Showing posts with label Hughes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hughes. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2011

Update on Inquest into Death of Jeff Hughes

By Jenn McGarrigle - Nanaimo News Bulletin
Published: July 29, 2011 9:00 AM
Updated: July 29, 2011 10:51 AM

Massive blood loss from gunshot wounds caused the death of Jeffrey Scott Hughes, a coroner’s inquest into his death heard Thursday.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jeff Hughes Death in the News

This came out in the evening on Tuesday. Shall we anticipate the response of the boneheads?

No charges in police shooting of white supremacist

Date: Sunday May. 22, 2011 5:37 PM PT

The Victoria Police Department has decided not to recommend charges in the shooting death of Jeffery Scott Hughes, a Nanaimo resident killed in a confrontation with Mounties almost two years ago. 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Craig Cobb Apparently No Longer Canada's Problem

It had been reported a while back that Craig Cobb had been arrested in Vancouver where he had been living since being deported from Estonia last summer. Later we learned that he may have been released. At the time we weren't certain of the reason for his arrest, though given his extreme rhetoric and association with Podblanc (which is still offline as we write this article), we figured that it had something to do with violating hate crime laws.

Last week we received a note stating that Cobb was now in Montana. Unfortunately we were a bit busy and didn't follow the lead up until today (anyone interested in being an ARC Collective intern?), but it seems that may be the case. Glenn Miller on VNN has apparently been in contact with Cobb and wrote a post providing some details last week:

At the same time, we received several messages from people who wrote that Cobb had posted a lengthy account of this arrest and his, "escape" from Canada on a racist blog. We won't post a link to the blog, but we will provide his account in full in all it's paranoid glory (spelling and grammatical errors left as he wrote them, though we included some links):

On Thursday, June 17th, I was arrested by Corporals Faulkner and Terri Wilson of the RCMP, the latter being the head of the Hate Crime Unit--and himself an unindicted murderer co-conspirator of Jeff Hughes of Nanaimo. Wilson's female partner on the "hate sqaud" [sic] had emptied her weapon into the unarmed Hughes at distance. I subsequently made a video calling the two murderers and taunting them. Doug Christie, the most renowned free speech lawyer in Canada was kind enough to consult with me from the Vancouver jail. He explained that the B.C. attorney general had to accede to the charge against me--the willful [sic] promotion of hate--which he/she eventually apparently did do...the charge, Christie stated, being considered as serious as murder nor [sic] rape in Canada, though (I believe) with merely a 3 year penalty.

Subsequently I was released and immediately began making plans for successful flight. On Dominion Day, July 1, 2010, I commenced a 30 mile cross-mountain/alpine meadow line-of-sight compass trek from Elko, BC after a 16 hour Greyhound bus trip. I arrived at Roosville, Montana border crossing at 8AM, July 3rd, having escaped from Canuckistan, The Jewish, Chinese, and East Indian People's Dominion.

It is my general belief that senior "last gasp" White elements of the US Customs and Borper [sic] Protection, Secret Service, NSA, CIA, FBI et al must be generally sympathetic--partially, tacitly aiding WN political autonomies, even without our commonly accepted knowledge. I cleared customs in between 30 to 45 minutes. There were no political questions whatsoever...just a very professional and courteous backward/spread legged disarming from my belt-hatchet--which I of course informed them I was carrying, having been on a woods trip.

Richard Fadden, the 58 year old head of Canadian Security and Intelligence Services, two weeks ago stated that foreign elements were unduly influencing/controlling provincial level and municipal level officials in multiple provinces. Later he specifically named China, and it is widely believed India and Israel are the other two manipulating nations. There are 600,000 ethnic Chinese in metropolitan Vancouver and 500,000 ethnic East Indians. Whites are a factual numerical minority.

Fadden was immediately excoriated by Bilderberger attendee BC premier Gordon Campbell and Prime Minister Gordon Campbell [we assume he meant Stephen Harper], despite Fadden's perfect reputation as a particularly conscientious cabinet level federal admin. It should be noted that known conduits to the ADL, SPLC, and AIPAC-- the Canadian Anti Racists Action-- had made online statements that Podblanc and myself were under investication [sic] by Fadden's CSIS. If this is correct, it is entirel;y [sic] possible that Fadden and/or his staff were in part inspired to release the truth of foreign control of high level Canadian officials by incisive Podblanc teaching videos.

During last week's G-20 meeting in Toronto, Ralph Nader stated on the CBC that a billion dollars had been spent on security for the few-days event--over $100,000,000 more than on security for the Vancouver Olympics, itself an outlandish sum. Nader went on to state that the event could have easily been held at a remote castle-like mansion outside of Quebec City. However, the shrieking, domineering pomp of the Rothschild Jewish mega-billionaires cabal could not have been achieved by such relative anonymity; hence, the Orwellian demonstartion [sic] of utter, overwhelming planetary dominance.

Jeff Hughes' unindicted murderer Terri Wilson of the RCMP seized, in a search of my unserviced garage hideout behind the 30-some story Plaza Landmark Hotel on Robson Street, my Macbook, two other laptops, my primary religious text, Nature's Eternal Religion, 4 cameras, a large LED spotlight, 2,250 year old swazi coin rings from the long extinct Tocharian Yuezhi and Kushan-Kunindas civilizations, the English language transcript of my Estonian trial, my US passport, and a legal woolly mammoth tusk on which I had stated in one video I planned to carve swastikas as had been found on a 10,000 year old wooly mammoth tusk in the Ukraine. I had suggested in the video I might present one of the carvings to Jeff Schoep and NSM for their highly public street work work against Mexican invaders.

During interrogation, I stated "five words" to Wilson and Faulkner approximately 150 to 250 times. Wilson told me that I "had been arrested because of the Jews". As a quick afterthought he added--"and to a lesser degree because of the blacks...and other races". He was inordinately concerned that I "wanted to found a White country".

So far, four nations have either tried and convicted me for hate speech crimes (Kingdom of Sweden convicted in absentia and Estonian in-person trial; Finland and Canada arrested and remanded for trial). We hate that which threatens that which we love. Or as Linder puts it: "The term 'racism' is genocide. It is the attempted mass murder of Whites".

I will most probably take a lesson from Terrible Tommy Metzger and Glenn Miller and run for Congress from a northwestern Montana district in an internet/door-to-door campaign in 2012, by which tuime [sic] unemployment will surely have hit Weimar 35% levels. I will run on James Bowery's 3 point platform with the simple additions of outlawing the Federal Reserve, AIPAC, ADL and SPLC. The SPLC will be investigated and its members and cash contibuters [sic] will be convicted as the bombers of OKC. As well, I will support unilaterally transferring/converting all the USA's Jewish and part-Jewish citizens into global Israeli citizens. In other words, their American citizenships [sic] will be officially changed into deported "dishonorary" [sic] and actual Israeli citizenships [sic] (whether or not Israel approves)--a service for which the White American taxpayers have pre-paid many times over through decades of extreme monetary gifts to Israel.

It is fantastical that loud-mouthed. cocksure [sic] of himself, terribly homely Jew Ken Feinberg has been named the Obama BP oil spill payout-control czar for the southern gulf states. This is roughly equivalent to Dr. William L. Pierce being appointed to admin a NYC/CT area ecological disaster. Who can forget that aged Jew Henry Kissenger [sic] was originally slotted to sanitize the Israeli 911 attack and Jew Philip D. Zelikow finally executed that lie?

I want to thank the Montana militiaman and his Jesse James-descended wife who picked me up 60 miles into my walk just outside Olney, MT. There is no public transport up here; my knee and foot were swollen.

The Podblanc team will of course work to get Podblanc onto new servers ASAP. Thanks to the Podblanc team. If anyone cares to write me: Craig Cobb, General Delivery, Kalispell, MT 59903 (I think the zip is correct) I will try to read any personal messages here on ***** *********.

Craig Cobb
Kalispell, Montana,
July 6th, 2010

So on the one hand we're pleased that the BC Hate Crimes Division dealt with Cobb, we are disappointed that a trial seems to be out of the question right now given he's out of the country.

Cobb later added more information regarding his, er... political aspirations:

Turns out there is a sole US representative for all Montana, so I may as well run for US Senate from Montana in 2012.

Also, one Andrew J. Bonfield--a probable Jew [lawyer] who I peered at through the glass without my glasses was curious about Creativity. I told him that we live in a soft Jewish dictatorship in which they can no longer crush our testicles with special pliers as the Jews did to Whites in Lithuania in WWll. His voice immediately became ebullient: "It's pretty good, isn't it!"

It takes two to three weeks just to upload Podblanc's almost 20,000 videos to new servers. Maybe we will use Metzger's server company. I am not yet in touch with the Podblanc cell. You Tube has been online 5 years; Podblanc 3 years--we will be back to culturally influence the world. We certainly could use help with server costs.

New contact phone and address for media or personal communications:
Craig Cobb
124 9th Ave. West, Kalispell Montana 59901
Friday, July 9th, 2010
Phone 406-257-5801

The phone number and address are for a homeless shelter in Kalispell which Cobb also mentions later in a further paranoid post on the blog:

I am Craig Cobb; I think there is a good chance that new signup "Andrex" on VNNF is RCMP Terri Wilson, one of the two primary murderers of WN Jeff Hughes. I had googled "Andrex" and saw it to be a Brit toilet paper brand too. Even in their "investigations", these esteemed-up shabbos "Unitarian" racial moralists can't resist judeo crissed-insane based slurs. At least, Andrex is likely an anti.

My new email is craigcobbpodblanc@*******.com Anyone can phone me at that VNNF telephone number too. I'd like to find April Gaede and her husband Mark Harrington.

The shelter I stay at accepts is federally funded. My religion is Creativity which differs from theirs. All my political and journalistic works are seminally, religiously informed and predicated.

I just read an interesting story in April 2010 Wired mag about Gerald Blanchard, a Canadian master thief who served less than 2 years and is currently in a Vancouver halfway house. Blanchard served less time than several "thought criminals" in the Jewish, Chinese and East Indian People's Dominion of Canuckistan.

I did NOT write these two paragraphs which Andrex melded into my WR Blog posts:

One thing you have to laugh at is Taylor Bowles' blog. Everytime they expose him a little more, he runs over and starts belching out more generic white power essays. It's like he thinks that increasing his pro white act will sway anyone coming to his site. It's more transparent than window glass.

Now he's over there comparing how communists run candidates the right way and white nationalists do it all wrong. You ran for president and blew tens of thousands of dollars, you fucking idiot. Where do you have to stand and tell anyone about politics? Notice how the communist run for realistic offices that they are likely at least somewhat qualified to hold? I bet he blew at least 50k on his campaign. And then he'll turn around and bitch about the NSM selling records to people.

So, what was once our problem is now, sadly once again, our American friend's problem.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jeff Hughes: "They'll Never Take Me Alive"

The boneheads on Stormfront have painted Jeff Hughes (the neo-Nazi killed in Nanaimo lthis past October) as at best, a victim of overzealous police officers and, at worst, the victim of a calculated murder by the RCMP bent on taking out a White Nationalist activist. Even Paulie, whom Hughes had heard speak not long before his death, has gotten into the act.

Well, perhaps, just perhaps, Mr. Hughes was not the harmless man he's being portrayed as by the boneheads:
Man involved with neo-Nazi groups said police wouldn't take him alive 
Danielle Bell, Canwest News ServiceThursday, December 24, 2009 
The week before he died, Jeff Hughes told a former employer that if the police visited again they would not take him alive. 
"He told me he had a gun. I never saw it. I believed him," recalled Tyler Madison, 54, on Tuesday. "He told me, 'If they come to arrest me, they won't take me out of here in handcuffs.'" 
Hughes was shot and killed by police outside his downtown Nanaimo apartment on Oct. 23.

Madison considered himself to be Hughes's mentor and friend, despite his strong opposition to Hughes's involvement with neo-Nazi groups. He last saw Hughes briefly a week before his death, and says the man he describes as intelligent, charming and funny seemed depressed and agitated, and concerned about disputes with neighbours about noise. Madison feared at the time that Hughes was suicidal. 
He never married, had no children and no close family relationships, said Madison, adding Hughes was devastated two years ago when his cherished dog was put down.
His involvement with neo-Nazi groups brought Hughes to the attention of police. 

"I think that might have been him crying out for help," said Madison. "The social system failed him. People fall through the cracks." 
After his death, almost no one came forward to talk about Hughes, 48, and relatively little was known about the man whose life would end in a rare police shooting. 
Madison, who met Hughes when they both worked at a small Nanaimo information technology firm, said Hughes was lonely, financially strapped and suffering from a lot of pain due to arthritis. He took painkillers and was on lifelong disability payments. He did not have a driver's license and fixed the odd computer for a fee. 
Hughes shared with Madison stories of a troubled life, including a struggle with drugs and alcohol while living on Toronto streets as a teenager, a brief jail stint, a stay in a psych ward. 
He bounced from job to job and community to community, working as a chef and with computers.
Madison said Hughes was unhappy about being visited by an RCMP anti-hate crime unit, who were reportedly looking into his alleged distribution of hate propaganda. 
Police have yet to release much information about the shooting including how many officers were involved, how many times Hughes was shot and whether he had a weapon. 
The Vancouver Island Integrated Major Crime Unit is leading the investigation, which includes an independent observer with the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP. The inquiry could take up to a year.
So, did did Hughes meet the RCMP with a weapon? Perhaps time will tell?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Confirmation: Jeff Hughes (nishinexile) Involved In Fatal Encounter With RCMP

The mainstream media has now confirmed what we reported on that it was Jeff Hughes who was shot by the RCMP:

Investigation into B.C. police shooting widens

Last Updated: Monday, October 26, 2009
CBC News

An independent observer from the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP and a member of the force's office of investigative standards and practices were in Nanaimo, B.C., on the weekend in the aftermath of a fatal shooting by police of a purported white supremacist.

The Vancouver Island Integrated Major Crime Unit says its officers continue their investigation into the death Friday of 48-year-old Jeffrey Hughes.

Hughes was fatally shot following a standoff with RCMP officers responding to a noise complaint. He was shot after he came out with what police say appeared to be a weapon.

An inspector from the Victoria Police Department is also monitoring the investigation.

Hughes was a member of a white supremacist group called Northwest Front Canada, according to the Vancouver Sun.

Some online postings from related organizations accused the police of killing Hughes because of his political affiliations, a charge denied by police.

RCMP spokesman Sgt. Peter Thiessen said the man's death was "no execution and when all the facts are made public it will become apparent what happened."

Last month, the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police asked the province to create an independent unit to investigate deaths involving police and serious allegations against officers, in order to ensure public confidence in such investigations.

The province did not commit to creating such a unit.

With files from The Canadian Press
Those, "online postings from related organizations" accusing the police of a politically motivated assassination refer primarily, though not exclusively, to Stormfront where there is not one, but two threads concerning the incident. Some of the posters of Stormfront are referring to the shooting of an, "act of war":

Perhaps this is as good a time as any to remind our readers, and any Alberta law enforcement officer, that Bill Noble (Leto Atreides II) is in violation of the terms of his release and has been since the day he was released from prison.

The racists on Stormfront are painting Hughes as a mild, passive and non-violent individual. And certainly not someone who had a firearm. OdinPatrick, the moderator of the Canadian forum on Stormfront and who had been with Hughes on October 16, makes the following claim when he was still uncertain that it was Hughes who had been shot:

I hope you have your information wrong NHV, and it was some indian they shot. If it's Jeff, then I just lost a friend and my condolences to his family. Last time I talked to him he was just telling me he lives in a Ghetto, and that his building is full of indians and blacks and they play their music all night long. I don't understand this, he doesn't have any guns, and doesn't even carry a knife or pepper spray, and when I was in Vancouver, he discouraged me from carrying "dog/bear/pepper" spray because he doesn't believe in using weapons for defence or something like that. Obviously the RCMP female officer who shot him believes in weapons, it sounds like he may slapped her and he was shot 10 times for that offence.

However, in another news article concerning Mr. Hughes, a neighbour claimed that he did possess weapons:

She did see a Nazi flag on his apartment wall and several guns. She didn't take his neo-Nazi interests seriously and wasn't concerned about in his guns
The same woman made the following statement concerning the shooting itself:

David had no doubt that the officer who shot Hughes had no choice.

"They couldn't stop Jeff, he went off his rocker. This is just this one night. It was an ongoing thing for months here."

Now this woman isn't someone with a grudge against Hughes. In fact it appears she believed he was harmless, and even liked him in spite of his neo-Nazi beliefs which she claims he never tried to force on her. That being said she also believes, based upon how Mr. Hughes was acting, that the shooting was justified. She's not happy about Hughes' death and has no agenda that she's trying to promote unlike the folks on Stormfront or, for that matter, us.

That there needs to be a police statement about this incident is a given. We hope for a statement in the coming days. Such a statement will not mollify the extremists who have already made up their own minds concerning the shooting of Jeff Hughes, though Bill Noble does suggest that allowing the people who have already prejudged the police as political murderers to take over the investigation:

We're not entirely certain if Noble was being serious here.

Again, violating terms of his release for almost two years now. We're just say'n.....

We don't really know what transpired. We hope to know soon.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

White Supremacist Believed to Have Been Killed By Police in Nanaimo

Jeff Hughes, better known on Stormfront as "nish in exile" is reported to have been shot and killed by R.C.M.P. officers in Nanaimo, B.C.:

Neighbours not surprised by fatal gunplay
Man dies after "police-involved" shooting
Danielle Bell, Nanaimo Daily News

Published: Friday, October 23, 2009

The fatal shooting of a 48-year-old man by Nanaimo police outside a Selby Street apartment on Friday morning came as little surprise to some neighbourhood residents.

The 6 a.m. RCMP response to a noise complaint at the property was not an unusual occurrence according to neighbours, some of whom reported hearing multiple gunshots. Drug-related problems are common in the area, they said.

Nanaimo RCMP officials turned over the shooting investigation to the Vancouver Island Integrated Major Crime Unit and said they have previously visited the building from disturbance and noise complaints. In June, RCMP investigated a complaint of two men shooting at each other in the area.

Friday's incident began when officers called to 531 Selby St. encountered a 48-year-old man. Police called in the emergency response team and a police dog, "given the nature of the subject's response to police." Officials would not elaborate.

Police said multiple shots were fired after the man came outside the residence and confronted officers, who were waiting for the arrival of the specialized teams. Witnesses report hearing as many as 10 gunshots. Several residents who looked outside saw several officers crouched with guns drawn and heard police yell "drop your weapon."

RCMP officials will not say if the man was armed, how many shots were fired or if more than one officer shot at the man.

The victim died outside, where his body was blocked from view by sheets strung along property fences. It was removed about nine hours later. His identity was withheld pending notification of next of kin. No one else was injured.

"If our officers used lethal force, they're faced with death or grievous bodily harm," said RCMP E-Division spokesman Sgt. Rob Vermeulen late Friday. "The RCMP regrets this tragic loss of life and is co-operating fully in this investigation."

Police continue to gather and confirm details and have not determined who shot the man. They would not say if other use of force options, such as a Taser, were used.

Vermeulen said the event was "very traumatic" for officers involved, who are being offered counselling and other support.

The area is often plagued with a transient population and police said it is not uncommon to respond to drug or prostitution-related problems or disturbances.

Andrea Roy, who recently moved to the area, was not surprised.

It's the reality of the area, said Roy, whose backyard overlooked the fatal scene.

One woman who lives in the building told media the shooting "reminds me of the old days" and was unsettled by the violence. She reported she heard door-slamming and swearing in the hours before the shooting.

John Bosch, who has managed a nearby building for nearly a decade, said he was not shocked that shots were fired only metres away from his downtown home.

Several residents brought up the subject of gang warfare in the Lower Mainland and said they were not surprised violence has spilled over.

"These days it happens quite often," said Bosch.

Sisters Tanya and Cyndi Touchie have lived in the area their entire lives and neither was surprised by the shooting.

"It's where all the action is," said Tanya.

Earlier this year, Nanaimo RCMP responded to the same building after reports that two men where shooting each other. Police said at the time that the gunfire was believed to be linked to the drug trade. No one was injured in that incident.

"It's really sad that nobody is surprised," said neighbour William Overnes, 41, who recently moved into the neighbourhood. "You look at the desperation of people around drugs. A lot of people don't realize what happens in the underworld."

Victoria Police investigators with VIIMCU will lead the investigation, which will be monitored by a senior officer, in the interest of impartiality, said officials. An independent observer with The Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP will also be involved.

It is the third police-involved shooting on Vancouver Island this year.

Last month, a 40-year-old Chemainus man was injured after he was shot by police after a traffic stop.
In March, a 39-year-old Duncan man was shot and killed in his trailer home after police said other efforts to subdue him failed.

The last time police in Nanaimo shot and killed a person was in 1996, involving a man armed with a knife near the Departure Bay B.C. Ferries terminal.

We're still waiting on reports to confirm that it was Hughes who was shot and the circumstances behind the incident. Reports of Hughes' death came to light when Harold Covington, announced on his blog that it was Hughes who was involved in the incident. Covington himself is a well-known American neo-Nazi.