesn't mean we aren't aware of you.

In the meantime, let's talk about Paulie's latest adventure:

Worst. Abbey Road. Reenactment. Ever.

27 October 2014

Election Night in Ontario...

Or, perhaps better put, yet another night of futility and frustration.

Now while the rest of the country will be focused on the mayoral race in Toronto and specifically who among the big three with take the top job (our money is on Tory, though we still hold out hope for Chow), we here at the Collective have a much more modest mandate.

We're going to look at a few races where some of the boneheads we cover here are running.

We begin with former Canadian Nazi leader John Beattie who is running for the position of Deputy Reeve in Minden. We aren't very familiar with voting practices in rural Ontario, but we are going to suggest that Beattie will receive less than 40 votes total.

Moving on to Toronto there are a few candidates running. 

Don Andrews is again running for mayor. Based on his previous total and because of the high profile for this election, we are going to guess he takes about 1300 votes.

At the ward level, we are making the following predictions:

Neo-nazi and convicted murderer Christopher Brosky in Ward 28: 150 - 200 
Long-time Andrews supporter and Nationalist Party member Bob Smith in Ward 31: 200 - 250
James Sears aka "Dimitri the Lover" (lost medical licence for sexual misconduct, misogynist, and anti-Semite) in Ward 32: 450 - 500 (mostly because of name recognition)

The big one though from our point of view is Paulie running for money.... er.... I mean mayor in Mississauga. He ran in 2010 and took 917 votes (or 0.65%). We're going to predict that he will score around the same, though given the long time incumbent isn't running this year, there may be more of an interest driving up the number of voters. We'll say he breaks a thousand and finishes at 1050.

Time will tell, though we will have fun watching the results. We generally suck at making these kinds of predictions so take what is written with a healthy grain of salt.

UPDATE 1: Don't underestimate the power of name recognition. James Sears is currently at 538 after 27 of 33 polls.

Chris Brosky is also doing better than our estimate sitting at 248 after 56 of 65 polls.

Others seem to be under performing at this point though and there are no results yet for Minden. 

UPDATE 2: Sears is currently at 686 with 2 of 33 polls remaining. Brosky has managed 316 with 3 of 65 polls outstanding. It looks like Smith might end around 250 as he is currently at 24 with a single poll remaining. Andrews is at 953 and doesn't look like he'll reach 1300 at this point.

Fromm is currently at 511 with 346 of 416 polls reporting. Doesn't look like he's going to hit 1000 and his percentage of the total vote is 0.5%, lower than 2010.

Nothing on Beattie, though I'm guessing that once there is a result, the final outcome will be quick.

UPDATE 3: Sears finishes with 797 votes, more than we had guessed, though given he claimed to be ahead in the polls, scoring 3.08% to the winner's 60.916% doesn't even count as a moral victory. Smith finishes with 256 votes, so we did a decent job of predicting at least one election (we did sort of imply that we sucked at this). Brosky 325 votes (or 1.383% of the total in Ward 28).

Fromm doesn't look like he'll be breaking 1000 and is not, as he had claimed, competitive in the race (shocking, we know). Andrews might also struggle to break 1000 votes. Still waiting on Minden, though that looks to be any time this hour now.

UPDATE 4: Looks like Bob Andrews might not even reach the vote tally from 2010. With 1 polling station remaining, he has 1012 votes. And Fromm also looks like he might only barely break 800(correction: he might not break 800).

Finally a result in the Minden race. The incumbent has been re-elected. Nothing about Beattie's vote tally, but we suspect the word minuscule might be appropriate. 

UPDATE 5: Last update. Results in Minden has Beattie taking 214 out of 4564 total votes. We were not certain how many people would vote in the election (we thought perhaps 1000 or 2000) but were off significantly there. In total, Beattie received 4.6% of the vote, not quite the win he had anticipated.

In the Toronto and Mississauga mayoral election, we over-estimated what Andrews and Fromm would receive. Andrews tallied 1012 votes and Fromm 775, both less than what they received in 2010 despite a higher voter turn out.

17 September 2014

September 2014 Bits and Bites: Ontartio Civic Elections Edition

On September 15 we wrote about Paulie's latest quixotic effort to achieve electoral office and noted that he has received an endorsement from the august leader of one of the numerous KKK factions in the United States, Tom Robb:

To get an idea of how pleasant a fellow Tommy Robb is, we provide these additional images:

Now, a normal politician might shy away from a character like Robb but Paulie, of whom there is little that is normal, happily accepted the Klan kudos:

1 September 2014

John Beattie's Blind List and the Civic Election in Minden

On August 10, we posted an article concerning Jeff Goodall's efforts to win a seat on the Oshawa city council. As an unrepentant member of the old Edmund Burke Society and as an unrepentant racist, we were quite interested in his campaign. His friend, former leader of the Canadian Nazi Party John Beattie who is campaigning for the position of deputy reeve in Minden, Ontario, was quite happy with our article as he believed it would result in more votes for Goodall. However Goodall dropped out not long after our article was published citing the difficulties of a city-wide campaign. We had, somewhat tongue in cheek, taken some credit for his leaving the race. Goodall denied our article had anything to do with his dropping out of the race, Beattie at one point believed that our article was a contributing factor. Soon after though he apologized to Goodall for having written that the ARC article "scared [Goodall]" and caused his departure from the race.

Now, if our readers are wondering how we know so much about this, the reason is that we have had access to Beattie's email blind list for close to three years. Well, indirect access. We aren't on the blind list itself, but we are on another mailing list in which Beattie's messages are also included. Call it a sort of racist news aggregate. We never paid much attention to his messages (we actually got to the point where we were deleting the mailing list messages we were receiving from this source because they weren't especially interesting or useful), however Beattie's decision to seek elective office in Mindan resulted in our keeping tabs on his messages.

A few of his earlier messages, including one where he states his belief that elections are a waste of time as well as one that mentions lil' ol' ARC, are included here:

Back briefly to Goodall, we actually have Beattie to thank for letting us know that Goodall was running in the first place:

15 August 2014

Jeff Goodall Withdraws Candidacy in Oshawa

A few days ago we published an article regarding former Edmund Burke Society member Jeff Goodall and his efforts to win a council seat in the upcoming Oshawa civic election. Former Nazi leader John Beattie, who is running for the position of deputy reeve in Minden, ON, really couldn't contain his glee. Aside from the fact that he continues to believe we are the ARA, Beattie doesn't seem to think that our coverage will result in an increase in Goodall's overall vote. While we sincerely doubt that to be the case, we're sure that our focus on Goodall did result in at least one Oshawa resident taking notice:

Hey, if you are comfortable with an endorsement from the Goudreau, have at 'er.

But it seems that Beattie might have counted his chickens a little bit. Not long after we published our Goodall article, Beattie posted a link to it on his Facebook profile giddy with excitement. That post in no longer found anywhere on his profile.

We think this might be why:

5 August 2014

Beattie and Brosky Endorsed by Andrews and Bob Smith

Ugh. We should have known that Bob Smith, another of Don Andrews' Android followers and a perennial candidate himself, would be running in the Toronto municipal election. Smith is running on Ward 31 on an explicitly racist platform which, no doubt, will be wildly successful in a multiethnic and relatively progressive city like Toronto. But being the selfless fella that he is, he also gives a shout-out to his fellow racist candidates:


Normally, one would think such a characterization as a "racist candidate" would be a label that said candidate would vigorously reject. It's sort of the kiss of death in electoral politics.

But then there's John Beattie who apparently believes that any publicity (including that provided by us) is good publicity:

Come this September, he might not feel the same way.

We leave our readers to ponder this last statement while looking at photos of John Beattie leading members of the Canadian Nazi Party in a march in Allen Gardens, an organization he now claims never existed.

31 July 2014

Neo-Nazi and Convicted Murderer Running For Toronto Council

The Toronto civic election, already a three ring circus, needs some clowns. And for that you can always rely on Don Andrews and his Androids:

Seated around Andrews' table with him at the weekly gathering were five people who had jobs. The rest of those present stood around the table; numbering about 10 people, Andrews called them his "Androids": unemployed persons who lived in Andrews' rooming houses. We were told that Andrews took the cheques they received, subtracted the rent and other expenses, and gave them the rest of their money, making a big production

Last time we heard the name Christopher Brosky was when Michelle Erstikaitis was name dropping him in an effort to bolster her neo-Nazi street cred:

I first came into the movement at fourteen years old, dating my first Skinhead, and then I continued dating skinheads for most of my life. The most recent high profile guy that I went out with is Chris Brosky, a Northern Hammerskin.(Yes, the same Chris from Texas who killed a black man)

However, as Erstikaitis alludes to and which we detail in "The History of Violence," Brosky was well known to us before for another far more serious reason:

22 July 2014

Former Canadian Nazi Leader John Beattie Running For Muncipal Office

Our readers might question why we would devote any print to John Beattie, a relic of a bygone era still desperately claiming relevance in the White Nationalist movement in Canada through his moribund British Peoples League. That is perhaps a fair question. Beattie has not been relevant since the 1989 rally he held on his property made national news and it could be argued that he has truly not been relevant since the 1960s when he founded and lead the Canadian Nazi Party. Interestingly, he has now denied there ever was a Nazi Party in Canada and that he was manipulated by the Canadian Jewish Conference into creating the group; the CJC had infiltrated the group in order to monitor the threat they presented.

On this blog, we first discussed Beattie in detail when he tried to organize a second event on property near Minden, Ontario where he has lived now for decades. The event again made national news, however unlike the 1989 concert and rally, the 2011 event was cancelled in large part because of the bad press and those who had committed to participating pulling out. Although we do discuss him from time to time in relation to other stories, we don't give the Beattie more print than he is worth and he isn't really worth much to begin with.

Then, a few months ago, he suggested that he was going to put forth his name as a candidate for deputy reeve in Minden. As a result we made a point of keeping more up to date on him than we otherwise would. It took him some time to scrape together the $100.00 registration fee, but eventually took the plunge and is officially a candidate:

Screen shot from Beattie's campaign website

15 June 2014

Keegstra's Death: Relic of the Past Responds

That James Keegstra did not die on June 12 when the news became public, but in fact died 10 days earlier, is telling. The name Keegstra was still mentioned occasionally by the likes of Fromm when he rambled on about Sec. 319 and about free speech in an abstract way, but the man himself had been largely forgotten, drifting into obscurity soon after his final sentencing hearing in 1996. Even his contemporaries appear to have forgotten about him and it seems that few even attempted to remain in touch with the man they, at the time, lionized and rallied around.

Of his contemporaries, many like John Ross Taylor, Doug Christie, Wolfgang Droege, and Martin Wiche have died. Others like John Beattie, Don Andrews, and Ernst Zundel have yet to acknowledge Keegstra's passing, in part because they have shied away from their more colorful past (Like Beattie, who is running for Deputy Reeve in Minden, Ontario) or couldn't be bothered to care.

Such is the nature of the White Nationalist movement.

But at least one of those infamous old relics from the past has decided to make a rare appearance. Terry Long, like Keegstra, disappeared not long after of the Canadian branch of the Aryan Nations' he lead collapsed. Last we heard he was living in Ontario, but he does periodically pop up from time to time. He ran for office under the Doug Christie-led Western Canadian Concept Party. We know that it was Long whom Todd Conroy (former BC Volksfront leader) had been visiting when he got into a near fatal motorcycle accident. And we know that he still keeps up on the state of the movement, as we copies of emails sent by Long to some of the more contemporary members of the movement dating to the 2000s. So while he might not be active anymore, he certainly hasn't changed his views. And when Keegstra died Long (eventually) decided to break his silence as well.

Actually, Western historians generally agreed that the number of Jews who died in Auschwitz numbered between 800,000 and 1.35 million since at least 1961 and the Soviet numbers had been long discarded, but why should we expect revisionists like Long to be accurate?

Paul Fromm also got around to posting a eulogy of sorts, but we aren't sure that yet another one of Paulie's  self-promoting missives is really all that necessary here.

While Keegstra's obscurity is telling, it is also fitting. And so is the fact that his remaining contemporaries will eventually follow him, some likely sooner than others. Ernst Zundel is 75, Long has to be at least in his 70s,  and Don Andrews is around 72. John Beattie, someone who sounds to be in the early stages of dementia, is in his early 70s (UPDATE: Beattie is 72) and Paul Fromm in his mid 60s. Another 10, 15 years....

There will come a point when these men too will shuffle off their mortal coil and their names forgotten. We find this fact to be a comforting one.

6 April 2014

Tone Deaf: Southern Ontario Skinheads Post Videos of March

Sometimes, it really is fun to watch the boneheads self-destruct all on their own. Either through infighting or through ultimately counterproductive behavior, the final result is inevitable.

Take the blowback from the failed "White Man's March" that took place last month. The event was really an unmitigated disaster no matter how those in the movement try to spin it. The only people who actually seems genuinely pleased with the outcome of the march in Canada were John Beattie, Paulie Fromm, and the mouth-breathers in the Southern Ontario Skinheads. But even this resulted in a fair amount of online bickering as Beattie, who if we are to be fair is not exactly much of a player in the Canadian scene. That didn't stop both Paulie and the SOS responded then and some other SOS members responded again later:

The crux of Beattie's concern is that he argues, in all honestly correctly, that overt links to Nazism hurts the cause of, "White Nationalists." So Beattie believes while the Neo-Nazi boneheads will one day serve the purpose of protecting the big thinkers like himself (because he actually views himself as a big thinker), they should leave the public relation stunts to folks like Kyle Hunt who organized the White Man's March.

Because certainly Kyle Hunt wouldn't have anything to do with something as distasteful as the Neo-Nazi movement, right?

Well, Beattie might have to get used to being disappointed:

So really, these guys participating in an event in which boneheads are indeed welcome shouldn't be all that much of a shock:

Managed to get the last name we were not certain about.
So, let's shift our focus back to the Southern Ontario Skinheads, shall we?

The life span of groups like the SOS are between 6 months and 3 years, though a few manage to make it to 5 years. They ultimately fail in large part as a result of the inadequacies of the membership itself. Thus far there is nothing in the SOS that lead us to conclude they will be no different. In fact, given what we've seen we think they are already setting up their own imminent collapse.

Much of the membership itself has some problems with self-control. As members of a gang SOS members derive a sense of power as being part of a larger group. And when they feel empowered, they attempt to intimidate (and threaten) their opposition into silence:



It also doesn't help that a number of the folks now in or associated with the SOS have rather extensive criminal records, including one of their more recent members:

Long term survival in groups such as the SOS require self-control and regulation. Does anyone believe the SOS are capable of these feats?

But you don't have to take our word for it. How about from the horses' mouth? In addition to the few photos they posted online, the SOS decided it would be a good idea to video their march through the streets of Kingston. Because, you know, how could that go poorly?


Complaining about the cold? Come on! Do you think Ragnar Lothbrok would complain about the cold? Some viking warriors you guys are!

The following videos are really the ones that are indicative of the mind set of the SOS membership. As you're watching these videos, we want you to consider how the average Kingston resident would react to a gang such as this walking down the street:

24 March 2014

White Man's March and Canadian Factionalism

You know, we have to admit to having a bit of a soft spot for Sebastian Ronin of the grandiose sounding Renaissance Party of North America. Sure, he's an unjustifiably arrogant bigot with delusions of grandeur, but when he is able to provoke reactions from boneheads such as this particular Rhodes Scholar, one can't help but be just a little appreciative of the work he is doing:


Later, the masked narrator in the above video did a public reading of James Thurber's "The Night the Bed Fell" at the New York Public Library.

Ronin is a bit of a shit disturber. And he's really proud of that notoriety. When the White Man March inevitably failed and the few participant were mocked by.... well.... almost everyone who was even aware of the effort in the first place, Ronin couldn't help saying, "told you so" in as wonderfully dickish a way possible:

Ah, the New Orleans Protocol. We'll get to that again soon enough.

There's a lot more to the exchange, but we think this provides the gist of it.

Still, there was at least one Canadian who believes that the event was an unbridled success:

BTW, thanks for allowing the public to view your profile John.
John Beattie, former leader of the Canadian Nazi Party, current spokesperson for the British People's League (which exists solely as a website and YouTube channel), and fading, doddering, relic of a bygone era desperately trying to claim relevancy in a movement that has LONG passed him by, was overjoyed by the "massive" success of the march. Still, one has to keep in mind that he also has spoken of the avalanche of interest in his efforts as evidenced by the fact that his, "youtubes" have been watched by dozens of people. Still, Beattie was disappointed that there was no march held in Canada, though he didn't know at the time that there were in fact two marches.

15 February 2014

The Failure of "Cobbsville" Part VI: The Canadian Reaction

We hadn't planned on writing another entry in our Cobbsville series, however the following brief message was left in the comments section of Part V:

can we get a sixth part chornciling the epic fail of the cobbsaga

We can't disappoint our fans now can we?

Since our last post on the subject Craig Cobb (who having shaved and gotten a haircut is looking far less like Krusty the Kobb now) begun....

.... and concluded a hunger strike. Had his bail set at over a million dollars which he could not pay and then set at a much lower amount which he still could not pay (we wonder why his "millionaire" friend, the convicted sex offender who founded and runs the White Nations forum, can't seem to help Cobb out)....

....pathetically begged for the charges against him be dropped on the promise he would leave North Dakota forever, sold a number of the properties he purchased in Leith, and had his most trusted ally turn against him in return for agreeing to testify against Cobb.

In short, Cobb appears to be hooped.

Now are readers know that as a result of living in Canada for 5 years a number of decades ago, Craig Cobb was able to apply for and receive Canadian citizenship. But except for those 5 years and the couple of years he lived in Vancouver after being deported from Latvia, his fidelity to this nation might be somewhat in question.

So, how have our home-grown boneheads reacted to the Craig Cobb saga in North Dakota:

22 October 2011

Beattie Troubles and Where Have the Boneheads Gone?

Hey, remember John Beattie? Of course you do if you're a reader of this blog or if you are at all interested in the history of the Canadian racist movement.

It appears that someone has made a complaint against Mr. Beattie and he's a little concerned about it now:

In fact, Beattie spoke about this on his really bad Internet radio program the same day he posted his last request to Dan Martin or, "OdinPatrick" as he was known on Stormfront.

Normally we wouldn't provide the link, but we'll make one of our rare exceptions in this case.

But as interesting as this turn of events is, we were actually more interested by something else we found. Take a close look the above screenshot. Notice anything different? Here's another one:

6 September 2011

Martin Weiche of the Canadian Nazi Party Dead

Well, another of the old guard of the Canadian racist movement has died. Martin K. Weiche, member of the John Beattie led Canadian Nazi Party (Weiche would later go on to lead what must have been the tiny Canadian National Socialist Part) died on September 2.

24 August 2011

Part II: And How Does the Extreme Right React to Jack Layton's Passing? Exactly How You Would Expect

In our last article, we discussed briefly the reaction of those one might consider to be "mainstream" conservatives to the news of Jack Layton's death. Those reactions seem to range from sincere admiration for a respected adversary to general douchebaggery. However we didn't discuss the reaction of those we cover on this blog.

Yep, the boneheads have something to say too.

There is a belief that one can measure the worth of a person by the respect that his or her ideological opponents has for that person. In all likelihood, this was intended to apply to ideological opponents who are mainstream and here Jack fares very well. However, we at ARC believe that one can measure the worth of a person by how hated that person is by the most vile, loathsome elements of our society.

16 May 2011

The Sad Life of John Beattie

We don't intend this to be a long post, but we did see it as somewhat telling of the state of the, "White Nationalist" movement over the long term.

On this blog, we have written about John Beattie who in the 1960s came to minor prominence as the leader of the Canadian Nazi Movement. He fell in and out of the media through the 70s, only to re-appear in 1989 when he hosted a celebration for fellow racists on land near his home in Minden, Ontario. Now, he posts the occasional rambling message on Stormfront, operates a poorly constructed website for his British Peoples' League (which, while appearing to consist of himself and a few seemingly elderly drinking buddies, he seems to believe will soon be an international force to be reckoned with..... as soon as someone, anyone, is willing to start donating money for the cause... really, anyone and any amount.... a dollar even.... hell, they'd be pleased to be given a half-eaten sandwich at this point) and finally a rambling Internet "radio" program that has the feel of an "old man yelling at the kids to get off of his lawn" to it.

1 April 2011

McKee and Beattie Update

It looks like Kyle McKee was released after serving close to two months for uttering threats towards Jason Devine. The is the bad news.

The good news is that he may now be in jail in Regina.

Realizing that this is April 1, we'll update this when we receive information that confirms this news.

UPDATE 1: Confirmation that McKee is in custody in Regina.

UPDATE 2: McKee was never released. He was actually transported to Regina to face charges while still in custody.

Also, it looks as if the good people of Minden needn't worry about John Beattie bringing his friends to the community on July 1:

27 March 2011

What's Old is New Again: John Beattie Planning, "White Pride" Event in Minden, ON

We've mentioned William John Beattie a few times on these pages as he occasionally posts on Stormfront. To give our readers a bit of an idea about Beattie, here is one of his more recent posts:

His other posts are more or less as coherent most of the time

Beattie's main claim to fame is that, in the 1960s, he was the leader of the Canadian Nazi Party, though he now is the, "leader" of a group by the name of the British People's League, of which he appears to be one of the few members. So, why should we cover this relic of the 60s now?

Perhaps inspired by other recent marches and in an attempt to relive the, "good old days" Beattie is organizing a "White Pride" celebration in Minden, Ontario:

2 March 2011

Boneheads Turning on Paulie?

Oh, K.G. You make it so hard not to make fun of you.

No, we're not going to discuss, "he who shall remain unnamed" even though the exchanges on Stormfront are hilarious. However, when we were reading through the comments, we did come across one that we felt we should share with our readers: