Showing posts with label John Beck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Beck. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2012

Video from the BC Humanist Association

We were sent a link to the following video on YouTube. It is a presentation from August 17, 2012 by Edwin Hodge concerning white supremacy in the digital age.

Overall, this was a very well done presentation. Any issues we have are relatively minor:

  • "88" does not refer to Hitler's birthday, but is the numerical symbol for "Heil Hitler."
  • The photo of the 2011 police raid is not of the Calgary-based Blood & Honour faction, but the Hammerskin-aligned faction in British Columbia.
  • The hategroup, "BC WHITE PRIDE" disappeared in large part because of the work of the Center for Research-Action on Race Relations.
Overall though, the presentation was pretty solid and reinforces our message that we do need to be concerned about white supremacists because of the violence much of the membership engages in.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Rob de Chazal: The Lemire Connection

A friend forwarded us a number of interesting screen shots from some of the hacked emails, including those from Kermit the Frog impersonator Bill Noble.

Since one of our focuses is currently on Rob de Chazal (who, along with Shawn Macdonald and Alastair Miller, is accused of a series of assaults), we did a little search and were surprised at what we found because it was really quite unexpected.

Back in late 2004, former WCFU co-founder and leader Glenn Bahr decided that he was going to engage in a massive (from his standpoint) flyering campaign to get out the "White Nationalist" message which would take place on January 15, 2005:

On this Stormfront thread, Bahr and other "White Nationalists" discuss how they will proceed and, once the campaign was over, brag about the success:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wildrose Alliance Candidate "Linked" To Paul Fromm

Photograph falls under Fair Use.

Link Byfield shaking hands with Paul Fromm in November 1999. Byfield was being honoured at dinner held by Fromm.

Link Byfield is currently a candidate for the Wildrose Alliance Party in the constituency of Whitecourt-St. Anne (see Byfield campaign website). In 2004, he was chosen as one of Alberta's four senators in waiting, though the Federal government is not obliged to appoint him to the Senate.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

John Beck

Name: John David Beck
DOB: March 8, 1968
Posts on Stormfront and other hate sites using a number of usernames.
Last Known Residence: Kelowna, BC
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal decision found at