Showing posts with label Craig Cobb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craig Cobb. Show all posts

20 March 2016

Canadians United 4 Canada Founder and Paul Fromm Meet

Hot on the heels of our last story detailing Canadians United 4 Canada and their ties to Canadian neo-Nazis, we see have a related update further cementing the group in the "White Nationalist" camp.

Yesterday Ms. O'Farrell, founder of Canadians United 4 Canada, alluded to some meetings that were taking place soon:

And now thanks to Paulie, we know a little bit more about one of those meetings:

4 October 2015

"Cobbsville Redux" or "The Sequel is Usually Worse Than the Original": Part III

We first learned that Craig Cobb was trying to establish an all-white slum.... er.... community again even after his Leith fiasco back in June, though we couldn't claim to be surprised. His efforts then were met with a collective, "sigh, this again?" from his erstwhile ideological allies who had grown tired of his publicity seeking which they found to be embarrassing, though to be fair he does still maintain some support. Also not surprising was the efforts of the good people of Antler, ND who managed to thwart Cobb's efforts to establish a PLE and rename the village after Donald Trump, which contributed to his also not surprising public temper tantrum on Stormfront.

We collected a lot of acrimonious screen shots from Stormfront. We won't share them all since that would be ridiculous, but we will give our readers a taste of what was written:


And so on....

However, there were two comments that were made which were of interest to us. The first is related to Cobb's brief sojourn here in Canada (we remind our readers that Craig Cobb is, alas, a Canadian citizen through naturalization from back in the 1960s) and his hasty exit out of the country as a result of his arrest on hate crime charged. Paulie conveniently posted the warrant for our perusal:

17 August 2015

"Cobbsville Redux" or "The Sequel is Usually Worse Than the Original": Part II

When we last looked at Craig Cobb's North Dakota efforts, he had set his sights on a new town. Antler, population 20 (give or take) is just a hop, skip, and jump over the Canadian border and a 50 minute drive from this writer's home town. Unable to resist attention, he publicly announced his intentions on Stormfront which was picked up by local, state, and eventually national media.

Since that announcement, Crusty the Cobb appears to have grown smug assuming that no one will be able to thwart his masterful plans this time. He even started taunting the folks in Leith, the town he first tried to take over and where he was ultimately arrested. Cobb seems to now believe that he will be able to have his conviction thrown out, the inhabitants of Leith arrested for persecuting him, and the sheriff's department stuck with a civil lawsuit for an unconstitutional arrest:


We had thought that "Antler, ND" might be Cobb, though we're now leaning towards it being Deborah Dutton. No matter. The world is Craig Cobb's oyster.


Yeah, you knew the wheels were going to fall off soon:

28 June 2015

Canadian Bonehead Response to Charleston Church Murders

When the "National Post" published the article focusing on Paulie's involvement with the Council of Conservative Citizens (CoCC), the hate group that inspired the murder of 9 men and women at Mother Emanel, his friend and fellow CoCC supporter Jared Taylor noted that the story wasn't so bad:

This led to one of the more "out there" exchanges on Facebook that we've experienced in a while:

While it is pretty funny to witness just how disconnected with reality that boneheads can be, the murders in Charleston really did bring out the worst in a lot of those who we cover here on the blog.

13 June 2015

"Cobbsville Redux" or "The Sequel is Usually Worse Than the Original"

Insanity: 1. the condition of being insane; a derangement of the mind. Synonyms: dementia, lunacy, madness, craziness, mania, aberration.

2. (Law) such unsoundness of mind as frees one from legal responsibility, as for committing a crime, or as signals one's lack of legal capacity, as for entering into a contractual agreement.

3. extreme foolishness; a foolish or senseless action, policy, statement, etc.; folly; senselessness; foolhardiness.

4. doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

5. (Noun) Craig Cobb.

Our readers will no doubt vividly recall Craig Cobb's efforts to take over a small, North Dakota hamlet in order to turn it into a White Nationalist enclave. Our readers will further remember the giddy excitement from some boneheads (such as our own Tomasz Winnicki) and the ridicule of the effort by other boneheads. Finally, our readers will remember the absolute disaster of Cobb's attempt to take over the town which ultimately culminated in his arrest and later guilty plea to keep himself out of prison.

When the debacle had passed and he had been released from jail, Cobb suggested that he was done and was going to retire from the movement, at least as a public activist. Considering his desperate need for attention, we never believed him for a moment.

Guess what Craig Cobb is planning to do again?

21 March 2015

Breaking: Individual Shot by Police in Calgary During Altercation at Anti-Racist Rally

REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: If anyone has photos, especially photos of the individual before the shooting took place, we would ask that photos be sent to arc.collective200 (at) gmail (dot) com.

UPDATE 5: The individual who was shot has been named as Morgan Thompson.

UPDATE 1: We have our first photo of the individual who was shot:

Photo courtesy of Saima Jamal.
UPDATE 2: According to someone who claims to have witnessed the event as it went down, the individual who was shot was throwing things he was picking up off the street at the police, but he didn't appear to have been armed.

UPDATE 3: According to the police, there was a brief struggle when they approached the man, after which he allegedly, "produced a metal pipe." Shots were then fired at the man who last we heard was in critical condition.

We hadn't heard of any efforts by the boneheads in Calgary or London to hold a march, though we wouldn't have been surprised if they had. Anti-Racist Action, however, did hold a rally in Calgary to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Racism. During the rally there was an incident:

A group called Anti-Racist Action Calgary was holding its annual rally against racism to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination near City Hall.

Members say a man approached them yelling “white power.” He then started walking west along Stephen Avenue.

“He was quite angry, yelling quite loud. And he spat on the ground. He didn’t do anything more he was just yelling at them,” said Ryan Wellicome, a SAIT journalism student who was at the rally.


“The police got out of a van that was already there and just started to walk towards him just, I think, to make sure he wasn’t going to get aggressive,” explained Sherry Walford, a Mount Royal University student who witnessed the man at the rally.

Police followed the man to a location across the street from the Hyatt Hotel in the back alley of the Palomino bar. A witness in the hotel tells Global News he saw a police van pull up to the alley, and heard several shots fired. Jordan Cummings says he saw police fire a number of shots.

UPDATE 4: There are people claiming that the individual who was shot, and despite shouting "white power" at an anti-racist rally, is not a white supremacist. We aren't sure how much stock we put into these claims at this time as those making the claim did not provide any corroborating details.

In the meantime, the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team are looking for witnesses to the shooting.  

“We know there would have been a number of people in the vicinity in the buildings nearby and the buildings surrounding the alley where the officer involved shooting occurred, and also just pedestrians walking nearby,” Susan Hughson, Executive Director of ASIRT said.

Anyone who saw what happened is asked to contact the ASIRT southern office at 403-592-4306.

Over at Stormfront, the speculation has been rampant as folks there embrace the usual conspiracies boneheads are wont to believe. Included in this list here are Kyle McKee who suggests setting up a collection for the man who was shot, Craig Cobb, and Bill Noble (all three, incidentally, have spent significant time in jail for their particular racially-based crimes):

It is interesting when considering these reactions, especially in relation to the shooting of African-American youths in the United Stated, something that one of the individuals posting in this thread alludes to and seems to suggest was a justifiable use of force:

Evidently, "Neart" hasn't read the news as three of the four police officers involved appear to have been in training, thus were not "highly trained." There is also a photo of a pipe which the police allege was used in the incident. 

UPDATE 6: Information about Thompson is still sketchy, but one person posting to Reddit claiming to know the man who was shot is suggesting that he was not a white supremacist:

I knew this guy. He's not a white supremacist. What he is is an asshole. A loser still living the high school life 12 plus years late.

I don't know him personally but I've seen the other losers he associates with all over social media crying out for undeserved justice.

From what I gather he was "trolling" and "goofing" with those at the rally. Cops wanted to ask him questions and he bolted. Cornered him in an alley and shot him. Metal pipe? They claim it was a bike seat.

I don't really care about the story or the guy. Apparently he is in a long term relationship with a woman of another race.

Until more information is forthcoming, we've changed the title of the article to fit our current understanding of what occurred yesterday.