ACT News


Canberra leads Australia for growth in executive employment

The private sector is leading ACT growth in executive employment, according to a national report, and the ACT leads Australia.

Grant Montgomery, who researches and publishes the EL Index, said advertised positions in technology and general management doubled in Canberra during the past month.

"Both these were on reasonable volumes and were driven by private-sector demand," Mr Montgomery said.

"Having said that, the increase in demand by the private sector in ACT is often related to government services contracts held by private-sector providers.

"Interestingly, the ACT now has the highest ratio of print advertising for executive positions of any region in Australia and the print numbers are all in The Canberra Times."

Mr Montgomery said financial vacancies in the ACT were down and engineering rose.


The national result cemented a strong increase from earlier this year, which he said indicated future rises for general employment and the economy.

The March index score stood at 286 compared with 259 last year.

"Record current account surpluses and continuing low interest rates here and internationally are all positive signs of a serious mending following the resources collapse and global financial crisis," Mr Montgomery said.

"While the government is still constrained and battling some serious budget deficient legacy issues, business is far more confident and planning, building and investing in the future.

"The constant lament of politicians five years ago was what would replace the resources boom.

"It was replaced in spades by the eastern states housing and construction boom, which is continuing, and now it seems commodities prices are moving up again."

Mr Montgomery said all sectors across Australia were positive or flat this month, except marketing and management.

"This is not surprising as marketing is related to consumer spending, which is yet to pick up, and management is a quasi-public sector measure still grappling with the national budget deficit," he said.

"We certainly see this as a positive start to the 2017 year and better than has occurred for more than four years."