

A fair go for all (except for women)

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As our nation responds to struggling Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's dog-whistled immigration diversion by debating what "Australian values" might be, probably the most common view is that the cornerstone of our national ethos is the notion of "a fair go" for all.

Leaving aside the argument of whether there is such a thing as a uniquely Australian value – I would contend not, and that our values are based on universal human rights – we are deluding ourselves if we really do think this is the land of a fair go.

One of the most evident proofs of this is the outrageous gender pay gap, starkly revealed yet again in recent days by Tax Office figures. It's indefensibly unfair that women still earn significantly lower salaries than men across the entire economy - $27,000 on average and almost $100,000 at the executive level.

Some political issues transcend party politics. Usually they concern human rights. Gender inequality is one such issue – and central to it are wages and salaries. Surely we can and should all unite in finally fixing this injustice?

It was also jarring to see on the opinion pages of The Age in recent days the issue misused as a party-political bludgeon by two of the federal parliamentarians best-placed to help raise awareness and lead change. I'll come back to that, but first a bit of context.

We like to see ourselves as modern and at least somewhat enlightened, yet here we are in 2017 with as big an average gender gap in wages – 16 per cent - as there was 20 years ago.


This reflects many wrongs. Most of them are the fault of men. Men, through conscious and/or unconscious bias, continue to hold most of the high-paid positions. Men dominate the power structures in our economy, society and polity.

Most men would claim to believe in equality of opportunity, but they are not inclined to relinquish power. They promote each other disproportionately, leading, for example, to their well-documented dominance of executive ranks and company boards.

Women do not get a fair go in the workplace or the home. They do the lioness' share of the unpaid work crucial to keeping households running and raising children. This results in women holding most of the part-time and casual jobs, which are often relatively low-paid.

Global financial and consulting firm PwC recently estimated the value of unpaid childcare at $345 billion a year. Were that included in the national accounts, it would be the biggest contributor to our economy, three times larger than the banking, finance and insurance sector. In other words, although we don't like to use them, in the land of the fair go we still have a form of slavery.

Part of the solution for women who want to have paid employment is affordable and available childcare, which is compelled not only by fairness, but by economics. Global investment bank Goldman Sachs reckons that were women to access the workforce as readily as men, it would boost the size of our economy by more than 10 per cent. Getting that right should not be beyond us.

The finance industry is the one where there's the biggest pay gap – more than 30 per cent. Here's the unfairness measure in some other sectors: healthcare 23.5 per cent; media and communications 18.5 per cent; real estate 23 per cent; science 25 per cent; arts and recreation services 17 per cent.

Pick any industry and you'll find a gap. It's worse in the private sector than the public sector, where public policy can more easily be applied. Affirmative action works; the Victorian government is, for example, appointing women to almost half the board positions in the public sector. That's up from less than 40 per cent less than two years ago.

Now, back to those two politicians mentioned above. The first is Tanya Plibersek, Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Women. She has long been a powerful voice for women's rights. But she did not help the cause or her own credibility when, in a piece loaded with, well, straw men, she made a number of evidently false or distorted claims.

Here's a sample: "We know the Liberals think the solution to housing affordability is to get rich parents. Now it seems they think the answer to financial security is to get a rich husband . . . Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberals told the Fair Work Commission that the minimum wage should be frozen. They said that 'in general, low paid workers are more likely to be young, female and single' but that 'low paid employees are often found in high income households' … They're saying low paid employees don't deserve a pay rise because some of them have partners earning higher incomes than they do … As long as the Liberals argue that it's just fine for women to have their pay frozen while their partners earn more than them, we'll never achieve pay equity."

The Minister for Women, Liberal Senator Michaelia Cash, riposted in a similarly unfortunate way: ``Tanya Plibersek's opinion piece exemplifies the approach of modern-day Labor Party politics - duplicitous, hypocritical and deliberately designed to mislead." She then brushed over the core issue of gender pay inequality, launching a broad rhetorical attack before concluding ``Labor MPs adopt shallow and opportunistic positions that mislead Australians, abandoning what were once party policies and issues of principle for them. Australians deserve better."

We do. Particularly from high-profile parliamentarians. But, most of all, from all those men who know they are the main cause of the problem but who refuse to genuinely push for a solution. Fair go, fellas.

Michael Short is The Age's chief editorial writer. @shortmsgs