
License article

Federal politics: Hostile governments starve ABC of funding

Tony Walker's proposals to "fix" the ABC ignore the principal problems (Comment, 17/4). The ABC is starved of funding due to the malevolence of Coalition governments. It needs on its board and as CEO skilled people who are committed to public broadcasting. The ABC's independence should be protected by parliament and must never be beholden to advertisers or commercial interests. The old complaint of left bias has been consistently refuted by numerous independent inquiries. SBS  serves a particular audience but is now totally corrupted by advertising. Australia is a wealthy country, which once espoused ideals of justice and integrity. It can afford and must have a national broadcaster providing news, enlightened comment and quality entertainment. 

Gael Barrett, North Balwyn

Medicare safety net a Coalition gimmick

The abuse of the extended Medicare safety net is no surprise (The Age, 15/4). When introduced by John Howard, the Victorian branch of the Australian Medical Association detailed in its monthly newsletter how a psychiatrist could make more money without any extra care or cost to the patient. Also, most of the money spent through the safety net goes to rich electorates. Very little goes to patients in poor electorates. The scheme has helped many doctors financially but was a gimmick designed to fool people into believing the Coalition cared about out-of-pocket costs. In fact, the Medicare rebate freeze sends a clear message this government wants patients to pay more out of their pocket. 

Dr Tim Woodruff, Doctors Reform Society

The 'waste' that bothers me

Peter Dutton talks of the "waste" of taxpayers' money on the hearing of immigration claims. As a taxpayer, I am deeply troubled by the waste of billions of dollars in running detention centres offshore and in Australia, when asylum seekers' claims could be considered while they lived in the community. I am upset by the waste of billions in the ridiculous cuts to company tax rates which Treasury modelling suggests will have, at best, a marginal effect on output and employment; by the billions in revenue lost to negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount; by the potential $1 billion subsidy of a coal mine; and by politicians claiming very generous rental subsidies when in Canberra. 

Andrew Trembath, Blackburn


Time for federal anti-corruption body

Australia: pariah state and corruption haven. The corruption in business and government regularly exposed by the media is destroying any trust people might have had.   Yet at a federal level we still do not have legal and institutional mechanisms with enough authority and resources to detect and prosecute those responsible for corruption. No matter what assurances MPs and business leaders offer, no matter how their PR experts spin it, most Australians believe existing measures are simply a slap on the wrist. Those who don't act to combat the normalising of criminality will eventually pay the price. Show some courage, politicians, and set up a federal ICAC. 

Chris Doig, Denver

End lectures from privileged white males 

It is a tragedy that as a nation we spend so much time debating inequality, human rights, gender empowerment and the like. But the concept of a bunch of predominantly privileged white Caucasian males determining who should get what rights and entitlements is medieval. How much simpler life would be if we just treated every one equally. Then we could spend the time on the really important things facing humanity – tackling climate change, creating world peace, finding a cure for all cancers, and maybe even solving the crisis in housing affordability and energy security. 

John Kirk, Canterbury


Adani: put up a bond

If the Adani mine goes ahead, the first losers will be existing Australian mines that will lose market share to a subsidised competitor that is pretty much guaranteed to pay little tax here or in India. Workers at those mines will also lose out. In the longer term, the losers will be the taxpayers, whose loans are unlikely to be paid; the local environment, when the mine restoration never happens; the local river and ground water systems; and the Great Barrier Reef.

This mine should not proceed without a multibillion dollar bond in place to cover  mine restoration and any environmental damage to the water table, port area and the reef.

Simon Westfold, Bittern

Too much and too little

What a searing indictment of the world we live in. On page 13 (The Saturday Age, 15/4), a heartbreaking story of a food crisis in Africa, accompanied by a devastating photo of a starving child and his desperate mother.  And then on page 25, an article about strategies to combat obesity and its health consequences in wealthy countries.  In some parts of the world, people are dying from lack of food; in other parts, people are dying from too much food. How more stark can the message be that by tackling inequity, everyone is better off?

Do we have the moral fortitude to tackle global inequity and take tangible steps to prevent the deepening divisions taking place in our society? When we are stuck on facile arguments about protecting people who negatively gear investment properties while approving coal mines, the answer seems pretty obvious. What will the children of the future say of this generation of so-called leaders?

Pauline Hopkins, Beaconsfield 

Cost of 'fine' dining

I am the parent of a chef working in the high-end of the hospitality industry. Mental and physical health come second to the pursuit of novelty and perfection, and the drive to expand. 

The work practices reflect the Spartan culture of "coming home with your shield, or on it". But if you falter you no longer belong. The development of expert culinary skills and the bond with peers and mentors helps the cover-up of exploitative work practices; it is a system that breeds more of the same.

The financiers behind the popular names push for wages to be kept to hardly achievable percentages. This leads to the work hours and pay and the strategies to mask them described in The Age articles. The often unreported physical injuries such as burns due to tiredness, the mental health and relationship casualties, and the "walk-outs" with truncated careers are the hidden cost of our "fine dining".

Name and address withheld

Taking a risk on life

Clementine Ford (Comment, 17/4), what a beautiful piece.  I experienced  very much what she so poignantly  expresses.  Soon after I took my first-born home, I saw a tramp on the road.  I burst into tears, knowing the pain, hope and dreams that this man's mother had felt as well.  Bravo to all young mothers who bring us new life in these troubling times.

Chris Butler, Frankston South

Labels that kill

It is interesting how the terrorists who bombed the Dortmund football team's bus are being labelled as "right-wing extremists". It seems the word terrorist is a word exclusively reserved for Islamic extremists. 

Khizar Rana, Walkerville, SA

Attack on AFL unjust

Sure, the AFL is not perfect. But I'm disappointed with the criticism of it (Letters, 17/4). It could equally be argued that the Royal Children's Hospital has appropriated Good Friday for its own, albeit good, purposes; that the AFL provides more leadership on social issues than any other Australian sporting organisation; and that many Australians would prefer to attend an AFL match in a stadium with people of all colours and creeds than worship God in a church on any day of the year. 

It could also be argued that accusing the AFL of hypocrisy at Easter time is unfair, given Christian churches preach compassion and justice for all but continue to fail to tackle effectively the legacy of decades of child sexual abuse perpetrated by clergy whom they have knowingly protected to the detriment of their victims. Please, let's keep some perspective. 

Penny Mackieson, Richmond

Switch off for a change

There are now fewer and fewer spaces that are not filled with something  – work, shopping, sport, entertainment or recreation. Such space allows us time to reflect, be with family and friends, and appreciate doing something different. Conversations of a different kind happen when there is no temptation to check the latest score.

Nearly 43,000 fans attended the AFL game on Friday, and more than 1.3 million people tuned in on free-to-air and pay TV.  We can measure the tangibles – crowd numbers, ratings and the record Good Friday appeal.

Who, however, is measuring the intangibles – what has been lost? How many lunch gatherings and conversations were cut short or didn't happen, or how many phone calls to friends and family afar didn't take place because people headed to the game or tuned in on TV or radio.

As a society, we are riding a slippery slope, and there may be no turning back.  Once we lose special days we won't get them back.  

Jonathan Pilbrow, Larapinta, NT

Give profits to charity

Thank you, Malcolm Knox, for your article "I'm uncomfortable with Easter sport extravaganza" (The Age, 15/4). Professional sport should not be played on the three main days of the Christian calendar – Good Friday, Easter Day and Christmas Day, if only to stop the media's voracious  appetite for sporting coverage and peoples' acquiescence in this insane treadmill. However, it seems there is no turning back the tide, so why not channel the days' takings to the United Nations to fight the food crisis in Africa and the Middle East?

Rodney Purvis, Malvern

AFL: the ugly game

Soccer claims to be the beautiful game and rugby the game they play in heaven. My moniker for AFL football: the ugly game. Thirty-six players in a  wrestling maul surging from one end of the ground to the other. Short handballs fired indiscriminately in the general direction of a cluster of teammates and opponents, who immediately jump on top of each other until a stoppage or ball-up is decreed. The ball locked in the  pack for minutes at a time. No strategy, sense of position, or one-on-one contests featuring the purity of long-field kicking and marking, the only highlight being the occasional flash of genius from a Marcus Bontempelli or a Buddy Franklin. It's a wonder all the players don't suffer broken bones, gravel rash or at least severe grazing from the constant contact with body or grass.  The AFL as a matter of urgency must investigate player zones.

Bill Waters, Beaumaris

Injecting room needed

Last Thursday I was walking my dog up Victoria Street in Abbotsford when I came across three people looking down at a young woman on her back. She had overdosed and had stopped breathing. I gave her mouth to mouth until paramedics arrived.

There is a desperate need for an injecting room in Richmond right near Victoria Street as this is not an uncommon occurrence. An injecting room would provide a safe, clean and private place for drug users with resuscitation equipment and other help available. There would also be counselling services, and referrals for rehabilitation could be made.  It would also provide a safer place for the public and get syringes and needles off the streets.

Irene Bolger, Abbotsford

Overrated; overpaid

What is it about chief executives like John Huber who rort the system and then claim: "The remuneration I receive  falls short of the remuneration I could command elsewhere" ("Mt Buller chief quits after rorts scandal", 14/4). I would say to such people: "Why didn't you go and get the job and pay you think you are worth?" The reason they don't is that such people have an overinflated view of their worth and could not actually get a far-better-paying job.

Alan Inchley, Frankston

Reaching out for reply

I recently emailed a supplier asking why an item I had ordered and paid for four months ago had yet to be delivered. The reply began: "Dear –, thank you for reaching out."   Er, what? Or is it just me? 

Fran Dawes, Maldon

Obsessed with celebrity

The bible of psychiatry, the DSM-5, doesn't identify two  conditions brought about by our obsession with celebrities. The first is celebroitis – inflammation of the ego caused by too much adulation. Treatment is usually a celebroectomy, the excising of the adulated ego to bring the ego back to equilibrium. The second is celebrophrenia – hearing voices telling you you are a celebrity and having visions of yourself as a celebrity. 

Treatment is usually anti-celebrochotic medication. However, medication does not cure the condition, it only quells symptoms. As children are at risk of developing celebrophrenia, early intervention is highly recommended. If anyone is worried about their celebrity obsession they can call beyondcelebrity to get help. 

Sandy Jeffs, Christmas Hills



Mr Turnbull is correct that the Adani coal mine will create thousands of jobs – most likely as debt collectors along the Great Barrier Reef.

 Rob Ward, Lake Tyers Beach

Why not cut down all the trees in Queensland, Mr Joyce? Not all jobs are good jobs, Barnacle Joyce.

Penny Garnett, Castlemaine

Politicians drunk on Islamophobia and xenophobia are to blame for the Manus rampage, not just drunk soldiers. 

John Passant, Kambah, ACT

Can we stop this boat,  so-called "Leadership", with "Captain" Turnbull and "Quartermaster" Dutton?

Caroline Stinear, Berwick

Tony Abbott played no small part in voters being sick of politicians.

Les Anderson, Woodend

Politics is now simply naysaying. Interviewers must counter criticisms of opponents with: "What's your alternative?" 

 Dale Crisp, Brighton 

In my book Matthew Guy has already had his two strikes: Ventnor on Phillip Island; and Fishermans Bend.

Graeme Campbell, Hawthorn 

Foreign affairs

If Donald Trump is the answer what was the question again?

Les Field, Blackburn South

Beware the orange peril.

Robert Forbes, Camberwell

Sean Spicer with his exquisite communication skills is tailormade for United Airlines when he finishes as Donald Trump's interpreter.

David Kerr, Geelong

Do the Korean rockets come with a "money back" warranty?

Mick O'Mara, Winchelsea

I fear the next horrific surprise will be the grandmother of all bombs. 

Barry Lamb, Heidelberg West 


Thursday at our place was a bit like Remembrance Day. Everything stood still for two minutes when Clarke and Dawe came on.

Corrado Tavella, Rosslyn Park, SA