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Lachlan and James Murdoch flex muscles in sacking Fox News star Bill O'Reilly

It is difficult to exaggerate the significance of Fox News' sacking of Bill O'Reilly.

Not only was he the single most dominant public figure in America's vast conservative media environment, his removal signals the growing power of James and Lachlan Murdoch in the world's most powerful media empire, their father Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox.

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Fox drops Bill O'Reilly over sex claims

Fox News has dropped its top anchor of more than 20 years Bill O'Reilly following a review of sexual harassment claims against him.

O'Reilly was dismissed overnight following allegations of sexual harassment by at least six women. It has been reported that Lachlan's wife Sarah Murdoch helped influence the decision. Last year the former Fox News creator, Roger Ailes, was sacked in similar circumstances, going on to advise Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

O'Reilly has been a towering figure in American politics and culture since Murdoch and Ailes began to build the conservative Fox News channel and its identity around him in 1996. His evening talk program, The O'Reilly Factor, was combative and trenchantly conservative, setting the tone for the entire channel, which soon came to dominate cable news and, in turn, the entire American news landscape. In January 2014, Fox News marked its 145th consecutive month as the No.1 rated cable news channel in the US.

American political leaders, particularly conservatives, soon had to factor O'Reilly's opinion into their own decision making. The only comparison to a figure of similar power in Australia would have been radio broadcaster Alan Jones at the height of his power.

It is estimated that in recent years O'Reilly alone brought in $US400 million ($530 million) worth of advertising each year and there was speculation this is why he was protected even as rumours about his behaviour continued. He recently signed a new deal worth $US20 million a year.


But as allegations against him mounted advertisers began to abandon the show, many of them provoked to action by a Twitter campaign by a group calling itself Sleeping Giants, which had earlier found success in demanding advertisers quit Breitbart News, the hardline right-wing website with close links to the Trump White House.

In 2010,former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum conceded in an interview: "Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox."

But with the passage of time and the changing of social standards, the power of the old guard began to fray even as the money rolled in and the ratings stayed high.

Last year, allegations against Ailes - including by high-profile Fox hosts Gretchen Carlson and Megyn Kelly - kept rolling in. Finally he was forced out and many media analysts viewed this as evidence of the growing influence of Lachlan and James Murdoch. They were viewed as not only having more modern views on what sort of behaviour was tolerable in the organisation, but being concerned about some of the more hardline stances Fox took against issues such as climate change under Ailes.

New York Magazine's Gabriel Sherman, who has broken a string of stories about the changing of the guard inside Fox, wrote that, as allegations mounted against O'Reilly, Rupert Murdoch wanted to stand by the host, while Lachlan and James wanted to sack him.

His sources told him that Sarah Murdoch influenced Lachlan to take the opposing stance.

Fox's macho posture has long been part of its brand. Ailes created a de facto uniform for female hosts, who were expected to wear tight, short dresses in primary colours. This was eventually challenged with the rise of female stars such as Kelly, who left for NBC last year despite the efforts of the younger Murdoch.

How much more this culture will change in the coming months is unclear, although O'Reilly's replacement, Tucker Carlson, has been accused of sexist attitudes in the past.

During a 2015 disagreement over an alleged error in Carlson's conservative news site, The Daily Caller, his brother, Buckley, referred to a staff member of the New York mayor as "labia face" in an email sent to her.

When she complained to Tucker, he responded that his brother meant it "in the nicest possible way".