27 November 2013

The Failure of "Cobbsville" Part IV: In the End, It's Not Really About Cobb

Since the last post on the subject a few things have happened. Cobb and Dutton were denied bond. Cobb began a hunger strike (he was taken to the hospital today for an evaluation). He has filed a human rights complaint against the attorney general of North Dakota claiming he has been discriminated against. Finally, Cobb has promised that, in exchange for dropping charges against him, he will leave North Dakota forever.

All in all it's been a busy week and a half for Cobb and his friends.

We had stated in an earlier post that we really didn't expect much out of Cobb's efforts and that it would inevitably collapse around him. Despite the initial hopes of his supporters, even most of them have come to realize how disastrous this initiative was. His detractors on VNN and Stormfront have been ripping into Cobb and his allies on the White Nations forum have been at a bit of a loss to explain how things have turned out, suggesting that Cobb might be mentally ill or suffering from dementia.

But really, whether Cobb had initiated this effort or someone else, it was going to fail because of who it attracted. In fact this case really is a shining example of what the, "White Nationalist" or "White Separatist" movement really is all about. In that sense Cobb is a bit player in the drama he created.

Let's take a look at the two adults who have stuck it out with Cobb to support our case:

26 November 2013

Dean Clifford Arrested in Hamilton on Sunday

Dean Clifford, Freemen guru, arrested on Canada-wide warrant

Freemen-on-the-Land speaker arrested in Hamilton on Sunday on warrant issued in Manitoba

By Adam Carter, CBC News Posted: Nov 25, 2013 3:42 PM ET

Dean Clifford, the so-called guru of the Freemen-on-the-Land movement, was arrested Sunday night in Hamilton on a Canada-wide warrant. 

Plainclothes officers from the OPP’s Repeat Offender Parole Enforcement Squad (ROPE) nabbed Clifford after he hosted a two-day “Divestment from Corporations and Detaxation” seminar at the Hamilton Marriott.

The Canada-wide warrant was issued by Winnipeg police, who allege Clifford assaulted police, resisted arrest and obstructed police in the province.

The charges stem from an incident at a traffic stop in Winnipeg on July 13, according to Const. Eric Hofley of the Winnipeg Police Service.

24 November 2013

More Infighting: Calgary Blood & Honour Feud With Southern Ontario Skins

The McKee faction of Blood & Honour has been uncharacteristically quiet aside from the suspected  attack on the Devine home in September and their short-lived website.  And except for a planned MMA exhibition (i.e. a couple of drunk boneheads wildly throwing haymakers at each other in an unfinished basement while being poorly filmed), the Southern Ontario Skinheads haven't appeared all that active either.

Which isn't to say that things aren't interesting if one knows where to look.

We have to admit that we don't know the reason but there has been a wee bit of tension that exists between the members of both racist gangs which is interesting considering the overlap. For example, the founder and (for lack of a better word) leader of the S.O.S. is Max Hynes who, when he lived for a time in Calgary, was closely associated with B&H and when he returned to Ontario started a B&H branch there. The leader of B&H in Calgary, Kyle McKee, has his own origins in southern Ontario. Eric Sheridan, a Toronto member of the S.O.S., helped flyer Lethbridge with the precursor of B&H (the Aryan Guard) in 2007. And Brenin Bonifaz who was appeared to be closely associated with the S.O.S. is now very much a part of McKee's B&H now that he has moved to Calgary.

Which brings us to Brenin Bonifaz.

Dude. You should really change your privacy settings.

It looks like since we grabbed these screen shots Bonifaz has removed the whole monologue, but a couple of questions come to our mind upon reading this:

1. At the risk of being referred to as, "noobs" by the kids, what the hell is a, "hard Furback"?
2. What did comments that were deleted say?

It seems pretty clear that there was a much more extensive conversation going on. Bonifaz seems to be discussing the rational for insulting (because calling someone a, "hard Furback is and insult, right?) Hynes in what we would regard as in rather personal manner and is arguing with one or more individuals who's comments are no longer available.

It would be very interesting to know exactly what they were talking about. Sadly, we can only imagine what the rest of the discussion might have been.


Naw! We're just screwing with ya! Of course we know what the rest of the conversation was about.

We were watching a lot of it take place in real time:

22 November 2013

The Failure of "Cobbsville" Part III: Painting By Numbers

Right to left: Cobb, Mike Spence, Albert Borgmann, Kynan Dutton

The photo above was taken and used in a story about Cobb's efforts to take over the little village of Leith, North Dakota. The men featured in the photo were all, at least at the time, had all movedto Leith and were committed to the Cobbsville project.

We'll be referring to the photo again later.
A few days ago, a racist serial killer named Joseph Paul Franklin who murdered upwards 22 people because of their ethnicity or because they were in a interracial relationship, was executed. Among these victims was Mercedes Lynn Masters, a 15 year old girl whom Franklin had a relationship with; a sex trade worker, Franklin murdered her when he learned that she had black customers. He also killed two hitchhikers because one had a black boy friend. In another case he murdered two black cousins, ages 13 and 14, by bravely shooting them from an overpass.

So of course these and other cowardly murders makes Franklin a man worthy of high esteem in the mind of one Bill Noble:

But then Bill isn't the only person mourning the "loss" of Joseph Paul Franklin:

Glenn Miller here actually had a long running friendship with Franklin and was frequently in communication with the man even up to the day of his execution.

We mention this incident to indicate both the character and judgment of both Noble and Miller because in addition to lionizing a murderer as a martyr for the, "white race," they also both support no jailed Craig Cobb's efforts in North Dakota.

Now these last screen shots are actually a good starting out point for the article that follows

Prior to his and Kynan Dutton's arrest this past weekend, Cobb posted a message on the White Nations forum:

We would like to note the very specific language used in this particular screen shot. The specific time, number of individuals involved, ethnicities, genders, and approximate ages are provided. Cobb also claims that his two housemates, Albert Borgmann (Freddy) and Kynan Dutton were witnesses who were able to provide these details; Borgmann catching the vandals in the act and Dutton suggesting that he saw the trucks driving away from the incident followed by members of the town thus implying that there was some sort of conspiracy.

20 November 2013

Robert Reitmeier Found Guilty

Rob Reitmeier guilty of 2nd-degree murder, says jury


Self-proclaimed white supremacist charged after 2010 beating death of Mark Mariani

CBC News Posted: Nov 20, 2013 9:53 PM MT Last Updated: Nov 20, 2013 10:09 PM MT

Self-proclaimed white supremacist Rob Reitmeier has been found guilty of second-degree murder by a jury in the 2010 beating death of Calgary man Mark Mariani.

After two days of deliberating, a jury of 11 returned the verdict at 9:51 p.m. MT Wednesday.

They are now tasked with recommending parole eligibility for Reitmeier.

Nominated Second Year in a Row

Anti-Racist Canada has been nominated for the 2013 Canadian Weblog Awards in the Activism & Social Justice, Media & Journalism, and Politics categories.

The 2013 Canadian Weblog Awards are a juried competition — no voting! — with nominations that are open in 34 categories between February 1st and October 31st, 2013. The nominees shortlist will be announced on December 1, 2013, and the winners will be announced on December 7, 2013. A running blogroll of the nominees is kept throughout the year so that we can highlight Canada's blogging talent. 

Congratulations, and good luck!

Thanks to all those who nominated our little home on the Interweb.

19 November 2013

"Dr." Paul Fromm Visits Malta: "We Would Have Slaughtered Them"

Paulie has been pretty quiet (for Paulie anyways) but it looks like he's been busy lately:

We so love when Paulie talks about himself in the third person.

There he is, speaking in front of a "packed" meeting.... in that there was likely only room for three dozen people max:

We just got the video of the event so haven't had much time to review it, but right away Paulie is referred to as a "paralegal" expert.

Glenn Bahr, Terry Tremaine, and a few others might beg to differ concerning Paulie's "expertise."

The video is also close to two hours of Paulie speaking so it's going to be painful.

Also at the meeting?

Not sure who Beardy McWhite Beard is (UPDATE: evidently it's someone named James Thring), but it wouldn't be much of a European soiree without the presence of her Ladyship Michèle Renouf. A reminder of why she is rather infamous in some circles:

After showing no interest in Jews or World War II until her 50s, Renouf now travels the world speaking at conferences, alongside former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and other extremists, arguing that the Holocaust has been massively exaggerated and that in any case the Jews are to blame. The only prominent female denier, the girl from The Entrance, NSW, has met Iran’s Holocaust-denying president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and lauded him as a champion of free speech and democracy despite charges by human rights groups that his regime tortures dissidents and stifles free speech.

It does appear though that not all of her (and Paulie's) fellow travellers are big fans however:

Which brings us to the second stop on Paulie's European speaking tour. The woman who picked Paulie and Michele Renouf (nee Mainwaring) up at the airport was the chairperson of an event in Malta featuring Paulie and a guy named Norman Lowell:

16 November 2013

The Failure of "Cobbsville" Part II: Cobb and Dutton Taken Into Custody

Well, that was fast.

When we started what we planned as a three part series, we hadn't anticipated this happening so suddenly.

Claiming they had been the victims of a number of crimes, Craig Cobb and Kynan Dutton decided to begin armed patrols of the town. As one of the other members was putting up a surveillance system with help from a friend (the Leith website administrator), they were approached by an armed Cobb and Dutton along with Dutton's partner:

As posted on the Leith Facebook page: 


The Failure of "Cobbsville" Part I: The DNA Conundrum

We know that Craig Cobb is in the United States and that we don't usually focus on events south of the border, but owing to Cobb's unfortunate connection to Canada (the citizenship he seems to have gained some time in the 1970s) we couldn't help but pay attention to his efforts to turn little Leith, North Dakota into a, "wretched hive of scum and villainy."

Things are not going well at all for Cobb and his supporters though because really no one is coming. Well, there are a tiny few who heeded his call, but we'll discuss that in a later post.

It's so bad that he's taken to encouraging the cream of the crop from America's penal system to make their way to Leith upon release:

But really, this is just one example of the collapse of Cobb's dream. We plan on rather gleefully documenting that collapse in three posts of the coming days.

And with that, let's just get right to the point.

15 November 2013

Tyler Sturrup: “If I have a fucking question about her I’ll make her be dead."

More disturbing testimony today at the murder trial of Robert Reitmeier. Yesterday and today the jury heard recorded conversations between Reitmeier and Tyler Sturrup which appears to refer to the murder. Here are a few excerpts:

Tyler Sturrup and Robert Reitmeier
“I mean you know how much anxiety rips my ... heart out every ... day,” Reitmeier tells his friend in an April 20, 2011, call. “Like I say, they’ve got nothing.

“Talk about being in the wrong place, wrong time, whatever.”

Sturrup reassures Reitmeier that if police had something on them, they would have been brought in for questioning. “They’ve got nothing. I’m not worried,” he adds.

In a call the following day, Reitmeier begins to get uptight again, telling Sturrup that at the beginning of the conversation he was told there was nothing to worry about and now he is saying otherwise.

Reitmeier: Photo taken late (December) 2012
Sturrup said the media reports were starting to get him concerned.

“When I heard the news, I was, ugh, I’m dying a little bit inside,” Sturrup tells Reitmeier. 

“Whatever it is, I mean, they’re not gonna get me in handcuffs for that ... I’ll make them kill me ... I’ll take a couple of cops with me.”

10 November 2013

What Does "Free Speech" Really Mean in Paul Fromm's World?

It's becoming increasingly common to find Paulie posting or "liking" images such as this on his Facebook profile:

We would note that the quote in the cartoon is
attributed to a man convicted of hiring a hitman
to murder his still credulous wife
so... stay classy.

It really has become impossible for Paulie to deny who and what he is about, but he still occasionally tries to promote himself as a "free speech" advocate. Paulie's antisemitism and his claim of being a free speech crusader have always intersected, but is involvement in a conference in Austin, Texas might be one of the most transparent examples of this relationship:

The conference, which appears to have been organized by a publication associated with Willis Carto (who has a very long history of involvement in far right and antisemitic organizations, of which Liberty Lobby and the IHR are the best known), has assembled a group of speakers who all seem to have at least one thing in common.

They aren't big fans of Jews.

Event co-host Texe Marrs provides further information about the conference on his website:

We'll deal with Marrs and Williamson in more detail in a moment, but we'll deal first with the other speakers who will be sharing the podium with Paulie.

9 November 2013

The Reitmeier Murder Trial: A Third Person

As we thought, video surveillance evidence is playing a significant role in the murder trial of Robert Reitmeier, co-founder of the white supremacist group Western European Bloodlines (W.E.B) which was itself an off-shoot to the Aryan Guard. Despite the defence's efforts to have the video evidence declared inadmissible, the jury was shown videos of Reitmeier and Tyler Sturrup buying beer in the same min-mall as the store Mark Mariani had entered.

But of significant note is this revelation:

Another series of clips showed three people — two males and a female — entering and leaving a nearby liquor store.

We had heard rumors after the arrests of Reitmeier and Sturrup that there might have been a third person who might have had some involvement, though it was never clear what that involvement might have been. We had assumed that it was another male member of W.E.B and based on a comment left on the blog suspected it might have been a member who picked up and moved to Saskatchewan. We were clearly incorrect in that assumption:

The woman in the video looks to us like Reitmeier's wife.

So while it looks like the evidence of Robert Reitmeier's involvement in the murder is becoming increasingly clear, we do now have a lot of questions about C.S.

4 November 2013

Reitmeier Murder Trial Begins

Photo likely taken around
January 2012 while in remand

We had been looking up old websites using the handy tool that is the Wayback Machine last night when we decided to take a look back at one of the sites Kulbashian used to host, TorontoSkinHeads.com. Given that Robert Reitmeier's trial began today, we found this part (saved by someone who took over the site and wished to provide evidence to the violent motives of boneheads) to be especially salient (photos were added from our collection):

Lets now talk about the essence of a skinhead; tenacity and violence. How many of you reading this
have been in a fight in the last five years? How many have ever been in a fight outside of high school. You need to ask yourself these questions, and ask yourself if you really have what it takes to call yourself a skinhead. As a skinhead, you should not take shit from anyone. I do not care if there are multiple people, you simply do not take shit from them. So what if you get your ass kicked? So what if you get killed? If you have the aggressive spirit I, and numerous others have, neither of the above will happen to you. How violent are you? How much do you believe in our cause? If some asshole at the grocery store makes a comment such as "Seek Help", do you immediately beat him to the ground? Do you have the animal inside you? Can you do anything it takes?
Remember, the reason niggers are so violent is that they still have the ability to tap into animal instinct, and somewhat lack the ability to turn it off. This is a product of natural selection, and results because niggers are so far behind whites, and every other race for that matter, in an evolutionary sense. Whites can turn on the inner animal, although it takes a bit of practice. It's essentially what the military does to all of its infantry and spec ops. They simply train the soldier until the beast can be turned on. This is the same reason that many of you have never met a "normal" marine, and why most of them act like murders. You, as a skinhead, must turn on the inner animal in order to do what other may deem as impossible, sickening, depraved, and insane. 
Could you claw out an opponents eyes and scrape the pink muscle of the eye socket while optical fluid pours over your hands. Could you stand the "underwater popping sound" as the eye is torn from
the optic cord? 

Could you bash, stab, kick an opponent until their head caves in, their brains varnishing the floor, as their eyes are displaced from their sockets? 

Could you kill thousands of people with an explosive device?

Essentially, I am asking, have you ever seen a body? Can you stand to see the mutilation of the human body without going into shock? Can you inflict the above damage on another's body without going into shock, freezing, or being hindered because of psychological preconditioning? If the answer is no, you can not yet tap into the inner animal, nor will you survive long in what the future will surely bring. If the answer is yes, you will most likely never loose another fight, and you will indeed be an asset to our cause.  

At least whoever wrote this was being honest when compared to other groups (Aryan Guard, Blood & Honour, Tri-City Skins, Heritage Front, etc) who publicly disavow violence but who amongst their fellow travelers both glorify and revel in it.

When the arrests originally took place, the media noted the racist graffiti as evidence of White Supremacist involvement of the crime. A lot of people suggested that such evidence was very weak and at best circumstantial, and we agreed. However we posited that there must be other evidence, such as video surveillance, that ultimately made the arrests possible. Based on the information below, it would appear that we weren't all that far off:

Family fears reason for deadly attack may never be known

By Jason van Rassel, Calgary Herald November 4, 2013 6:03 PM

The jury trial of a man accused in the beating death of Calgarian Mark Mariani may bring about a resolution to the case, but the victim’s sister isn’t sure her family will ever know why he was killed.

Robert David Reitmeier is accused of beating 47-year-old Mariani to death with another man, Tyler Sturrup, in a northwest Calgary alleyway in 2010.

Sturrup pleaded guilty to second-degree murder earlier this year, but went to prison without ever explaining why.