Showing posts with label Gaede. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaede. Show all posts

4 October 2015

"Cobbsville Redux" or "The Sequel is Usually Worse Than the Original": Part III

We first learned that Craig Cobb was trying to establish an all-white slum.... er.... community again even after his Leith fiasco back in June, though we couldn't claim to be surprised. His efforts then were met with a collective, "sigh, this again?" from his erstwhile ideological allies who had grown tired of his publicity seeking which they found to be embarrassing, though to be fair he does still maintain some support. Also not surprising was the efforts of the good people of Antler, ND who managed to thwart Cobb's efforts to establish a PLE and rename the village after Donald Trump, which contributed to his also not surprising public temper tantrum on Stormfront.

We collected a lot of acrimonious screen shots from Stormfront. We won't share them all since that would be ridiculous, but we will give our readers a taste of what was written:


And so on....

However, there were two comments that were made which were of interest to us. The first is related to Cobb's brief sojourn here in Canada (we remind our readers that Craig Cobb is, alas, a Canadian citizen through naturalization from back in the 1960s) and his hasty exit out of the country as a result of his arrest on hate crime charged. Paulie conveniently posted the warrant for our perusal:

3 October 2015

The Company He Keeps: Meet Fromm's New Friend Brian Ruhe (UPDATED)

We briefly mentioned Ruhe a few weeks ago in reference to Paulie's horrible, rotten, no-good 2015, but didn't really talk much about the man himself other than posting a link to a recent article about Ruhe in the "Gerorgia Straight."

Brian Ruhe is was a continuing-education instructor at Capilano University teaching courses on meditation and Buddhist philosophy, however on learning of his other activities, some of which might have been taught in his classes according to one anonymous poster in the comments section of the "Georgia Straight" article, Ruhe's contract was not renewed.

You see Ruhe was also a UFOologist (which might be eccentric but otherwise harmless) and a proponent of antisemitic tropes (which was not harmless and would sort of damage the university's reputation if they remained associated with him) which he cloaks in eastern spirituality:


In short, Brian Ruhe is Canada's 21st century poor man's version of Savitri Devi, though he justifies his antisemitic Hitler worship based on a warped interpretation of Buddhism and, unlike Devi, Ruhe has the charisma of a lightly-used dish rag.

Ruhe is a prolific user of YouTube and so provides a great deal of material indicating what an odd duck he is, however we decided to profile one of his more recent videos (edited for length and cut into three sections) in which he discusses his own particular "solution" to the "Jewish problem":

19 September 2015

Paul Fromm's Annus Horribilis: Part II

When we posted the news release regarding the anti-fascists' efforts to oppose the PEGIDA Canada rally planned for today, we received some comments condemning our efforts to deny the free speech rights of the participants. We would argue that opposing PEGIDA Canada publicly isn't so much denying them their freedoms as it is showing them that the majority of people believe they are Islamophobic assholes, thus engaging in their freedoms as well. We would further add that we aren't the ones organizing the counter-protests, but we do support the efforts of those opposing PEGIDA Canada.

One of the folks who has commented on ARC promoting the counter rally was our good friend Paulie:

Since you can read the message he is referring to here, we won't bother with that part of Paulie's missive, but we can't say we feel a lot of love from him.

But this part kind of amuses us:

Not sure how a request to bring blags, banners, and noise-makers is a call for violence. Sounds more like a plan to disrupt the PEGIDA Canada event with noise and sounds. Still, it is sort of rich that Paulie is complaining about the anti-fascists plan to disrupt the PEGIDA Canada event when Paulie himself has a history of disrupting opposing rallies and speaking engagements himself back in the 1970s as a founding member of the Edmund Burke Society:

Toronto, ON – William Kunstler assaulted by members of the Edmond Burke Society

Attorney for the Chicago 7 William Kunstler was assaulted and slightly injured during a speech in Toronto after members of the Edmund Burke Society stormed the stage. Prior to the assault the Burkers had been heckling Kunstler so a spokesperson was invited to state the groups views. Paul Fromm took the stage and poured water over Kunstler’s notes, resulting in Kunstler pouring water over Fromm.

Toronto, ON – Edmund Burke Society precipitate riot

“In May 1970 the Burkers counter-demonstrated against ‘the last of the big Communist anti-Vietnam war demonstrations in Toronto’ … The ensuing violence resulted in widespread damage to property, numerous injuries, and almost 100 arrests, 90 per cent of them supposedly left-wingers, the remainder Edmund Burke Society supporters. In later years, it was revealed that the rampaging demonstrators and the destruction actually were precipitated by Edmund Burke Society infiltrators into the left-wing ranks. The purpose was to discredit the anti-American peacenik movement.” (Barrett, 59)

Toronto, ON – Edmund Burke Society associates arrested for assassination plot

Police arrested two men after receiving tips of a plot to assassinate Soviet premier Alexei Kosygin in Toronto. Raids on a number of homes of several Edmond Burke Society members yielded weapons and what spokesperson Paul Fromm characterized as, “equipment.” Earlier in the week Edmund Burke Society member Geza Matrai attacked Kosygin while the Soviet premier was visiting Ottawa.

Toronto, ON – Edmund Burke Society members attack audience in Convocation Hall, University of Toronto

“Quebec labour leader Michel Chartrand and lawyer Robert Lemieux, referred to later by a former Burker… as FLQ communists, were the targets. As the Toronto Daily Star (29 March 1971) described it, Edmund Burke Society members hurled a stink bomb, threw stones through windows, and sprayed the hall with a mace-like substance. The building caretaker had to be treated for temporary blindness, and a Toronto Telegraph reporter also hospitalized after being kicked in the head and abdomen.” (Barrett, 60)

Barrett, Stanley R. Is God a Racist? The Right Wing in Canada. University of Toronto Press: Toronto. 1989.

And given his support for the likes of the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour, Volksfront, National Socialist Movement, Klan, etc, it's sort of hard to take Paulie all that seriously.

Besides, he might have to deal with other more pressing matters in the near future:

Meet Austin Collins, a participant in Ku Klux Klan leader Tom Robb's "Faith and Freedom" conference in 2011. It appears that Collins stumbled across our little spot on the Internet, read about Paulie's difficulty with fidelity (NSFW), and unlike other "White Nationalists" didn't sweep Paulie's indiscretions under the rug:

22 October 2013

Cobb's Venture in North Dakota Failing (Which Shouldn't Really Be a Surprise)

We don't often turn our gaze south of the border unless there's some link to Canada or to Canadian boneheads. So when Craig Cobb's efforts to turn little Leith, North Dakota into little Bavaria circa 1939 became public, we couldn't help pay attention.

Not long after fleeing from Canada where he held citizenship back to his native United States (Cobb had been charged with violating this country's hate crime laws) Cobb quietly began purchasing property in the small village of Leith, North Dakota. Much of the property was purchased cheaply, in some cases sold by owners who hadn't been to Leith in some time, and it was pretty clear that no one knew who Craig Cobb was nor his motivations. So when it hit the news that Cobb was buying property so that he and other boneheads could move to the village, take over the government, and enact racist bylaws (not to mention naming future parks and buildings after Hitler or infamous American racists) the freakout was more than understandable. He also gave property to a who's who of racists, including Tom Metzger, Alex Linder of VNN, the National Socialist Movement, child pimp April Gaede (at least when it came to her eldest daughter's musical careers, though we can't be certain that she wouldn't have offered them both up to David Lane had the opportunity arose) and Canada's own Paul Fromm (should he accept the offer).

Turns out though the good people of Leith and the surrounding area really don't take a shine to outsiders trying to impose their ideas on them though. Cobb himself lost his job and encouraged his supporters to harass his former employer so he could get his job back (because that is a TOTALLY not crazy and perfectly rational approach to conflict resolutions). Then when convicted felon Jeff Schoep and a few members of his National Socialist Movement gang traveled to Leith to support Cobb, they were met by a much larger counter protest which included Lakota and Dakota warriors.

We gotta tells ya that if we were gamblers, we would  bet on the Lakota or Dakota warrior in a fight with an "Aryan" warrior any day of the week. We mean, even the elders who took their flag and then burned it kicked their asses... albeit figuratively.

Things also haven't helped matters when it was learned that Cobb's residence didn't have sewer or running water. To wash himself he used bottled water and when he wanted to drop a deuce he had to go outside to an outhouse which might be fine if you're staying in a cottage at the lake but it's not so cool when your neighbor is working in her garden next door.

So in other words, they expect to build this....

.... but thus far has only managed to get as far as this:

Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day.

But last week there was finally some good news for Cobb and co. A couple of boneheads and their five children in Oregon had decided to take Cobb up on his offer and move to Leith. The folks at VNN, well, they were over the moon!

22 August 2013

Craig Cobb's Big Plans

Hey, Tomasz. You should pay attention to this story.

You too Paulie. 

Cobb in Vancouver not long
after being deported from Estonia
We haven't written a lot about Craig Cobb since his arrest and his subsequent flight from Canada a few years ago, aside from his rather disconcerting effort to get him some lov'n. But Crusty the Cobb has been busy. For starters, he has re-established Podblanc. If our readers need a reminder, Podblanc is sort of the racist version of YouTube. Many of the videos Cobb created and posted to his site were those in which he presented himself as a reporter. He then proceeded to ask questions rife with racial epithets designed not to elicit thoughtful responses but anger from the target (for example, as Rosa Parks' body was lying in state in Washington D.C., Cobb informed visitors waiting in line to pay their respects that she was a, "shitskinned communist" and that he was celebrating Parks death). In fact, Cobb often makes nasty little comments about the appearance of his targets, which makes it rather ironic that he seems so thin-skinned when the roles are reversed:

But that's not all. Cobb has decided to fulfill the wishes of many "White Nationalists" including our own Tomasz Winnicki by attempting to create a bonehead utopia, Turns out a little over a year ago Cobb started buying property in a little North Dakota hamlet:

Paulie? Hmmmm, interesting. Then again it's not as if Paulie and Cobb don't have a history together:

Our readers might have noted that Cobb is banned on VNN. More on that in a future article that we're sure is bound to come up sooner rather than later. 

Today, the msm caught wind of the story:

16 November 2011

ARC In the News and a Request For Information

Someone claiming to be Elisa Hategan left a message on the blog. If you are willing, we would absolutely love to get in contact with you. Look for our email address on the left hand side of the blog.

Now, blowing our own horn time. The fine folks at Media Matters For America were kind enough not only to use some material from our blog, but actually attribute it to us by providing the link to the article in question:

[Craig] Cobb began living in Kalispell in the summer of 2010 after being kicked out of Estonia and then charged with hate crimes in Canada, where he remains a wanted man. (Cobb has dual U.S.-Canadian citizenship.)  In September 2010 Cobb and Harp co-hosted a PLE movie screening of a Holocaust denial film at the Kalispell Public Library.

The article at Media Matters is as fascinating as it is disturbing. We encourage our readers to give it a read.

22 August 2011

Hey! April is a Fan!

Well color us surprised to find out that April Gaede read our latest article concerning her and her.... uhm... endorsement of Barack Obama:

Oh, April, you have it all wrong. It doesn't bother us. You simply continue to live up (or down?) to our expectations.

19 August 2011

Isn't An Implied Threat to Harm the President of the United States Illegal?

Okay, so this deals exclusively with American boneheads, but as Paulie and April are friends, we sort of keep tabs on her too.

A little backstory. April Gaede is best known as the mother and promoter (or, better put, figurative pimp) of Prussian Blue, twin girls who, in their preteens, were trotted out to WN rallies and conferences to entertain boneheads with their a set of catchy racist tunes.

Fast forward a few years. Lynx and Lamb, now 19 and no longer under their mother's watchful eye, have started to reject the racist ideology their mother had tried to indoctrinate them into as children (they aren't all the way there yet, but we remain hopeful). And April is not dealing well with this. At all. After all, the girls were sort of the only reason people paid much attention to April.

So, how does April Gaede, who really likes being the center of attention, remain in the center of attention?

Copious us of the, "n" word and outrageous statements, sort of like this one:

26 March 2011

Paulie Comments on Calgary March Which He Characterizes as, "Very Successful"

We're about to bring our exclusive coverage of the events of March 19 to a close soon, but we certainly can't conclude the discussion without some input from the grand old man of the bonehead movement, Paulie Fromm.

This past Tuesday, Paulie (pictured here drinking more red wine paid for by his poor followers) spent the first part of his new radio show commenting on the "White Pride" march that took place last Saturday. Now normally we don't like to link to bonehead websites, but we decided to link to this one because it is really, really funny.

Let's just say that while Paulie might have a face for radio, he really doesn't have a voice (click on the link to see what we mean; it really does become quite painful after a while).

22 January 2011

Paul Fromm Visits Craig Cobb in Montana

In an article we re-posted concerning the Canada wide arrest warrant for Craig Cobb, a request was made by the RCMP:

Anyone who has information on his whereabouts is asked to call their local police detachment, said Mounties.

He's in Kalispell, Montana. He's been active there for some time in fact.

Easy, right? After all that's where he has repeatedly said he was living. But if the RCMP doesn't wish to take our word for it, they could get in touch with Paul Fromm who met with and interviewed Cobb earlier this week:

6 January 2011

Arrest Warrant For Craig Cobb

We didn't think we would be talking about Craig "Krusty the Klown" Cobb again now that he's an American problem once again, however it looks like he's back on our radar. Yesterday we noticed the following post on VNN:

A similar post went up on Stormfront. Sure enough, the claim is accurate:

6 March 2010

Blood and Honour Plan Vancouver Island March

More and more, it really looks like if there's going to be any march in Calgary this month, it's going to be a bit of a disaster:

With the likes of McKee, Sturrup, Reitmeir, Marleau and others either in jail or under house arrest, we can't imagine anything organized will be much more than an utter failure. We could be wrong though which is why we hear that counter demonstrations are already being organized.

Still, it is the march season it appears, and there appear to be two marches planed on March 20 and 21 in British Columbia.

The first is one we covered here a few weeks ago. UPDATE: We had originally included the names of the two individuals who set up the website promoting the event, as well as the event notice on Facebook which was associated with the Facebook group, "Advocates For White Civil Rights," when we wrote about this event some weeks ago. Not long after, a woman, claiming to be the husband of one of the subjects of the article started complaining and threatening criminal proceedings if we didn't remove his name. On March 27, 2010, she sent us a section of the criminal code in an effort to intimidate us. After we stopped laughing (as the part of the criminal code she cited had absolutely nothing to do with this issue, and we were well within our rights to publish the information as her husband and his friend had their names publicly associated with both the march and the group, making it public domain), we decided, what the hell! We'll grant her wish. Instead, we'll post pictures of the now strangely missing website for Advocates of White Civil Rights. If names happen to appear on the picture, well, we could hardly be blamed for that: