Monday, March 17, 2008

Canadian Combat18 Moderators

Combat18 is one of the most violent racist movements in Europe, at least west of Berlin, Germany. There are no Canadian chapters per se (though Volksfront is affiliated with a rival Blood and Honour alliance of movements), but there are individuals who consider themselves to be a part of the movement, if only peripherally. The Combat18 forum's Canadian section is usually moribund with only the occasional member posting a message every couple of days. However, there are currently three Canadian moderators working the forums.

We begin with Melissa Desrochers, born September 18, 1980, is a woman from Montreal, Quebecwho works as a medical assistant. On Combat18 forums she uses the name "Boadicea." Based upon her own writing it seems Melissa was a bit of a hellraiser at one time, but is a bit more domesticated. One point in her favor might be the fact that she absolutely can't stand fellow Montreal-based racist Tara Dribnenki. Melissa posted this concerning Dribnenki:

TARA: T'es une ostie de punk crusty de merde.On s'en calisse de toi. T'es mieux de fermer ta criss de gueule sale au lieu de bullshitter... pis t'es mieux de surveiller tes fesses criss de chienne! Toi aussi 2 minutes après que j't'ai appellé pour avoir le numéro de Johnny, tu répondais pu au téléphone, sale merde!

TARA: You're a shitty crusty punk. We've had it withyou. You're better to shut your fucking dirty mouthinstead of bullshitting... and you're better to watchyour ass you fucking dog! You too, 2 minutes after I called you to get Johnny's number, you didn't answerthe phone anymore, dirty shit!

Christopher Vickers ('ctv828') is from London, Ontario. Born April 27, 1984, Chris hasn't been too active in the last few months, either on the Combat18 or the Stormfront boards. As Chris' father Terry, a former member of the Canadian navy, is believed to have been involved in some racist movements earlier in his life, it would appear that Chris' adherence to right wing beliefs might be a bit generational.

Next we have Nathan Touchette, born in 1978, who of the three Combat18 moderators profiled, he in many ways is the most interesting and should be of the most concern. Touchette has links to most of the well-known racist throughout Canada.

Touchette goes by 'Canadian Hate Machine' on the Combat18 boards, but he also posts as 'Canadian Aryan' and most recently as 'Teardown' on Stormfront. While he has been around for some time, his name first came to attention when he and Aryan Guard member Kyle McKee were featured in Kitchener, Ontario news stories as flying the Nazi flag at the appartment that they shared together. He and McKee made it known at that time that they planned on moving to Calgary to work in the city's booming construction industry. The Calgary mayor said the two men weren't welcome, but they came anyways. Both eventually returned to Ontario (McKee first served a short jail term before heading back, though he eventually found his way back to Calgary where he remains today) but Touchette moved back to Alberta, this time settling in Edmonton which at the time had a larger neo-Nazi movement. There he lived with Bill Noble and was friends with Western Canada for Us founder Glenn Bahr and WCFU members Catherine Nichol (also from Edmonton), Ciaran Donnelly and Jessica Beaumont (at the time both of whom lived in BC). He also associated with Tim Biscope, who more than a decade ago served a sentence for murdering a fellow skinhead in a dispute.

It's believed that Touchette caused more than his fair share of problems while in Edmonton. He's suspected of being involved in an arson and in a number of assaults. Rumor has it that he's wanted for questioning by the Edmonton City Police.

After leaving Edmonton Touchette's movements have been a bit hard to follow. We was in Ontario in 2006 for a time as he was pictured in July with Melissa Guille, Jason Ouwendyk, Tara Dribnenki, and others. We also know that he has spent a substantial amount of time in the UK and has done some travelling in Europe. We believe he's in Canada again, but we aren't yet certain.

Touchette has links to active racists all over Canada. Below are a sample:

Touchette with Glenn Bahr. This photo was taken around the time that Bahr was before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for his activities and writing linked to the group he founded, Western Canada For Us (WCFU).

Touchette standing beside Canadian Heritage Alliance leader Melissa Guille. Also in the photo on the far right is Jason Ouwendyk of the Northern Alliance and Tara Dribnenki. This photo was taken in July 2006.

Touchette with Kyle McKee, the founder of the Calgary-based Aryan Guard. We assume that this picture was taken inside the apartment the two men rented together. We wonder if, given the paint job, the two men got back any of their damage deposit.

These are the three remaining Combat18 moderators, but there were at least two others. The first to drop out was 'Aethelwulf' who's real name is Lindsey. He is currently a University of Victoria student who will be graduating in April. Lindsey actually removed all of his posts as well when he resigned as moderator, so we hope that he has had a change of heart. The other moderator was Julie L., or 'ATA318' who appears to have left her role of moderator relatively recently. She has not removed her posts but she also has not been active in some time. Should these two re-assume their previous roles, we'll provide a more detailed profile of each.


LiberalCanadian said...

Very good article! Perhaps you could do a expose on this Levant person? I find it odd that a Jewish person would defend the action of Nazis.

nexus said...

You're doing great work! I'm glad to find your blog again.

noonespecial200 said...

I don't think that Levant is defending the acts of Nazis so much as he's a shameless self-promoter who is using the cases of Lemire and company for his own particular ends. He'll claim to be a supporter of free speech, even speech as vile as that which comes from neo-Nazis, but in reality it's all likely just as a way of making himself a player in neo-con circles again.

ctv828 said...

the bit about my father is not true, it was a mistake on my part when i was first 'getting involved' in right wing beliefs... infact it may well be quite the opposite.

ctv828 said...

oh and, i'm focusing on getting my life together... thats my only concern right now.

noonespecial200 said...

Well Chris, if that's the case, then perhaps you might want to consider resigning your position as a B&H; forum moderator?

WhiteRevolution said...

Prepare for war , fucking wankers !

noonespecial200 said...

We think we may have touched a nerve.