Showing posts with label SOS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOS. Show all posts

13 July 2016

Michelle Erstikaitis In The News Again

It's been a while since we heard anything about Michelle Erstikaitis. Last we heard she was still in detention from a previous run-in with the judicial system and Paul Fromm was diligently visiting her behind bars (really, though he claims her as a White Nationalist P.O.W. Paulie's relationship with Erstikaitis remains inexplicable to us.... unless.... yuck!).

We'll, it looks like she is out of prison.

Or, perhaps we should say, WAS out of prison:



Paulie might have a hard time explaining this away.

Michelle Erstikaitis, 36, who was deemed a dangerous offender five years ago, appeared in a College Park courtroom Tuesday looking dishevelled and ranting about wanting “a refugee lawyer” to handle her case.

She is charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and carrying a concealed weapon.

“I’m a Canadian citizen and I want to leave this country,” Erstikaitis said in open court.

Okay, so, what did she do exactly?

Toronto Sun sources alleged the woman initially asked for asylum but soon began shouting “ISIS is coming to kill you” and other odd things.
Officers arrived and found a guard suffering from multiple stab wounds.

“It’s alleged the woman tried to force her way into the consulate while armed with a three-inch box cutter,” said Sidhu, who added she rushed through the body scanner at the front entrance prompting a guard to react.

As the guard grabbed the woman, she allegedly slashed his throat with the razor-sharp box-cutter narrowly missing a major artery, sources say.

“He managed to avoid serious injury,” Sidhu said, adding the guard’s arm was also sliced before the woman was subdued.

Yeah, that would do it.

The article goes on to detail Erstikaitis' long and sordid history of legal problems, arrests, and her dangerous offender designation which Paulie suggested was COMPLETELY unjustifiable.


Paulie might be pleased though (or saddened) to learn that her association with him and White Nationalists was not included in her biography

Last we actually saw Erstikaitis was at the Doug Christie Memorial in Toronto where she was photographed between Malcolm Ross and Marc Lemire....

11 June 2016

"YWN" Writer Can Dish It Out, But Can't Take It

A few days ago we posted an article noting the decision by Judy Foote which ordered Canada Post to stop delivering the neo-Nazi rag "Your Ward News." Now, we would further note that the order doesn't preclude editor James Sears from publishing the rag online or finding other means to distribute the paper door to door. In fact, a message on Paulie's wall posted by Southern Ontario Skinhead member Dan Hall suggests that Sears may be looking to employ neo-Nazis just for that purpose:

Of course, that hasn't stopoed Lawrence McCurry from engaging in a little bit of online histrionic crying and gnashing of teeth:

Then again, McCurry's freedom of speech/freedom of the press bona fides might be called into question when the rag he writes for has been promoting book burning for more than a year now:

The Collective sent a message to Mr. McCurry in which we succinctly stated that "Your Ward News" wasn't being censored by the government, but that the government also has no obligation to disseminate trash on Sears' and co.'s behalf:

20 March 2016

Canadians United 4 Canada Founder and Paul Fromm Meet

Hot on the heels of our last story detailing Canadians United 4 Canada and their ties to Canadian neo-Nazis, we see have a related update further cementing the group in the "White Nationalist" camp.

Yesterday Ms. O'Farrell, founder of Canadians United 4 Canada, alluded to some meetings that were taking place soon:

And now thanks to Paulie, we know a little bit more about one of those meetings:

19 March 2016

Soldiers of Odin: Canadians United 4 Canada Ally With Overt Neo-Nazis

On March 7, the founder of the Facebook group Canadians United 4 Canada posted the following message in which she offered her unreserved support for the Soldiers of Odin (SoO).

The Soldiers of Odin (SoO) began in Finland as a vigilante group ostensibly formed to protect women from sexual harassment and assault from the country's immigrant and minority population (which leaves us wondering if they are as concerned about harassment and assaults against women by the majority native European population, but we digress). Though they claim not to be racist, the founder of the SoO has links to the far-right Finish Resistance movement as well as a conviction for a racially motivated assault (my Finish to English translation captures the spirit of the article):
....Soldiers of Odin leader Mika Beach was convicted of assaulting immigrants in 2005. Beach and his friends attacked two immigrants in a restaurant. They beat both victims and his hand was broken, Journal says. Beach was also sentenced for other offenses, including possession of a gun and blade chain in a public place. The offence was racially motivated....
It is noted in the article that another high profile SoO member has and extensive criminal history. Also, some of the membership aren't above lying about their efforts:
The whole story was invented by one man Looper. We are now accused of being liars and just about. We ask all what you humbly apologize that this did happen.
Somehow we have a feeling that they regret getting caught lying rather than the actual lie, but what do we know?

Canadians United 4 Canada don't appear all that concerned with how shady the original Finnish chapter of SoO seems to be in offering unconditional support to the Canadian chapters. The Quebec chapter of the SoO seem to appreciate Ms. O'Farrell's shout-out:

Ms. O'Farrell, founder of Canadians United 4 Canada, wishes to convince her members that the SoO are not racist skinheads and just want to protect Canada and all that we hold dear from the Jihadists at the gate (though she herself show poor judgement in who she adds as friends):

Why don't we test Ms. O'Farrell's claim?

6 February 2016

February 2016 Bits and Bites

So PEGIDA Canada held another rally today without telling anyone. The results were as sad as the previous effort despite the spin they placed on it:


In related news, we're still following the aftermath of our recent article detailing the often violent anti-Muslim/anti-refugee and anti-government rhetoric found on a number of Facebook groups such as PEGIDA Canada. We will be doing a follow-up soon, but we thought we would provide a preview of the reaction from one of the groups we were monitoring until recently, "Trudeau is Malignant":

Oh you are just adorable!

We can't seem to find the group any longer which means they have either shut it down or have figured out which of the 50+ members was our dummy profile. Either way, what was posted there wasn't much different than the bigoted, hateful, and often violent posts found in other groups.

We'll save that all for a later article, but for future reference just because we haven't mentioned you, doesn't mean we aren't aware of you.

In the meantime, let's talk about Paulie's latest adventure:

Worst. Abbey Road. Reenactment. Ever.

7 September 2015

Paul Fromm's Annus Horribilis

The year 2015 has not been very good for Paulie. In fact, it seems to have been an especially bad year.

Paulie's annus horribilis can actually be said to have begun in October 2014 when we, and evidently a lot of others, received an email contained two photos which featured Fromm and his girlfriend (he was still married at the time) in what we will charitably refer to as clothing which left very little to the imagination. We didn't post those images here (though if you wish to view them here be warned they are definitely NSFW) Paulie's French girlfriend did paint a self portrait of herself and Paulie which appears to have used one of the photos as source material:

When it first came out, Paulie's ideological allies appear to have circled the wagons in order to protect him, but it seems that in 2015 there has been some talk behind the scenes, at least in some circles:

But this sort of only represents a relatively insignificant reason why 2015 will go down as a year Paulie will very much like to forget.

14 July 2015

Fromm and McKee: Interesting Fallout From "National Post" Article

We had expected that the Stewart Bell article which focused on a young, autistic, Jewish man who had embraced white supremacy would result in radio silence from most of the usual suspects mainly because Paulie was portrayed in a particularly negative light. We did expect there might be a few who would comment; Tommy Winnicki here and on VNN for example:

FYI, Tommy isn't very original. He appears to routinely save messages, repeatedly posting the exact same ones in the desperate hope that we will publish at least one of them.

One might suggest he find a more productive hobby, but then there are those who would say that's a matter of the pot calling the kettle black.

I digress.

We did find a single thread on Stormfront that commented on the revelation that Paulie appears to be using an autistic gentleman to smuggle hate literature and for money, and the source was not at all expected:

I suppose it isn't a surprise that McKee decided focus on this article. At first it seems he is is critical of Max Hynes' Southern Ontario Skinheads out of London, an understandable position given the two groups.... such as they are.... hate each other (and McKee has already gone out of his way to criticize Hynes and the SOS on Stormfront). The tenor of the posts initially seemed be progressing in that direction:

But then we see that the criticism isn't so much directed at the SOS (though to be sure that perspective exists) but towards Paulie himself:

5 July 2015

Paul Fromm Is A Creep

Sometimes, a person can be so disgusted by another human being that no words can really express the feeling.

This marks such a time for us.

The unexpected transformation of Aaron Pearlston: He is now Douglas Pearson, white supremacist

You really are a loathsome creature, Paul.

2 July 2015

July 2015 Bits and Bites: Canada Day Edition

Well, belated Canada Day. Or perhaps Canada Day +1.

We understand that some of our readers have a complicated relationship with Canada Day considering the treatment of First Nations people over the centuries and Canada's past retrogressive immigration policies that excluded people on the basis of ethnicity from coming to Canada. But do you know who shouldn't have any ambiguity about Canada Day?


Our bonehead friends more often than not refer to themselves as the much more innocuous sounding "White Nationalist," the emphasis being on the "white" part of course, but the "nationalism" portion is no less important to their identity. One of the criticisms of immigrants, First Nations peoples, and non-white Canadians (many of who's ancestors immigration histories predate those of the boneheads by decades) is that these group don't love the country like they do. The "White Nationalists" complain that the immigrants, First Nations, and non-white Canadians didn't do anything to build the country and are just here as "takers" with no fundamental loyalty to Canada:

Putting aside the fact that "RIP Canada 1867 to 1965" likely hasn't picked glacial stones out of a field or cleared brush in his entire life and is assuming the credit due his betters, this is a fairly typical missive. So, we can expect that "White Nationalists" in their zeal to show just how better they are than the unwashed hordes battering down the gates at proving how much they love this country:

Or not.

28 June 2015

Canadian Bonehead Response to Charleston Church Murders

When the "National Post" published the article focusing on Paulie's involvement with the Council of Conservative Citizens (CoCC), the hate group that inspired the murder of 9 men and women at Mother Emanel, his friend and fellow CoCC supporter Jared Taylor noted that the story wasn't so bad:

This led to one of the more "out there" exchanges on Facebook that we've experienced in a while:

While it is pretty funny to witness just how disconnected with reality that boneheads can be, the murders in Charleston really did bring out the worst in a lot of those who we cover here on the blog.

23 June 2015

Paul Fromm and the Council of Conservative Citizens: Canadian MSM Makes Connection

In the early hours of June 22, we published a story that reminded our readers that Canada's own Paul Fromm is closely associated with the Council of Conservative Citizens (CoCC) as both a board member and as the international director. The CoCC is in the news as a result of their connection to the Charleston killer and, falling from that, the financial contributions made by the CoCC president to a number of high profile Republican politicians. At the end of our article, we made the following comment:

At the end of the article we posed the following question:

Well, it looks like Paulie has had just that opportunity:

3 June 2015

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part XII

It has been a while since we last wrote about London's Southern Ontario "Skinheads." In truth, they had been rather boring of late which isn't necessarily a bad thing since that generally means they aren't getting into trouble. We've heard rumors that some of the members had moved on and that the group was rife with infighting, but then that's all standard fare. However there have been a few things that have occurred that have warranted our attention and which we think befit the honour of being entered into our award winning "Stooges" series.

We actually have Dan Hall to thank for prompting us to write this article. You remember Dan Hall, aka: "Odin TheCelt", aka: "Yordi JewKiller", aka: "David Lawson", aka: "Buddy Hall", aka: "LastofaDyingBreed", aka:.... well, we could go on. If you don't remember him, we have a photo handy for quick reference:

19 May 2015

Hi Folks. Miss Me?

I know a few people did. Hell, even Jeff Goodall sent his warm regards.

Long story short, extended hospital stays suck. The food is flavorless. The beds are too narrow. The boredom is mind-numbing.

On the other hand, the drug cocktail in the IV drip had it's moments. There were moments where I felt at one with the universe, like the time I thought I was in a deep, meaningful, conversation with a ground squirrel spirit guide, though it turns out I was just yelling at a vase filled with daisies and daffodils. The nurses reduced the amount of morphine soon after.

It does look like one of the other Collective members tried to hold down the fort while this writer was on her unexpected sabbatical, at least for a time. However more important things like life often get in the way and no one can be faulted for that.

We will however try to get back to more regular updating. It's not as if things haven't been happening. The folks on Stormfront are becoming increasingly frisky. Your Ward News, an misanthropic little rag at best of times, has gone full fascist right down the the armbands (Kinsella and BCL have been covering that file here, here, and here). Some Southern Ontario Skinhead members and former members have been acting stupid.... again.

But first, a thank you is in order.

15 February 2015

A Response to Fromm's Condemnation of the Canadian Flag

Fifty years ago today, the Canadian Parliament adopted this as our nation's national flag:

While there certainly was a significant debate at the time, since the adoption of the current flag most Canadians surveyed have supported it as an appropriate symbol for the country.

Well, not everyone:

This isn't exactly new. Paulie has this particular bug up his ass for the better part of his career as a figure in the Canadian White Nationalist movement in Canada. His followers certainly support his position for, what is to them, the obvious reason.

They don't like da' ethnic folks:

It might come as a surprise to Mary to know that the maple tree is not in fact found all over the place. It might also come as a surprise to Mary that the maple leaf has been a national symbol since before Canada became a country. Paulie in fact used to play "The Maple Leaf Forever" before the beginning of his Stormfront radio program, and that song was at the time of  Confederation.

Things also got a little weird in the comments....

....but that is neither here nor there.

What is important is that Paulie insists on the return of Canada's REAL national flag!

This begs a further question. Which of the post-Confederation flags does Paulie want?

27 December 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part XI

Our readers have likely noticed that our output has been rather limited of late. In part that's due to not having as much to cover here as we rework some of our intel gathering strategies.

The other reason is we just haven't felt like writing all that much. And a lot of what has been published has been really labored (to those who have made mention that we have been phoning it in, it's not as if you're telling us something we weren't already well aware of ourselves).

Hey, everyone goes through lulls. 

Regardless of our current state of ennui, we thought that it would be appropriate before 2014 ends to include one more article in our long running series on a very special group of boneheads.

More on Dan Hall another time, but he does bring up a pertinent question. What IS up with Brodie Walsh?

14 December 2014

Observing Patterns and Drawing Correct Conclusions

Sometimes when we're bored we like to write about the people who have amused us for some reason or other. Over the years we've published articles on the blog we've had one individual who, as a frequent reader, has often tried to rhetorically cross swords with us:

This wide-eyed waif is a young Tomasz Winnicki pictured at a time when he was innocent, hopeful, and had a full head of hair. Eventually Tommy would turn into this:

The years have not been very kind to Tom. Like the boy he was in the first photograph, this nearly 40 year old man-child also still live with his mother and still has difficulty cleaning his bedroom.

Does the term "arrested development" have any meaning, Tommy?

Our long time readers are by this point aware of Tommy and his unjustifiably inflated ego. In short, Winnicki believes himself to be a particularly brilliant chap and that that his ideological foes cower in the face of an obvious intellectual giant. Tommy certainly isn't shy about sharing with others how clever he believes he is:

The above post is based on Winnicki's perception of a discussion found here on the "London Free Press." In the echo chamber that is VNN, there are those who will likely believe that he is "schooling" the folks he describes as anti-racists. Then again, he also thought this was a legitimate argument concerning the recent national elections in Sweden:

We often like to poke Winnicki because.... well.... it's lots of fun. We also know that challenging his intelligence will result in a temper tantrum and Tommy did not fail to disappoint us:

13 October 2014

October 2014 Bits and Bites: Thanksgiving Edition

As today is a day where people will be getting together to spend time with their loved ones, we thought we would give some attention to those bonehead, who will be spending this day alone, perhaps eating a can of corned beef over the sink while blaming the Jews for their social isolation.

Our first lonely shut-in is Tomasz Winnicki of London who has been mentioned on a number of occasions on this blog.Truth be told, we think he likes the attention since he frequently tries to get our attention. His efforts are usually for naught and that sort of frustrates him a little bit, however we do throw him a bone sometimes. For example, here is one of his comments concerning our posts on the Southern Ontario "Skinheads":

Yeah, in case it's unclear Tomasz is suggesting that he is the worthy opponent we should be engaging. Have we mentioned that he has a very high opinion of his intellect?

Okay, will give you a shot Tom. Call it an audition for the position of our foil. We'll take a look at one of the comments you made on "The London Free Press" concerning the recent election in Sweden to determine if you are a worthy opponent: