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Qantas faces $180,000 fine over toxic foam spill at Brisbane Airport

Qantas has been hit with an investigation notice while residents continue to be warned not to eat seafood following a toxic spill into Brisbane's waterways.

On Monday, April 10, 22,000 litres of a firefighting foam containing perfluorinated compounds was spilled from a Qantas hangar at Brisbane Airport.

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On Friday, the Department of Environment Heritage and Protection (EHP) issued Qantas with an investigation notice that could attract a penalty of up to $182,850.

State Environment Minister Steven Miles said Qantas had been given strict instructions from the state regulator to undertake additional monitoring including sediment and marine life such as fish and crustaceans.

"The EHP investigation notice legally requires Qantas to engage a suitably qualified person to investigate, determine and report on the source, and cause and extent of any environmental harm," he said. 

A Qantas spokesman said Qantas had taken the issue very seriously. 


"We have already started an investigation to understand what occurred and how to prevent it from happening again," the spokesman said.

"We're also continuing to work with authorities to properly assess the impact of the spill."

EHP executive director Andrew Connor said they will hold Qantas to account as the polluter.

"These chemicals have the capacity to accumulate into food chains, so they might start right at the bottom and then start working up at different levels within that food chain," he said.

Mr Connor said part of their notice will require Qantas to monitor the food chain, which includes fish and crustaceans, pay for the work and provide information to the EHP.

"So over time we can get a really good understanding through the work that they do around exactly how that chemical is behaving in the food chain," he said.

The Qantas investigation comes on the back of the initial water quality results taken from Boggy Creek from the spill being released.

Residents have been advised not to fish in the area and not to eat seafood until further results are received.

"I can advise Brisbane residents that water samples in the immediate vicinity of the Brisbane Airport spill are within recreational water use guidelines," Mr Miles said.

"It appears the levels have started to dilute from the immediate location of the spill.

"We are still waiting on further results in the broader receiving environment including Nudgee Beach and Brisbane Airport."

Acting chief health officer Dr Mark Elcock said the initial results were encouraging from a perspective but not the full story.

"There has been a dilution of the chemicals which is good but until we get a fuller picture of the spread and those levels we would as a precautionary perspective still not eat seafood that originated from that area," he said.

"Our job is to protect the public from a health perspective and that cautious approach is the best way to do it until we know more definitive information."

Some experts said they feared the consequences of this spill could be felt by the city for decades.

The lengthy wait for results on the impacts this spill could have had on seafood caught from the area has prevented businesses from operating in those waterways.

Fisheries Deputy Director General Claire Andersen said the department continued to work with the industry to create arrangements for them so it doesn't disrupt their business.

"We've issued permits to beam trawlers this week so they can operate in a broader area of Moreton Bay, they had quite a restricted area that they could fish in that overlaps significantly with the investigation area," she said.

"They are now able to operate in a broader area where the pollution is not expected to have any affect.

"Speaking to industry this morning I understand that some of the product that did make it into the food chain didn't go for consumption, it was used for bait purposes so I think people can be assured there is very minimal product that was taken in that area that has made it through to people's dinner plates."

Qantas issued a letter to commercial seafood operators in the Moreton Bay area on Friday reassuring them the airline acted quickly to contain the spill and was committed to replacing the fire retardant foam used in the handars.

Mr Connor said the final results would come back soon, and it was possible for them to be released on the weekend.