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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We think that it's interesting how willingly those associated with the Aryan Guard are to sell a "racial brother" down the river, but it works for us". (quoted by yourselves)

VolksFront Canada are NOT considered "racial brothers". Todd Conroy is a wheelchair-bound drunk and Bradley is a CSIS mole. No serious Canadian Nationalist will ever consider them to be Brothers.

15 October 2008 at 14:32

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Serious Canadian Nationalist" oxymoron if i ever heard it

24 December 2008 at 16:26

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, Iam pretty sure that Volksfront are able to comment for themselves. Further more, whoever is commenting about Volksfront and their members should come out and say who there are because surely Volksfront may have a couple things to say in rebuttle to the shittalking people seem to be doing. Anyhow considering Iam Mr. Know it All, before you answer me please be sure to think about your answers.

This site is just another waste of time. Old News!

2 January 2009 at 14:45

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