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I didn't sign the petition against Ayaan Hirsi Ali – I'd prefer to debate her myself

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When I heard Ayaan Hirsi Ali was again doing a speaking tour of Australia, with requisite appearance on Q&A;, my reaction was more eye-roll than outrage.

That someone whose critiques of Islam can be distilled to such fear-mongering sound bites as "Islam is a nihilistic cult of death" is described as a "great thinker" only convinces me that many people aren't sure what a thinker does.

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali cancels speaking tour

Due to security concerns, anti-Islamic activist cancels her speaking tour in Australia and New Zealand.

Nevertheless, I declined to sign a petition by Muslim women protesting her presence, despite being sympathetic to their frustrations that she continues to be lauded as a "hero for Muslim women," against their will.

As it turns out, this petition was not needed. Hirsi Ali cancelled her tour at the 11th hour amidst rumours of slow ticket sales, but citing security concerns.

Q&A; went ahead, treating us to a panel of powerful white politicians lamenting their loss of free speech. Apparently 400 signatures on a petition is the end of western freedom as we know it.

Look, I'm not going to say Hirsi Ali is wrong about everything, because she is not. Contemporary Islam has some serious issues that need to be addressed and any Muslim who denies this is either lying or deluded. That I have seen some Muslims make light of the very real threat to Hirsi Ali's life is proof of that.


But where Hirsi Ali fails miserably is in her insistence that all these problems can be traced back to a 7th century prophet and his revelations. Women only inherit half what a man does? Intolerable! Well yes, until you consider that prior to Islam, women not only inherited nothing, but were property themselves.

Hirsi Ali should have a look at what Europe and the Catholic Church were getting up to at that time before triumphantly announcing that females gaining property rights in medieval Arabia is the height of religious misogyny.

My biggest contention with the Ayaan Hirsi Ali Travelling Islamophobia Sideshow is not that she is given a platform, but that she is given a free ride. I don't want her silenced, I want her silly and hateful arguments to be dismantled on live TV, by someone willing to call bullshit on the way she decontexualises early Islam, measuring it against 21st century ideals that most western countries fail to live up to.

I want to see her forced to confront the reality of contemporary politics, to acknowledge that western colonialism deliberately stoked and inflamed sectarian tensions, crushing secular, feminist, and socialist movements in favour of autocratic dictators.

Most of all, I want to see a discussion centred on the imperialism of the last several decades of western foreign policy that has inexplicably funded the violent Wahhabi ideology that is responsible for the terrorism and fundamentalism that Hirsi Ali claims to abhor.

Nothing Hirsi Ali says is revelatory. The western world has long indulged this fantasy that any problems found in cultures other than itself, from Aboriginal communities to African-Americans to Indians to Arabs to Africans, are a result of their own inferiority and have absolutely nothing to do with the centuries of oppression inflicted on them by western imperialists.

It's obvious that the clash of civilisations rhetoric is baseless, not least because Australia recently joined the US, UK, Sweden, and Germany in selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. Yes, that Saudi Arabia, where atheist bloggers are lashed, women are not permitted to drive, apostates are beheaded, and the poverty-stricken populations in neighbouring countries are bombed back to the stone age.

Meanwhile, "jihadi" groups like Jaish al-Islam (Army of Islam) that have openly called for the cleansing of religious minorities and a Sunni Islamist state in Syria are regarded as legitimate members of the Syrian Opposition.

As a member of one of those minorities under threat – the Alawite Muslims – and as a feminist, I would have liked the opportunity to debate this with Hirsi Ali on Q&A;. But here are the reasons why even I would be dismissed under such circumstances.

Alawites are derided by Sunnis as "not real Muslims" partly because some openly drink alcohol, the genders are not segregated, and, most contentious of all, women no longer observe visible hijab (although a more relaxed definition of modesty is still required). 

It is precisely this unapologetic liberalism that sees extremists like the "jihadis" attempting to take over Syria mark us for execution. They have precedent; no less than five official fatwas exist calling for our elimination. Our persecution never gets a mention by "thinkers" like Hirsi Ali. Could it be that we, as Muslims, don't fit her Islamophobic narrative?

But neither do we fit the narrative of the western left that demands I unconditionally support the "Syrian rebels" even though their success would result in the eradication of my entire ethno-religious community.

My refusal means my most scathing critics are not conservatives, but white lefties who cannot seem to conceive of the existence of Muslims who look and dress a bit like them. 

This piece I wrote on Syrian refugee children, for instance, saw me labelled me as "pandering to whiteness", "Islamophobic", "a fascist troll who claims to be Syrian", and my favourite, "one of the white South Africans of Syria."

To be a Muslim minority is to be struck from all angles. Too Muslim for some. Not Muslim enough for others. Too heretical to exist. Too "westernised" to be acknowledged.

In the past I have downplayed my connection to this misunderstood minority, both to protect my family's privacy, and to transcend sectarianism in favour of solidarity with all Muslims who oppose fundamentalism and violence.

I'm not sure that was a wise decision after all. Because western audiences across the political spectrum still won't listen to Muslims like me: minorities and dissenters who acknowledge the issues but refuse to place the blame solely on Islam.

But when our voices are treated as illegitimate it means the only people who are speaking out against the very real problems posed by fundamentalist Islam are the fundamentalist Islamophobes like Hirsi Ali, who won't admit that the problem is as political as it is religious, and has far more to do with the west than they care to think.