Showing posts with label Touchette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Touchette. Show all posts

Monday, January 09, 2017

Jody Issel, Soldiers of Odin Moose Jaw President, Isn't Even Trying Anymore

You know, if there's one positive thing about Trump's election is that the racists we've been covering here for years have become refreshingly honest about their views. Take this guy for example:

Now this is admittedly an older photo of Jody Issel, but it does sort of capture a particular moment in time, specifically the time he tried to start up an unauthorized chapter of the Aryan Nations' in Saskatchewan. That effort didn't pan out so well, so he threw in his lot with Kyle McKee and the Aryan Guard in Calgary for a while, attending at least one of their "White Pride Day" marches.

A few months after we reported Issel's efforts to start an Aryan Nations' chapter, he contacted us to first beg, then threaten us, to remove his information. We didn't and we still haven't, but at that time he seems to have recognized that being associated with the racist movement wasn't good for his career prospects.

Over the years we kept an eye on him. He was careful, locking down his Facebook from our prying eyes, but there were still a number of times he forgot himself:

Then when the Soldiers of Odin movement found it's way across the Atlantic, Issel found himself in an interesting position in that he lived in Moose Jaw, the SoO were looking for a Moose Jaw city president, and the SoO doesn't actually seem to vet their members or individuals aspiring to positions of leadership. Thus:

Recently, Issel and his merry band of SoO members (four by all accounts) decided to take a stroll about Moose Jaw (at least long enough to snap some photos) to protect the fine folks of that particular prairie community:

The problem here is who will protect the fine folks of Moose Jaw from the people who claim to want to protect them?

Bill Daniels, SOO Provincial President in BC

It's funny, because although he claimed that he wasn't hiding, at the time Issel posted these messages on his other profile, it was locked up tighter than gnat's chuff.

But things have changed on both of his profiles, although this one is the more interesting of the two right now:

So why does Issel feel more comfortable openly expressing his racism?

Take a wild guess:

Friday, April 05, 2013

Update on Kitchener Assault: McKee's Name Mentioned

First, if any of our Edmonton readers know anything about this story, please give us a heads up:

Racist grafitti on house focus of hate crimes probe

We don't know if it's one of the usual suspects, someone we aren't aware of, or a random act of idiocy, but we would like to find out.

But in the meantime, we have an update on the assault that took place in Kitchener, ON for which Jessie Lajoie, Eric Marshall, and Marissa Kissack were arrested.

Max Hynes

Even though we were told that we could legally print the name of the victim, we didn't feel comfortable doing so until we saw it published elsewhere (that, and we still were not sure what his real name was). Max Hynes, currently a leading member of the new Southern Ontario Skins and formerly associated with Kyle McKee's Blood & Honour chapter, was allegedly attacked in August 2012. A better image of Hynes can be found below as he celebrated New Years with Paul Fromm a few years back:

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Where Is Nathan Touchette?

NOTE: Would the person who contacted us regarding "Natty" please leave your email address in the comment section. We won't publish it, but we are interested in talking.


One of our readers has noticed that in the Blood and Honour forums, Nathan Touchette is no longer a moderator in the Canadian section. In fact, he appears at this point to be no longer a member of the website.

We wonder if anyone could shed any light on this, purely to satiate our own curiosity?

Nathan Touchette was once a fairly visible bonehead, having participated a few protests and associating with other boneheads. He and Kyle McKee were also the focus of a couple of news articles when they decided to fly a Nazi flag outside the residence in Kitchener they were staying (and subsequently trashed) as well as their desire to move to Calgary to find work in the construction industry.


Then, not long after he left Edmonton where he had been living (at various times with Glen Bahr and Bill Noble), he seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth.


It should also be noted that Touchette was (and most likely remains) a person of interest involving an arson in Edmonton.

His activities online have been sporadic. He last posted on Stormfront (using the handle "Teardown") on March 9, 2010. Between his leaving Edmonton and now, there's been a lot of rumors about his whereabouts, though we do know he was in the UK for a time.

In any case, Touchette's departure from Blood and Honour (at least the forum) leaves the mostly moribund Canadian section with a single Canadian moderator, though in the not too distant past there were as many as 5. In theory. In reality, Chris Vickers hasn't been active in years either.

Maybe that leaves an opening for Marleau.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kevin Goudreau Is Delusional Part 102,091,199,347,162,830

Oh, Kevin. You are the gift that keeps on giving.

Not long ago Kevin Goudreau responded to our most recent article in which we featured him. Suffice it to say, nothing in the article was complimentary. However that seems to have been part of Goudreau's master plan:

Right Kevin. We're the idiots.

Does Kevin remind anyone else of the kid back in school who, trying to impress his class mates with some hair brained stunt, completely screws it up, falls flat on his face, then leaps up bleeding and says, "Ya, well, I meant to do that okay!" The reality is he's not very happy about us:

Problem for him is that we're merely quoting him, so if there are lies being told, he's the one telling them. No matter.

Well Kevin has been a busy, busy beaver since re-establishing his Facebook profile after being deleted for the 18th time. Kevin discovered how to post videos on Facebook and YouTube:

While the videos Goudreau created on his Facebook profile (one of which he uploaded 14 times) were lost when he had to recreate his profile for a 19th time (we have to say he's sure persistent) we managed to save them for our readers to bask in the lunacy that is Kevin Goudreau:

These videos are all a part of an effort by Goudreau to present himself and his "group" as a significant player in the Canadian racist movement. In fact, he goes as far as to claim that his "White Nationalist Front" is the largest such group in Canada (though we all really know he's the only member):

He's even stepping in to claim that the White Pride March in Calgary is not only going to be held, despite the collapse of the Aryan Guard (which still exists in remnant form as of right now) and significant trouble within W.E.B., but he will be the keynote speaker featured at the march. However, others are somewhat dubious about his claims:

The last comment was made by an out on bail John Marleau (bon89 is the username he utilizes on Stormfront) echoing a statement concerning the march he made earlier.

In fact Goudreau is rather infamous for similar lofty plans that don't amount to anything other than empty rhetoric. Last year he was planning on a big WN concert in Ottawa. He even contacted some WN and NSBM bands. But that was it. The bands he contacted were left hanging (no tears from us, mind you) and he blamed them for the failure to get a concert going. It seems that Goudreau feels he only needs to say he's planning something for it to actually happen.

It looks like even the racists are sick of Goudreau's schtick. In fact they're willing to publicly humiliate him to get their point across that Kevin Goudreau is a wingnut. To do so some are going back. Way back. Back almost two decades.

Back in 1993 or 1994, Kevin Goudreau (then 18) was a big talker who seemed to have gotten on the bad side of some neo-Nazis. Goudreau claimed he stood up against 15 Hammerskins. Others laugh at the claim. However the results of the encounter were not at all pretty. Want to know what Goudreau's nose is a bit crooked?

Ouch. Seems that he came out second best in that fight. We certainly don't sanction violence, even against the likes of Goudreau, but this picture does serve to illustrate a point we've made here on a number of occasions. If you run with racist gangs, you're far more likely to be the victim of violence perpetrated by fellow gang members than you are the average person of color that you'll ever meet or any anti-racist. In fact the racist movement is soaked in violence. Also illustrative is the reaction of Goudreau's fellow travelers:

Kevin. Baby. A little friendly suggestion.

You might want to consider a less violent group of people to hang around with.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Update: Noble Reported Released

Bill Noble was released from the Prince George Regional Correctional Centre in British Columbia on Friday, April 25, 2008 after serving two months of a four month prison sentence for violating Canadian hate crime laws. Noble will also have to abide by other restrictions, including a three year period where he will not be allowed to access the Internet or being in the vicinity of a computer that has the ability to access the Internet. We imagine there might also be restrictions on whom he may associated with as well, however this is not yet certain.

Noble is a member of the Calgary based neo-nazi gang the Aryan Guard. He has a long history of associating with racists before his involvement with the Aryan Guard, including Glenn Bahr (founder and leader of Western Canada For Us), Nathan Touchette, Ciaran Donnelly, Jessica Beaumont, Paul Fromm, Terry Tremaine, and many others.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Canadian Combat18 Moderators

Combat18 is one of the most violent racist movements in Europe, at least west of Berlin, Germany. There are no Canadian chapters per se (though Volksfront is affiliated with a rival Blood and Honour alliance of movements), but there are individuals who consider themselves to be a part of the movement, if only peripherally. The Combat18 forum's Canadian section is usually moribund with only the occasional member posting a message every couple of days. However, there are currently three Canadian moderators working the forums.

We begin with Melissa Desrochers, born September 18, 1980, is a woman from Montreal, Quebecwho works as a medical assistant. On Combat18 forums she uses the name "Boadicea." Based upon her own writing it seems Melissa was a bit of a hellraiser at one time, but is a bit more domesticated. One point in her favor might be the fact that she absolutely can't stand fellow Montreal-based racist Tara Dribnenki. Melissa posted this concerning Dribnenki:

TARA: T'es une ostie de punk crusty de merde.On s'en calisse de toi. T'es mieux de fermer ta criss de gueule sale au lieu de bullshitter... pis t'es mieux de surveiller tes fesses criss de chienne! Toi aussi 2 minutes après que j't'ai appellé pour avoir le numéro de Johnny, tu répondais pu au téléphone, sale merde!

TARA: You're a shitty crusty punk. We've had it withyou. You're better to shut your fucking dirty mouthinstead of bullshitting... and you're better to watchyour ass you fucking dog! You too, 2 minutes after I called you to get Johnny's number, you didn't answerthe phone anymore, dirty shit!