

'Nerds' take to the streets across US with a science lesson for Donald Trump

Washington: Thousands of scientists and their supporters, feeling increasingly threatened by the policies of US President Donald Trump, gathered on Saturday in Washington under rainy skies for what they called the March for Science, abandoning a tradition of keeping the sciences out of politics and calling on the public to stand up for scientific enterprise.

The American protest followed similar demonstrations around the world at the weekend, with thousands taking to the streets in Sydney and Melbourne.

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Thousands of Australian join 'March for Science'

Thousands of Australians marched in support of science and evidence-based policy as part of world-wide demonstration around the world for Earth Day on Saturday.

As the US marchers trekked shoulder-to-shoulder toward the Capitol, the street echoed with their calls:  "Who runs the world? Nerds," and "If you like beer, thank yeast and scientists!"

Some carried signs that showed rising oceans and polar bears in peril and faces of famous scientists like Mae Jamison, Rosalind Franklin and Marie Curie, and others touted a checklist of the diseases Americans no longer get thanks to vaccines.

Although drizzle may have washed away the words on some signs, they aimed to deliver the message that science needs the public's support.

"Science is a very human thing," said Ashlea Morgan, a doctoral student in neurobiology at Columbia University. "The march is allowing the public to know that this is what science is, and it's letting our legislators know that science is vitally important."


The demonstration in Washington - which started with teach-ins and a rally that packed the National Mall - evolved from a social media campaign into an effort to get people onto the streets.

Its organisers were motivated by Trump, who as a presidential candidate disparaged climate change as a hoax and cast suspicions on the safety of vaccines.

Their resolve deepened, they said, when the president appointed cabinet members who seemed hostile to the sciences. He also proposed a budget with severe cuts for agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) - which would lose 18 per cent of its funding in his blueprint - and the Environmental Protection Agency, which faces a 31 per cent budget cut and the elimination of a quarter of the agency's 15,000 employees.

While traveling by motorcade to Walter Reed National Military Medical Centre on Saturday, Trump passed dozens of demonstrators from the march holding signs, including one that said, "Stop denying the Earth is dying", according to a pool report.

Later, the White House released a statement from Trump for Earth Day that did not mention the March for Science by name, but appeared directed at its participants. Calling science critical to economic growth and environmental protection, he said: "My administration is committed to advancing scientific research that leads to a better understanding of our environment and of environmental risks.

"As we do so, we should remember that rigorous science depends not on ideology, but on a spirit of honest inquiry and robust debate," he added.

Organisers said they hoped the day's demonstrations result in sustained, coordinated action aimed at persuading elected officials to adopt policies consistent with the scientific consensus on climate change, vaccines and other issues.

"This has been a living laboratory as scientists and science institutions are willing to take a step outside their comfort zone, outside of the labs and into the public spheres," said Beka Economopoulos, co-founder of the pop-up Natural History Museum and an organiser of the march.

Mona Hanna-Attisha, a pediatrician who helped expose lead poisoning in Flint, Michigan, and who spoke in Washington, called the protest the beginning of a movement to ensure that governments do not dismiss or deny science.

"If we want to prevent future Flints, we need to embrace what we've learned and how far we've come in terms of science and technology," Hanna-Attisha said.

Fearing that Trump may undermine public support for the sciences, many scientists at the marches said they believed now was the appropriate moment to express themselves politically.

"I can't think of a time where scientists felt the enterprise of science was being threatened in the way scientists feel now,"  Naomi Oreskes, a professor of the history of science at Harvard University, said in an interview this week.

Oreskes said the closest parallel to Saturday's protests were the demonstrations for nuclear disarmament in the 1950s and '60s. But scientists were then marching against the use of science to build weapons of mass destruction.

In a city and state where many work in hospitals and biomedical firms, Trump's proposals to cut the NIH budget were on the minds of many marchers there.

George Daley, the dean of Harvard Medical School, said in a speech that the proposed cuts would have a "cataclysmic effect" on the economy in Massachusetts.

"This is a shortsighted decision that will set the biomedical enterprise on a path toward devastation," Daley said.

In New York, demonstrators stretched for 10 blocks along Central Park West, wedged between the park and a line of buildings on a grey and dreary day.

Underlining the connection in the minds of many marchers between the science march, Earth Day and global warming, one participant, Christine Negra, 49, a chemist who works as a consultant on climate change issues, said she would attend next week's People's Climate March, too.

"In the US, we're lagging in our recognition about how important climate change is," she said. "These public events are meant to shake people out of their daily lives so that people see how urgent the problem really is."

For many marchers, especially those in the sciences who were demonstrating for the first time in their lives, political settings can be a source of discomfort. And critics of the march who are in the sciences expressed concern that such displays could be damaging to the field.

"I worry the march would drive the wedge deeper," said Robert Young, a coastal geologist at Western Carolina University who wrote a New York Times op-ed article in January expressing misgivings about the march.

Although Young planned to support friends at a satellite demonstration, he said it would be easy for conservatives to say the march was really about supporting liberal policies.

"Going to a march is easy," he said. "Spending the next couple of years reinventing how we communicate with red-state America, that's hard."

In energy-rich Oklahoma, the home state of Scott Pruitt, the EPA chief who repeatedly sued the agency when he was state attorney-general, a crowd estimated at more than 2000 by law enforcement officials chanted "science is real".

The demonstrators  marched on a route that took them around a park that includes two restored oil derricks that once pumped oil from a source beneath the Capitol.

Lisa Pitts, a teacher, said she was marching because of concerns about the state's education budget and to support science education.

"We are not a poor state," she said. "We should not be 50th in everything."

"I don't want to go back to having dirty air and water," said Rene Roy, who formerly worked for the state's environmental regulator and was concerned about Pruitt's plans for the EPA.

Back in Washington, Denis Hayes, who was the principal organiser of the first Earth Day in 1970, said concerns like Roy's were an important source of motivation for the science march, which was coordinated with the Earth Day Network.

"You have a clear enemy," he said. "You've got a President who along with his vice-president, his cabinet, and his party leadership in both houses of Congress have a strong anti-environmental agenda. He's basically trying to roll back everything that we've tried to do in the last half-century."

New York Times