Showing posts with label Noble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noble. Show all posts

26 February 2017

Paulie and Kyle McKee: Together Again

When Kyle McKee formed first the Aryan Guard, which morphed into Blood & Honour, Paul Fromm was a regular attendee at a number Calgary events organized by McKee and his fellow boneheads:

Paulie was a very vocal supporter of McKee for years, especially when the latter was facing his numerous criminal charges over the years, such as Paulie's commentary on the outcome of McKee's 2010 trial concerning his "alleged" involvement in the pipe bomb incident in 2009 (McKee was arrested in December at Bill Noble's residence after a month on the run):

But then something happened that caused a rift that lasted several years. We can speculate as to what the reasons were, but we might just let McKee and his supporters speak on that issue themselves:

Hmmmm, I wonder what the issue could have been?

It seemed that the rift wouldn't be healed any time soon, however the relationship between Paulie and McKee (and by extension Calgary B&H) has, as of now, at least achieved a state of détente:

What's Paulie's cut of the admissions fee going to be, Kyle?

That's right. For the first time in three (perhaps four) years, Paulie and McKee are back together again, though perhaps the real draw will be Ms. Chabloz.

Still, this happy reunion between Paulie and McKee is one I simply couldn't let pass without commemorating it in some way. And what better way than to utilize my newly learned video editing skills?

Be sure to turn on the closed captions for the pithy commentary.

I think I did quite well on this one.

9 January 2017

Jody Issel, Soldiers of Odin Moose Jaw President, Isn't Even Trying Anymore

You know, if there's one positive thing about Trump's election is that the racists we've been covering here for years have become refreshingly honest about their views. Take this guy for example:

Now this is admittedly an older photo of Jody Issel, but it does sort of capture a particular moment in time, specifically the time he tried to start up an unauthorized chapter of the Aryan Nations' in Saskatchewan. That effort didn't pan out so well, so he threw in his lot with Kyle McKee and the Aryan Guard in Calgary for a while, attending at least one of their "White Pride Day" marches.

A few months after we reported Issel's efforts to start an Aryan Nations' chapter, he contacted us to first beg, then threaten us, to remove his information. We didn't and we still haven't, but at that time he seems to have recognized that being associated with the racist movement wasn't good for his career prospects.

Over the years we kept an eye on him. He was careful, locking down his Facebook from our prying eyes, but there were still a number of times he forgot himself:

Then when the Soldiers of Odin movement found it's way across the Atlantic, Issel found himself in an interesting position in that he lived in Moose Jaw, the SoO were looking for a Moose Jaw city president, and the SoO doesn't actually seem to vet their members or individuals aspiring to positions of leadership. Thus:

Recently, Issel and his merry band of SoO members (four by all accounts) decided to take a stroll about Moose Jaw (at least long enough to snap some photos) to protect the fine folks of that particular prairie community:

The problem here is who will protect the fine folks of Moose Jaw from the people who claim to want to protect them?

Bill Daniels, SOO Provincial President in BC

It's funny, because although he claimed that he wasn't hiding, at the time Issel posted these messages on his other profile, it was locked up tighter than gnat's chuff.

But things have changed on both of his profiles, although this one is the more interesting of the two right now:

So why does Issel feel more comfortable openly expressing his racism?

Take a wild guess:

26 September 2015

Kyle McKee A Little Fuzzy On Definition Of Freedom Of Speech Part III

With news that Jesse Rau, the former probationary bus driver in Calgary who was fired because he refused to drive a bus painted to support Pride events.... even though he was specifically told he would not be assigned to the bus prior to his public temper tantrum, is running a Christian Heritage Party candidate for Parliament, we thought it might be fun to take a look to see what one of his biggest supporters is currently up to.

When last we discussed this issue, McKee had set up a GoFundMe page to help out pay his $5000.00 fine. GoFundMe suspended the campaign, then inexplicably permitted it to continue, before finally suspending the campaign for good.

The claim of having raised $500 strikes us as somewhat unconvincing, but who knows? Maybe McKee found himself a sugar daddy of some sort who has stepped up to help him with his fine?

At this point we figured that this would be the end of the issue unless McKee failed to pay the fine and ended up in jail. But we didn't count on long time Stormfront member "Cydonia" deciding to contribute her wisdom and legal expertise.

2 July 2015

July 2015 Bits and Bites: Canada Day Edition

Well, belated Canada Day. Or perhaps Canada Day +1.

We understand that some of our readers have a complicated relationship with Canada Day considering the treatment of First Nations people over the centuries and Canada's past retrogressive immigration policies that excluded people on the basis of ethnicity from coming to Canada. But do you know who shouldn't have any ambiguity about Canada Day?


Our bonehead friends more often than not refer to themselves as the much more innocuous sounding "White Nationalist," the emphasis being on the "white" part of course, but the "nationalism" portion is no less important to their identity. One of the criticisms of immigrants, First Nations peoples, and non-white Canadians (many of who's ancestors immigration histories predate those of the boneheads by decades) is that these group don't love the country like they do. The "White Nationalists" complain that the immigrants, First Nations, and non-white Canadians didn't do anything to build the country and are just here as "takers" with no fundamental loyalty to Canada:

Putting aside the fact that "RIP Canada 1867 to 1965" likely hasn't picked glacial stones out of a field or cleared brush in his entire life and is assuming the credit due his betters, this is a fairly typical missive. So, we can expect that "White Nationalists" in their zeal to show just how better they are than the unwashed hordes battering down the gates at proving how much they love this country:

Or not.

16 June 2015

Dean Clifford's Trial Begins

Well, to be fair it actually began on Monday. Still, here's an update of what has transpired thus far:

Freeman acting as own lawyer while defending drug, weapon charges
By: Mike McIntyre 
Posted: 06/15/2015 3:38 PM

One of the leading members of the so-called Freeman on the Land movement is now acting as his own lawyer as he fights numerous drug and weapons offences.

Dean Clifford was arrested in November 2013 following a search of a property in St. Andrews. He appeared in a Winnipeg courtroom Monday for the start of his week-long trial.

RCMP allege that Clifford was in possession of marijuana and several firearms which weren’t licenced and improperly stored.

"I object to these proceedings in their entirety," Clifford said today in response to each of the 14 charges which were read against him.

Queen’s Bench Justice Chris Martin instructed the court clerk to record that as a "not guilty" position. That drew the ire of Clifford, who repeatedly insisted the federal government has no standing to prosecute him.

"I am here under extreme threat and duress," Clifford said. "I’m not representing any thing or being. I’m sorry the law seems to offend people around here."

Clifford was repeatedly warned by the judge to stop interrupting and be respectful of the process. He called Clifford’s position "absolutely wrong-headed and non-sensical."

Everyone in the territorial jurisdiction of Canada is subject to the Criminal Code," Martin explained. "The time for games is over."

It goes on to discuss two others who attempted to use the defence (who we remind our readers was arrested in 2013) that Clifford seems hell-bent on using; one of those cases is still before the courts and the other one fared poorly for the defendant.

Earlier today Clifford posted the following on his Facebook profile providing his account of the day's events:

21 March 2015

Breaking: Individual Shot by Police in Calgary During Altercation at Anti-Racist Rally

REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: If anyone has photos, especially photos of the individual before the shooting took place, we would ask that photos be sent to arc.collective200 (at) gmail (dot) com.

UPDATE 5: The individual who was shot has been named as Morgan Thompson.

UPDATE 1: We have our first photo of the individual who was shot:

Photo courtesy of Saima Jamal.
UPDATE 2: According to someone who claims to have witnessed the event as it went down, the individual who was shot was throwing things he was picking up off the street at the police, but he didn't appear to have been armed.

UPDATE 3: According to the police, there was a brief struggle when they approached the man, after which he allegedly, "produced a metal pipe." Shots were then fired at the man who last we heard was in critical condition.

We hadn't heard of any efforts by the boneheads in Calgary or London to hold a march, though we wouldn't have been surprised if they had. Anti-Racist Action, however, did hold a rally in Calgary to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Racism. During the rally there was an incident:

A group called Anti-Racist Action Calgary was holding its annual rally against racism to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination near City Hall.

Members say a man approached them yelling “white power.” He then started walking west along Stephen Avenue.

“He was quite angry, yelling quite loud. And he spat on the ground. He didn’t do anything more he was just yelling at them,” said Ryan Wellicome, a SAIT journalism student who was at the rally.


“The police got out of a van that was already there and just started to walk towards him just, I think, to make sure he wasn’t going to get aggressive,” explained Sherry Walford, a Mount Royal University student who witnessed the man at the rally.

Police followed the man to a location across the street from the Hyatt Hotel in the back alley of the Palomino bar. A witness in the hotel tells Global News he saw a police van pull up to the alley, and heard several shots fired. Jordan Cummings says he saw police fire a number of shots.

UPDATE 4: There are people claiming that the individual who was shot, and despite shouting "white power" at an anti-racist rally, is not a white supremacist. We aren't sure how much stock we put into these claims at this time as those making the claim did not provide any corroborating details.

In the meantime, the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team are looking for witnesses to the shooting.  

“We know there would have been a number of people in the vicinity in the buildings nearby and the buildings surrounding the alley where the officer involved shooting occurred, and also just pedestrians walking nearby,” Susan Hughson, Executive Director of ASIRT said.

Anyone who saw what happened is asked to contact the ASIRT southern office at 403-592-4306.

Over at Stormfront, the speculation has been rampant as folks there embrace the usual conspiracies boneheads are wont to believe. Included in this list here are Kyle McKee who suggests setting up a collection for the man who was shot, Craig Cobb, and Bill Noble (all three, incidentally, have spent significant time in jail for their particular racially-based crimes):

It is interesting when considering these reactions, especially in relation to the shooting of African-American youths in the United Stated, something that one of the individuals posting in this thread alludes to and seems to suggest was a justifiable use of force:

Evidently, "Neart" hasn't read the news as three of the four police officers involved appear to have been in training, thus were not "highly trained." There is also a photo of a pipe which the police allege was used in the incident. 

UPDATE 6: Information about Thompson is still sketchy, but one person posting to Reddit claiming to know the man who was shot is suggesting that he was not a white supremacist:

I knew this guy. He's not a white supremacist. What he is is an asshole. A loser still living the high school life 12 plus years late.

I don't know him personally but I've seen the other losers he associates with all over social media crying out for undeserved justice.

From what I gather he was "trolling" and "goofing" with those at the rally. Cops wanted to ask him questions and he bolted. Cornered him in an alley and shot him. Metal pipe? They claim it was a bike seat.

I don't really care about the story or the guy. Apparently he is in a long term relationship with a woman of another race.

Until more information is forthcoming, we've changed the title of the article to fit our current understanding of what occurred yesterday.

7 March 2015

March 2015 Bits and Bites: Warman, Dr. Dawg, Zundel, and Daniel Gallant

We've learned that Richard Warman has won another one. David Icke has paid Warman $90,000 to settle a rather long running libel action:

5 March 2015

British conspiracy writer David Icke and co-defendants have paid Canadian human rights lawyer Richard Warman $210,000 CDN (117,000 GBP) in damages and legal costs to settle a libel action against them.

In 1999-2000, Warman had worked with various Jewish and anti-racism groups to notify public venues in Canada of discriminatory elements within Icke’s mishmash of conspiracy theories. After being provided with material from Icke’s own writings, a number of these venues withdrew permission for Icke to use their facilities in his tours.

In retaliation, Icke included false allegations in his 2001 book Children of the Matrix that Warman was seeking to suppress Icke’s purported exposure of Satanic child abuse and murder.

David Icke made an out-of-court settlement on January 8th paying $90,000 CDN (50,000 GBP) on the eve of a long-delayed trial that was scheduled to begin in Toronto on February 2nd, 2015. The Court order formally discontinuing the claim was issued on 4 March 2015 thus paving the way for this announcement. Insurers for three Canadian bookstores that had refused to stop selling the book after being served with libel notices had previously settled out for $120,000 CDN (67,000 GBP). Information obtained from litigation by Icke against his former US business partner demonstrated that at least 55,000 copies of Children of the Matrix had been sold worldwide.

The settlement includes the requirement that Icke immediately cease any further distribution of Children of the Matrix and remove the defamatory material from any future editions. Warman thanked his lawyers Christine Lonsdale and Elder Marques of law firm McCarthy Tétrault – “They were absolute professionals and I couldn’t have done it without them.”...

24 November 2014

Dean Clifford and Bill Noble: Emails

This day last November freeman-on-the-land guru, former active Stormfront member, and general nutter Dean Clifford was taken into custody during a seminar he was conducting in Ontario. Since that day, Clifford has been claiming that his release would be imminent as would be his take-down of the political and economic system in this nation. And despite his continued incarceration, which now includes charges that he made threats to directed at the police and court officials while in custody (we have at least one of those recordings saves), Clifford continues in his delusional belief that he has them all right where he wants them and that there will be hell to pay when he gets out. His supporters remain credulous in spite of all available evidence.

Today those supporters who run the website provided the world with a gift; 9+ hours of Dean Clifford's pseudo-legalistic mumbo jumbo. We here at ARC humbly would suggest being subjected to more than 9 hours of Dean Clifford would be far worse than the torture he claims that he has undergone while a guest of Her Majesty.

That noted, we thought we too might provide a gift to mark this auspicious occasion.

A couple of years back, some one or some group hacked a number of racist websites and email addresses. It just so happens that three of those email addresses belonged to Bill Noble, someone our readers are very familiar with. And Noble kept up a fairly extensive correspondence with Clifford from 2007 into at least 2011. Some of those correspondences were related to Noble's own case in which he was ultimately found guilty and sentenced to a term of four months followed by three years probation (which he immediately violated soon after his release with no apparent consequence):

Oh, perhaps we should have mentioned that Bill Noble once (and maybe still does) uses Adolf Hitler as means of identifying himself.

The name that Clifford signed as, "Sovereign" is significant in that it is what he used as his online moniker on Stormfront. In some of the emails that will follow Clifford will refer to posts he made on Stormfront. Since some of his acolytes refused to believe that Clifford (who threw quite a temper tantrum when we suggested we would be writing an article about him) was the racist we proved him to be, maybe this provides sufficient proof, however there will be more so stay tuned.

Anyways, Clifford included an attachment with his email, the content of which follows:

13 October 2014

October 2014 Bits and Bites: Thanksgiving Edition

As today is a day where people will be getting together to spend time with their loved ones, we thought we would give some attention to those bonehead, who will be spending this day alone, perhaps eating a can of corned beef over the sink while blaming the Jews for their social isolation.

Our first lonely shut-in is Tomasz Winnicki of London who has been mentioned on a number of occasions on this blog.Truth be told, we think he likes the attention since he frequently tries to get our attention. His efforts are usually for naught and that sort of frustrates him a little bit, however we do throw him a bone sometimes. For example, here is one of his comments concerning our posts on the Southern Ontario "Skinheads":

Yeah, in case it's unclear Tomasz is suggesting that he is the worthy opponent we should be engaging. Have we mentioned that he has a very high opinion of his intellect?

Okay, will give you a shot Tom. Call it an audition for the position of our foil. We'll take a look at one of the comments you made on "The London Free Press" concerning the recent election in Sweden to determine if you are a worthy opponent:

28 August 2014

Immigration Watch Canada Benign Name, Malignant Views

Meet Dan Murray, founder of Immigration Watch Canada:

This past April we posted a story concerning the efforts of Immigration Watch Canada to draw attention to what they claim as a "broken" immigration system. They did so in an especially dishonest way:

As we noted in our previous article, the bottom photo doesn't feature Brampton area Sikhs, nor does it depict Sikhs even living in Canada:
It might be important to note that Immigration Watch Canada couldn't even be bothered to include a picture of the Sikh community in Brampton that they are attacking. The photo, featuring Babu Singh Dukhiya, are of Indian nationals in India. None of them, so far as we can tell, are Canadian citiizens. Actual depictions of Sikh Canadians who have seamlessly integrated into Canadian society, such as the man in the photograph below donating blood at a Canadian Blood Service clinic and the the city councillor attending the opening of a new hospital, sort of doesn't fit with the nightmarish dystopian future they want people to envision as a result of immigration.
The phrase, "mainstream Canadians" is found on the poster and is echoed in the first paragraph of IWC website, though the word "population" replaces "Canadians" in this case:
Immigration Watch Canada is an organization of Canadians who believe that immigration has to serve the interests of its own citizens. It cannot be turned into a social assistance / job-finding program for people from other countries. It should never be a social engineering experiment that is conducted on Canada’s mainstream population in order to make it a minority.
Though they are attempting to present themselves as a group of citizens concerned about the levels of immigration to Canada, they reveal their cards pretty early in that "mainstream Canadian" = white/European Canadian.

This past Monday, IWC held a protest in front of  the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Chris Alexander's constituency office in Ajax, Ontario. The numbers were small and the message rather convoluted: