
License article

Citizenship: PM's claim on domestic violence is laughable

Is so-called "domestic violence" a problem? Definitely. But to characterise it somehow as an imported problem that comes in with migrants is a gross distortion of the truth. Domestic violence is more correctly termed criminal assault. It happens mainly to  women, mostly takes place in their homes and is largely perpetrated by men who know them. Men born and bred in Australia have been perpetrating this criminal assault for years, in a patriarchal culture that has privileged them. For Malcolm Turnbull and Peter Dutton to now claim that opposing violence towards women is a uniquely Australian value is laughable. I welcome all who stand in solidarity against violence. But don't re-write history to muddy the waters for political gain, both in terms of migration and by masking the long and arduous campaigns women have fought to gain basic human rights. Women will not tolerate being used as a convenience for partisan  motives. 

Pauline Hopkins, Beaconsfield

How to make neighbours feel welcome

Mr Turnbull, I listened to your forcefully presented plans to allow in only migrants who are prepared to assimilate and have a certain level of English. I want to be a good Australian. So, should I shun the neighbours who are kind to me but barely speak English (despite decades in Australia), who always wear black and grow olives? Should I feel ashamed of my relatives who arrived in Tasmania in 1818 uninvited by most of the inhabitants and unable to converse with locals? If I find out a prominent and noble Australian arrived here without a grasp of English, should I be annoyed they were allowed in? Must I cancel my birthday Yum Cha in Chinatown or only visit Hahndorf in South Australia once it's renamed Bruceville? Finally, it occurs to me that people have trouble integrating with the larger community if they feel ostracised. To whom, then, is it my duty to make feel welcome?

Rosemary Simons, Northcote

Four high-priority questions

Four high priority questions  to see this government assess the right sort of immigrant would be: Do you believe it is right to establish family trusts and pay no income tax? Yes/No. Do you believe it's appropriate to disparage Centrelink recipients as welfare bludgers? Yes/No. Are you a practising hypocrite? Yes/No. Are you interested in a political career? Yes/No. Sign here.................. 

Des Files, Brunswick 


Can you cook a decent snag?

Forget the tough new "Australian values" tests. Here are some fair dinkum tests for prospective citizens: they must be willing to vote Liberal; they must present ticket stubs from major sporting contests; they must join Rotary; they must proudly wear the Anzac poppy; and, most important of all, cook a decent barbie snag, especially round election time.

Helen Scheller, Benalla

Start funding English classes 

If immigrants are required to demonstrate an acceptable level of competence in English after four years residence, one hopes arrangements have been put in place for English to be taught. Classes need to be: free and readily available to immigrants without cars or ready access to public transport; held at times that allow for the demands of paid work and unpaid home duties and childcare; held in places where attendees feel safe;  sufficiently small to ensure that all attendees participate; and particular attention must be paid to ensuring women as well as men attend. Call me a cynic, but my bet is that the government's response to any suggestion that this be funded will be to start bleating that it is a state or local government responsibility. 

Juliet Flesch, Kew


Test of human values

A new Australian values test for migrants? Here are some of our values. Showing abject cruelty towards asylum seekers, erasing native title rights while ignoring calls for constitutional recognition of Indigenous people, massive cuts to foreign aid, weakening Section 18C, unjustly maligning the Human Rights Commission and blocking marriage equality reform.

Meanwhile, the widening gap between rich and poor threatens social cohesion as the Turnbull government protects generous tax arrangements for the wealthy (including themselves) while endorsing cuts to penalty rates and the suppression of the minimum wage. All this in the shadow of the eternal war on welfare recipients as cuts to benefits and community services push the vulnerable closer to the edge. Australian values? Whatever happened to human values?

Dave Mack, Macclesfield, SA 

Value of selling out

In his earlier public life Mr Turnbull was a strong advocate for an emissions trading scheme (ie a carbon tax) and gay marriage. Political expediency has seen him sell out on both. Is this behaviour an example of Australian values?

Patricia Russell, Malvern

Get Amazon on board

Before the Prime Minister's attention moves on to the next distraction from the real issues, could we get him to define some "Australian values" for businesses operating in this country?

The imminent entry of Amazon is a perfect test case. Let us see Mr Turnbull get that business to sign up to some "Australian values"; paying a fair share of taxes here, employing Australians, paying them a fair salary and sourcing a fair portion of products from local suppliers are four that come immediately to mind.

Robert Keogh, Crawley, WA

Racing's sob story

My heart bleeds for the industry. Track riders are to be struck from the list of guest workers as the 457 scheme is replaced ("Crackdown to bring racing to its knees", 21/4). In 2015, the state government declared that $86million of taxpayers' money would be invested in racing over the next four years, "supporting more than 26,500 full-time jobs". But apparently 80 per cent of track riders are on 457 visas.  We are told Australians don't like the 3am starts for track work.  My guess is that if the pay improved, Aussies would be queuing at the door.  

Scratch the surface of this "glamour" industry and you find greed at its heart: over-breeding of horses in the search for a champion, with failures slaughtered for pet food; exploitation of workers; and the powerful gambling and alcohol industries as major sponsors and beneficiaries.

Neil Wilkinson, Mont Albert 

Distanced from horror 

Geoff Selby asks how humans can sleep after pushing a button to cause death and destruction (Letters, 19/4). I agree – but sadly another part of the horror is that many don't. My uncle was a bomber pilot in World War II but his plane was shot down, killing all on board, when he was 20. 

But before he died, he had written home saying how horrified he was  that he was killing so many  innocent people. Perhaps, for some, lack of knowledge or experience or power is part of  the equation. Had he made it home, I suspect my uncle may well have suffered from PTSD, unheard of then but the sad fate of many soldiers. Unlike politicians, soldiers cannot distance themselves from the  horror and consequences of their actions. 

I'm also appalled at the cruelty inflicted every day, at the way humans treat each other, and especially how we treat "the other" – anyone who is "different" enough to be  dehumanised. 

Susan Bush, Emerald 

Body politic very ill

The terms mental health problems and mental illness are being used interchangeably. Yes, people are stressed, particularly young people, for valid reasons including "family conflict and study reasons" (The Age, 19/4). You could also add unemployment, underemployment, drug misuse, the state of the world and so on. 

Mental health problems are more likely to be related to environmental triggers, whereas a mental illness is likely to be either the consequence of unaddressed or compounding mental health problems or a chemical imbalance or a combination of both. Our social needs – to have a sense of purpose, to belong, to live in a healthy environment with supportive people – get buried in the cacophony of a headline-hogging mental health crisis. The real crisis is our failure to tackle inequity and the lack of proper-paying jobs, affordable housing  and energy policies that embrace environmental concerns. 

Tony Newport, Hillwood, Tas

Reading powerful drug

Ross McNaughton raises excellent points (Letters, 21/4). Why are school texts so depressing when reading can relieve stress and enhance mental health? Bibliotherapy has supported good health for millennia. 

"Medicine For The Soul" was inscribed above the door of the great library at Thebes in Egypt and in Ancient Greece, Apollo was the god of both medicine and poetry. Hospitals were situated beside theatres so patients could watch dramas for therapeutic benefits. In early 20th-century Britain, libraries and librarians provided "pharmacies" for patients of psychiatric hospitals. As Rudyard Kipling wrote, "Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind."

Research associates reading with longer life, higher income, improved academic performance, better mental health, higher empathy and less crime. To leave school eager to read, undeterred by unnecessarily aversive experiences, is a priceless asset for an individual and society. 

Barbara Chapman, Hawthorn 

An exhausting fight

While out shopping, my husband returned to my car to find a parking officer booking it for being in a disabled zone, even though a disabled permit was displayed. While she admitted she'd seen the permit, which had slid on to the driver's side, she said: "The permit needs to be displayed on the passenger side." She issued an infringement "for not displaying it correctly".

I am pleased Ben Williams is fighting his case (The Age, 21/4). In my case the council finally relented on the fine, but continued to deny my permit was "on display". I gave up the fight. It's tiring enough to have poor mobility, but fighting every instance of unkindness can be just too much.

Leigh Shelley, Elwood

School deaf to offence

I drive past a school in the outer northern suburbs displaying a sign "Handicapped parking only".  An outdated term, it is offensive to people with a disability. I am stunned that in 2017 an entire community would let it go unnoticed.  My polite emails to the school have fallen on deaf ears.  At least the sign alerts parents of children with a disability not to even consider enrolling.

Lisa James, Lalor

Out all sexist phrases

The term "mother of all bombs" is sexist, but consider the use of "son of a bitch" used in literature and film and the shocking terminology of "mother f.....", used verbally and in other works of literature, film, sporting angst and so on. Why are we not trying to eliminate these shocking sexist phrases? Please, concerned citizens, highlight how commonly used are these words and phrases and start agitating. Get angry that it is 2017 and we have not tried to eliminate this constant abuse of our female gender.

Sue Chadwick, Phillip Island

Fix in on economy

Big news! Retail spending is on a downward trajectory apparently. Lunching last week with friends (at home in the garden), we realised that since our pension "adjustment", the four of us have removed more than $600 per fortnight from the economy. When penalty rates are adjusted that will be even more money removed from the economy, which must mean less spending and fewer jobs. Seems a strange way of fixing the economy.

Ann Ritchie, Bellfield

Packed to rafters

Overcrowding on the Gippsland line is not only a problem on official "peak" services. The 3.20pm train (which I usually board at Pakenham an hour later) is one of the worst – it has only three carriages. The problem is not merely lack of seats, but so many people standing that one cannot move. While the train leaves the CBD before 4pm, it passes through suburban pickups as peak hour starts. Why do we often have six-carriage trains on weekends, but not during the busiest times on week days? And the peak times aren't always the ones defined by CBD-centric people. Interesting, too, how few peak services Gippsland receives compared with Geelong and Ballarat.

Simon Loveless, Warragul




Congratulations to Tony Abbott on achieving Ruddite status. May his undermining of the PM go from strength to strength. 

Sidney Bloch, Hawthorn

Abbott is working on a new show for the comedy festival, "Puppetry of the PM".  

Peter Knight, St Arnaud

Stop press: refugees throw five-year-old boy overboard on Manus Island.

Ray Jones, Box Hill North

With politicians owning extensive real estate why do they need to rort their allowances so much?

Graham Devries, Camberwell

The Palmer Untied Party.

Paul Sands, Sunbury

So, from "All the way with LBJ" to "Just say jump with Donald Trump".

Kevin Pearson, North Fitzroy

Citizenship test

What's to stop aspiring citizens pretending to have decent values? Just as politicians do.

Lance Fishman, Upwey

"Respect for others"? As seen in Parliament?  

Mike Puleston, Brunswick 

It seems that one of the great Australian values is that if you are rich, you don't pay tax. 

Rod Oaten, North Carlton

Don't universities realise that anti-intellectualism, along with racism, sexism and xenophobia, are core Australian values?

Graeme Smithies, Fairfield

I'd love to see a category added to the skilled migrant visas – political leaders. Then perhaps we could attract Justin Trudeau or Angela Merkel here. 

Linelle Gibson, Williamstown 

The economy

Amazon moving into Australia? Its due diligence must have overlooked our crippling corporate tax rate.

John McCombe, Merrijig

The next time I am on hold for ages to speak to someone in the Philippines I'll remember the mantra of Australian jobs for Australians. 

Stephen Dinham, Surrey Hills