Squat Groups

Please Note: As per the ASS website, the following message applies to contacting any of the groups below: “As we are short of volunteers and money we are rarely able to help students, journalists etc., who so often seem to want us to do their article/project for them”; or in other words, we are not here to help you get paid/get your degree/ get a name for yourself. Squat groups are run by dedicated collectives who are not paid for their work, but do it for the love of squats, squatters and squatting. If you would like something from a squat group, we suggest that you provide some service in return that will help the group/ squatting.

Squatting-related Organisations

Squatters Action for Secure Homes (SQUASH) SQUASH is a pro-squatting lobby group which campaigns to prevent the further criminalisation of squatting in England and Wales. It regularly lobbies MP’s and Lords in Parliament, releases reports about proposed and existing legislation, presents pro-squatting positions in media interviews, and keeps track of squatting stories in the mainstream media. Website: www.squashcampaign.org Email: info[at]squashcampaign.org

Advisory Service for Squatters (ASS) Established in 1975, ASS provides frontline assistance, advocacy and advice for squatters and would-be squatters, run by an unpaid workers collective. Their work includes ensuring that squatters know their legal rights, providing up-to-date legal notices, legal advice at times of eviction and many other forms of mutual aid. Their website has a number of useful resources including the “Squatters Handbook” and exerts from “Squatting: The Real Story”. Website: http://www.squatter.org.uk Email: advice[at]squatter.org.uk

Squatters Legal Network (SLN) SLN were established in response to s144 LASPO, the new law criminalising squatting in empty residential buildings, as a group which would assist those facing prosecution under the new law. SLN monitor evictions, arrests and prosecutions under s144, advocate for those who face prosecution, and ensure squatters are kept up-to-date with the latest interpretations and abuses of the new law. Website: SLN Blog and Website

Squatters and Homeless Autonomy (SHA) “[SHA] is a London squatting collective working to combat gentrification and establish autonomous anti-capitalist spaces” and have produced critiques like “Against Apolitical Squatting”, promote squat paper SLAP! and generally leave their stickers everywhere. Check them on Facebook and Twitter.

Practical Squatting Nights (London) A weekly opportunity to meet up with other potential squatters, get an introduction to squatting, what you need to know to get started, and platform for skillsharing. Alternate Tuesdays North and South of the River (Thames). For dates and venues, check: http://www.squatter.org.uk/for-new-squatters/practical-squatting-nights/

Made Possible by Squatting Back in 2013, Made Possible by Squatting staged a squatted exhibition, consisting of artifacts and photos chronicling the contribution squatting makes culturally and socially, around the world. The exhibition is captured in an on-line archive that celebrates this positive contribution. Website: www.madepossiblebysquatting.co.uk

Squattastic Squattastic runs regular(ish) events which bring stogether the squatting community to network, discuss issues around squatting, share information and experiences, and hold practical workshops. Their blogsite has some of the best posters/graphics from the last few years. Website: http://squattastic.blogspot.co.uk

Eviction Resistance (ER) ER provide practical support for those being evicted from their homes, whether squat-related or not. The network alerts people to upcoming evictions, provides practical tips on resisting evictions and reports on illegal evictions by the police and bailiffs. Eviction Resistance now operates as part of the Radical Housing Network. Website: http://evictionresistance.squat.net

Rooftop Resistance Excellent website hosting #mikeweatherlyisacoward , covering arrests, evictions and court cases in Brighton under s144 in the early years of 2012/3, when Weatherley’s law came into full force. The site has a host of good resources regarding squatting, especially its legal case history “Fuck s144!“. Website: https://rooftopresistance.squat.net/

Squat or Rot A brilliant resource showing how squatters transform derelict spaces into homes, social centres and event spaces for the love of it. A refreshing perspective on squats, especially in light of constant accusations of squatters damaging and “devastating” the buildings they occupy. Website: http://squatorrot.wordpress.com

Regional Squatting Networks

Brighton: Squatters Network of Brighton (and Hove Actually) – SNOB(AHA) Based in same city as the rabid anti-squatting MP, Mike Weatherley, SNOB(AHA) have continued the proud tradition of squatting in Brighton with many impressive and inspiring projects. Website: Website and Blog

Bristol: Bristol Housing Action Movement (BHAM) Revived in 1984, BHAM is a non-hierarchical collective of squatters and supporters who tackle housing issues, homelessness and the defence of commons and public space. Website

Birmingham: Birmingham Eviction Resistance Network (BERN): Does what it says on the tin. Website

Manchester: OKasional Cafe OK Cafe sets up temporary DIY squatted social centres, hosting events and autonomous spaces for those in Manchester before they are forced to move on to the next venue. Website

North London: North East London Squatters Network (NELSN) NELSN facilitate a squatting network in North London, provide mutual assistance during evictions and organise practical squatting workshops. Website

Squatting News and Research:

Squat.net (English version): Breaking squatting news from England & Wales, Ireland, continental Europe and internationally.

Rabble: Radical newswire, which frequently covers squatting stories and events in London and beyond.

Squattercity: Squatting and land occupation news stories from around the world, especially the developing world.

E.T.C. Dee: a squatting research website which includes books, papers, presentations, articles, and posters, examining the nature of squatting across Europe. A good resource for those looking at squatting in-depth.

Squatting Europe Kollective (sqek): An European collective producing squatting resources, books such as “Squatting in Europe: Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles” (2013), films and squatting maps of major European cities (eg Berlin, Madrid).