Showing posts with label BNP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BNP. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Paul Fromm to Speak Before Ontario MPPs

On Thursday, a committee studying Bill 163 (An Act to enact the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017 and to amend the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in relation to abortion services) will be meeting. A number of stakeholders will be appearing before committee members, including one familiar to the folks who read this blog:

Neo-Nazi would be an accurate description even based on what he finds funny:

Yeah, hilarious.

More importantly though are the people and ideologies whom he associates with:

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Paulie the Hate Propaganda Mule

Your Ward News has been.... well.... in the news again:
Toronto police are again investigating Your Ward News for potential hate crimes, but a Thorncliffe Park resident who was one of the first to call on Canada Post to stop delivering the publication doesn’t believe criminal charges will result.
Your Ward News, which bills itself as “the world’s largest anti-Marxist publication,” is a bizarre collection of anti-Marxist rants, stream of consciousness rambling, essays linking Jews to Communism, and assorted anti-gay an pro-Nazi articles. The tabloid also employs photographic collages that invariably include Nazi imagery and other photos and articles portraying Jews as evil. The winter cover includes a manipulated image of Jewish financier George Soros, with horns, wearing a tunic emblazoned with the satanic number 666 and the Star of David.
YWN has been a going concern for some time, but particularly since James Sears (aka "Dimitri the Lover")  took over as editor when the rag became an overt vehicle promoting Sears' misogynistic, antisemitic, and racist views.

For example:

The above missive refers to the Liberal government's decision to order Canada Post to stop delivering it to Toronto homes, but creeper Sears has continued publication and has started distribution privately. In the meantime, TWN has lost almost all of its advertisers save those with direct links to Sears and YWN. And of course fellow creeper Paulie has been boosting the rag for some time as well:

On a related note, and once again, ew!

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Talk About the Company He Keeps: Part VI

Okay, this is hardly a new revelation, but given some of Paulie's friends have said they have never heard him say anything racist and that there is nothing wrong with him, we like to remind everyone what kind of fella he really is.

The genesis of this brief article was the result of stumbling across this:

no telling what holocaust de-nier Paul Fromm will say when no one’s looking. We were finally able to get a video of his speech to the American Friends of the British National Party last March in Falls Church, Virginia. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Paul Fromm's Support For a Cause Makes His Friendship With Kevin Strom a Bit Awkward

Paul Fromm and Kevin Strom with other notables in the, "White
Nationalist" Movement. Would hate to be Nick Griffin. Who
Knows what Strom had been doing with that hand
earlier in the day?
Paul Fromm has known and worked with Kevin Strom, formerly of the National Alliance before he abandoned the racist group to form his own, the National Vanguard, for many years. For example, in 2004 both of them signed on to David Duke's New Orleans Protocol which attempted to mend the rifts that existed between, "White Nationalist" groups and aimed create a climate in which the various groups could work together for the common cause (how's that working out for you fellas, by the way?).

So it shouldn't come as a surprise that when Strom joined Facebook, one of the first he added as a friend was Paulie:

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crisis In Haiti: Racists React According to Form

EDIT: If you're more interested in helping the people of Haiti than you are reading the views on the crisis of racists, go to the end of this article to the links. Please be generous.

Want to stick it to a Nazi? Donate to Haitian relief.

We, along with most of our readers, have been following coverage of the Haiti disaster. Between 50,000 and 500,000 men, women and children may be counted amongst the dead - the true extent of the loss of life is likely to be unknown for some time -- and millions more have been left with nothing.

When events such as that which has occurred in Haiti happen, it often brings out the best in people. Rather than looking at the irrelevancies of race, creed, nationality or politics, we look to try and help fellow human beings who are in desperate need for support. We can talk about the reasons for the systemic poverty in Haiti and the democracy deficit that helped to exasperate the problem, but this isn't the time. Right now people need to help the people of Haiti and so far we've seen people and groups from all sides of the political spectrum put aside petty arguments (for the most part) to get to the real matter at hand.

All, except for racists we cover here.

We debated whether or not to publish this story or the screen shots that will accompany it. In the end we decided to publish for two reasons:

First, these groups and people claim that they, "don't hate" anyone and that they are merely, "proud to be White." Events such as the Haitian catastrophe serve to elucidate the true character of these racists.

Second, perhaps reading the real views of these thugs once they've dropped the mask covering the true extent of their hatred will light a fire under some of our readership which result in more being done to help the people of Haiti.

Here now are the views to the Canadian racists who say they don't hate:

From Calgary's own Aryan Guard:

A Canadian poster on the Blood and Honour forums:

Canadian Stormfront members posts:

Don't worry Noble (above screen shot). We're more than pleased to provide the entirety of your comment so that the context isn't lost. It doesn't help.

Our resident delusional Nazi in Ottawa, Kevin Goudreau:

Another Calgary based Nazi sympathizer closely linked to members of the Aryan Guard (and who himself is a former inmate):

The defacto leader of Canada's racist movement Paul Fromm's views:

And, because we have some visitors from across the pond on occasion, here is the leader of the BNP Nick Griffin and some of the membership of the British Nationalist Party...

... followed by two more Brits:

By the way, the person who's name and face (partially) blacked out in the above screen shot is that of the "Nazi Mom" of the infamous Winnipeg Nazi custody case. You know, the one who claimed she never taught her children to hate anyone?

Now, if you've managed to get through this article and are completely disgusted (as a normal human being would be), we would ask our readers to take a look at the following links. We aren't interested in the politics of each individual organization. What is needed is immediate monetary assistance.

And please, be generous: