30 January 2013

Lemire Appeal Dismissed

Marc Lemire.... well.... why don't we just let you, our dear readers, take a look for yourselves:

Here's an unsolicited tip. You request a stay? Might be helpful to include some evidence.

Sort of like we did regarding Lemire's affiliation with (and later leadership of) the Heritage Front.

"Marc Lemire: Summary of Information"

Just say'n....

UPDATE 1: Lemire seems upset:

20 January 2013

Arnie Lemaire (BlazingCatFur) Settles With Warman

Sounds like this might be another in our, "Don't @#$% With Richard Warman" series:

Richard Warman is pleased to confirm settlement of his libel action against Arnie Lemaire (aka BlazingCatFur) on terms acceptable to the parties including removal of all material identified in the current statement of claim.

Interesting. Seems that Arnie might have been a bit overconfident when he posted an article regarding the case followed by these comments:

 Perhaps the fundraiser wasn't as successful as Arnie had hoped?

Civil Disobedience and, "White Privilege"

During the Idle No More protests of the past month we at ARC have been, well, idle. We've been following the coverage in the msm and reading progressive blogs that have been doing a much better job of providing relevant commentary than we here could hope to do. We've generally focused our attention more on the level of what is happening, "on the street" as it were and not as much on systemic racism, though considering the lull in the activities of overt racist groups in the country we're thinking that this may now be an area that we need to explore in more depth.

This doesn't mean though that we haven't made a few observations ourselves regarding the INM movement.

Not surprisingly, the INM protests have been fodder for.... uhm.... well, what passes for discussion on Stormfront:

We might however note that promoting a boycott of the First Nations' economy on Stormfront might not be all that helpful for this fella's cause.

Let's just say we don't think the average Stormfront user does a lot of business with First Nations:

4 January 2013

Canadian Freeman Movement: Ties to Extremism

We had intended on writing this article almost a year ago. We were even issued a preemptive threat from the individual who was to have been the subject of the article. However things in real life always seemed to get in the way and we just didn't get to it in a timely manner. But with the recent media attention on the Freeman movement in Canada we thought this was an issue that we could weigh in on now.

The Freeman movement could be said to have first manifested itself in a very public manner through the actions of Gordan Kahl. Kahl, who was philosophically aligned with an early version of sovereign citizenship, murdered three police officers before dying himself (killed by Sheriff Gene Matthews before he succumbed to his own injuries). The Freeman movement, or sovereign citizenship movement as it is better known as south of the border, is inexorably linked to the militia movement of the 1990s; the most famous event involving American sovereign citizens was the Montana Freeman standoff that lasted 81 days. More recent cases include Edward and Elaine Brown, Jerry and Joe Kane (who murdered Officers Brandon Paudert and Bill Evans during a routine traffic stop), and Joseph Stack who, while not necessarily a Freeman himself, has been raised to the status of a martyr for his suicide attack on Austin, Texas IRS building which killed one person and injured 13 others.

Although it might be thought of as primarily an American phenomenon, the Freeman movement is active in Canada. A recent article gives voice to the concern of the police regarding the Freeman movement in Canada:

2 January 2013

Smack [Our] Ass And Call [Us] Sally! We've Been Nominated For An Award!

First, happy New Year all!

The ARC Collective is currently enjoying a nice vacation from the blog. This writer, for one, is currently relaxing with daiquiri on a perfect beach somewhere in the Caribbean (¡Viva la Revoluci籀n!) which also, remarkably, has WiFi.

But today, on a whim, one of the members took a look at our neglected Twitter account and found this:

Not sure who nominated us, but thanks for the nomination. And to the good  folks with the Ninjamatics Canadian Weblog Awards, thank you for the consideration.

Looks like we'll have to step up our game again. Time to dig a little into the detaxer/"Freeman on the Land" issue like we said we would do some months ago, paying particular attention to a few individuals who are prominent in the movement and who have connections to racist groups and/or organizations.

But not today.

Today, we dance!

But mostly drink.