Showing posts with label Trenerry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trenerry. Show all posts

20 March 2017

March 19 Anti-Muslim Rallies: Some Victories, Some Hard Lessons

By this point ARC readers know that any time we mention Kevin "The Chairman" Goudreau on the blog, it is probably because he did something profoundly stupid or embarrassing but isn't self aware enough to realize that this is the case:

Yep, the Goudreau held a rally in Peterborough while wearing an ill-fitted suit because he now wants to project gravitas.

Though really, to refer to what the Goudreau held as a rally is sort of like polishing a turd and calling it a diamond:


Still, despite holding his "rally" (word is they were there for less than 5 minutes) in what looks to my uneducated eye as a relatively empty street with few people to witness it, and what few people who did witness the event simply mocked him and his merry band of short bus passengers, the Goudreau appears to see it as a massive success and his first step towards his inevitable rise as der Kanadisch Führer:

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At least one person however, seemed to imply that the Goudreau was sort of gilding the lily:

That's right folks. There were more anti-Muslim rallies in select Canadian towns and cities this past week.

Kevin's explanation for the pathetic nature of his rally is flimsy at best, but it is telling in that he really believes (and is likely correct) that some of the kind of people who would attend a "White Pride" march would also be attracted to an anti-Muslim protest. It's sort of a Venn Diagram, but of hatred. For example, Goudreau has some prominent anti-Muslim activists amongst his own friends:

Brad Salzberg, the leader of the Cultural Action Party of Canada, isn't just anti-Muslim but is also anti-immigrant in general. He held a very small anti-Muslim protest in Vancouver this past Sunday. And Sara Smith is better known as Sandra Solomon, an especially vocal and virulent anti-Muslim protester associates with Eric Brazeau and Ron Banerjee; she was a key speaker at the anti-Muslim event that took place Sunday in Toronto.

When analyzing the anti-Muslim protests that took place this past Sunday, I think it is important to look not only at the victories scored by those who opposed the xenophobes and Islamophobes, but it is equally important to recognize that there were some setbacks.

9 January 2017

Jody Issel, Soldiers of Odin Moose Jaw President, Isn't Even Trying Anymore

You know, if there's one positive thing about Trump's election is that the racists we've been covering here for years have become refreshingly honest about their views. Take this guy for example:

Now this is admittedly an older photo of Jody Issel, but it does sort of capture a particular moment in time, specifically the time he tried to start up an unauthorized chapter of the Aryan Nations' in Saskatchewan. That effort didn't pan out so well, so he threw in his lot with Kyle McKee and the Aryan Guard in Calgary for a while, attending at least one of their "White Pride Day" marches.

A few months after we reported Issel's efforts to start an Aryan Nations' chapter, he contacted us to first beg, then threaten us, to remove his information. We didn't and we still haven't, but at that time he seems to have recognized that being associated with the racist movement wasn't good for his career prospects.

Over the years we kept an eye on him. He was careful, locking down his Facebook from our prying eyes, but there were still a number of times he forgot himself:

Then when the Soldiers of Odin movement found it's way across the Atlantic, Issel found himself in an interesting position in that he lived in Moose Jaw, the SoO were looking for a Moose Jaw city president, and the SoO doesn't actually seem to vet their members or individuals aspiring to positions of leadership. Thus:

Recently, Issel and his merry band of SoO members (four by all accounts) decided to take a stroll about Moose Jaw (at least long enough to snap some photos) to protect the fine folks of that particular prairie community:

The problem here is who will protect the fine folks of Moose Jaw from the people who claim to want to protect them?

Bill Daniels, SOO Provincial President in BC

It's funny, because although he claimed that he wasn't hiding, at the time Issel posted these messages on his other profile, it was locked up tighter than gnat's chuff.

But things have changed on both of his profiles, although this one is the more interesting of the two right now:

So why does Issel feel more comfortable openly expressing his racism?

Take a wild guess:

9 May 2014

May 2014 Bits and Bites

This will be relatively short. First, we would like to provide our readers with what looks to be a bit of a preview:

We have a feeling that the lives of the Southern Ontario Skinheads are about to become a lot more public and, perhaps, a lot less comfortable. And that all might be happening very soon.

More on that later. In the meantime, we offer our readers the wit, wisdom, and silver tongue of Mr. Hynes who waxes poetically about the nature of the fairer gender:

Yeah, hard to believe these people have a difficult time maintaining relationships. Or forming relationships in the first place. But.... wait.... is that Bernie Miller we see? Why yes it is! Miller has just recently completed his house arrest stemming from an incident in Edmonton which also resulted in Kyle McKee ending up serving a year in jail. It's sort of funny that an ally of McKee, someone who is suspected of being involved in the assault on Hynes in the summer of 2012, would be communicating with Hynes. Even more funny when you consider who Miller is pictured with in Miller's profile photo:

That there sidling up to Miler is Eric Marshall, one of the two men (along with Jessie Lajoie) who assaulted Hynes after being lured into the trap with promises of a sexual encounter with Ms. Kissack.

26 January 2012

Oh, How We've Missed You Tom!

A relatively new poster on Stormfront going by the handle, "National Socialist Skin" caught our attention a while back. Oh, not because he seemed significant in and of himself, but he just reminded us of someone. He lives in Lethbridge. Has a tendency to name drop and brag about his status in, "the movement." Made fun of John Marleau. Talks about what he would do if he were in the same room with [fill in the blank] individual and it would not be pretty, he could sure tell you that.

We thought.... and then decided no. Couldn't be him. There was no evidence that "National Socialist Skin" has flown into a rage over some perceived slight and wasn't threatening people on Stormfront itself.

And then....

Now, we didn't catch all of this, but it enough to confirm that our favorite loose cannon Thomas Trenerry is back on Stormfront in what must be his third kick at the can:

24 November 2011

November Bits and Bites: The Return of the Trenerry

First, before the main course. One of the four tools who decided it would be fun to assault people while handing out Blood & Honour fliers in Edmonton was sentenced today:

Brown-skinned white supremacist gets probation for hateful words

By ,Edmonton Sun
First posted:

A brown-skinned white supremacist who hurled racist slurs and sang Nazi songs at a Whyte Avenue bar was placed on probation for two years on Thursday.

Keith Virgil Decu, 32, was also ordered to perform 100 hours of community service and banned from going to the Whyte Avenue area after pleading guilty in Provincial Court to a reduced charge of causing a disturbance.

Crown prosecutor Ashley Finlayson told court it was an “abhorrent” crime, but said Decu played a much lesser role than his white supremacist co-accused in the racist rampage along Whyte Avenue on Feb. 12.

“It was clear he was a follower and not significantly involved, “ said Finlayson, although the prosecutor pointed out Decu “joined in” the Nazi songs being sung in the Strathcona Hotel bar and “called people niggers.”

4 June 2011

Reitmeier and Sturrup Updates

Information on the blog has been used by a number of media outlets, including this CBC Calgary story (they do however continue making the mistake of stating the ARA is actively involved in the blog which is not true, although we do share information extensively).

We had noted that there had been rumors about bonehead involvement in the murder of Mark Marianifor some months, however as we also noted the information that we had was limited and as such we didn't feel it was appropriate to publish anything. We did, however, continue to look into the case. Also, one of our readers made the following comment in a completely unrelated post:

Have a look at this article, and particularly the picture. I see a swastika amongst the angry graffiti. Do you see some sort of connection between this murder and the aryan nation?

Another reader made a comment regarding his or her concerns about the seriousness of the accusation. Our response was as follows:

It is a hell of an accusation, but "Cody" here isn't the first person to make the suggestion. We're of the understanding that the police might be suspicious as well given what we've been told. We don't know if it has anything to do with the swazi on the wall, but apparently there might be other details which suggest a link. 

At the time "Cody" left his comment, we thought the presence of the swastika was likely a coincidence, however as it turns out that may not have been the case after all:

7 April 2011

Chris Waters Hearts Mo Gulett. No, Not Really

You know, we frequently make fun of the many name changes that the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour/C19/ATB/ANC/CTV/ESP have had over the past 4 years, but WEB really isn't a hell of a lot better:

What Reitmeier is specifically writing about here is that many of the members of WEB are also members of a group known as the Aryan Nations Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (so in their brief history, they have been known as the Aryan Guard Renegades, Western European Brotherhood and/or Bloodlines, and now the ANK). The ANK seems to be some weird synthesis of Aryan Nations nougat and Klan chocolate rolled up into one nasty ass candy bar of hatred and are connected to the United Knights of Tennessee, Order of the Ku Klux Klan. The ANK does have a Canadian presence, albeit fairly minimal, with the HQ in Regina, Saskatchewan:

11 April 2010

Aryan Guard Had Planned to Set Up a Paramilitary Camp?

Okay, so the headline for this article might be a bit melodramatic. We'll explain.

Not surprisingly, the murder of Eugène Terre'Blanche has set off the racist set, including here at home. That Terre'Blanche's death MAY have been the result of him raping a male teen worker on his farm after having plied him with alcohol (an accusation also being made by a young white member of Terre'Blanche's own AWB) seems to be of little concern. Smear campaign, propaganda, Jewish conspiracy yadda yadda yadda. Nothing all that original from their side, so we'll move on.

Terre'Blanchewas a significant figure in the racist movement not only in South Africa, but as a figure revered and respected by his fellow travelers internationally, in large part because of the AWB was essentially a paramilitary organization who's members received training in AWB camps. A lot of boneheads want to emulate Terre'Blanche's efforts:

Well, if John Marleau is to be believed, the Aryan Guard tried to establish such a camp in Canada, presumably in Alberta:

Now we know the organizational skills of the Aryan Guard was, and is more so now, limited at best. In fact, we doubt the planning ever moved much beyond drunken ramblings about how cool it would be to start paramilitary training in preparation for Rahowa. Still, it does give one pause for thought when Marleau considers these people to be heroes and martyrs for the cause:

And also consider that members (and former members) of the Aryan Guard had somewhat of a gun fetish:

We don't think for a moment that these clowns would be able to overthrow a school board meeting, but given the pipe bomb incident in November 2009, as well as the assaults that Aryan Guard members have engaged in, we can't exactly say that these people weren't dangerous to individuals.

22 April 2009

Aryan Guard and Aryanprincess1488 Falling Out

We really do appreciate that the boneheads follow have come to view us as omnipotent and omnipresent and that the minutia of their daily lives will inevitable end up on this blog. Sadly, that isn't the case. While we do a pretty good job of monitoring the Internet chatter we can't be all places at once though we do come into possession a great deal of information from anonymous and known sources (in fact, the most fruitful sources are the result of boneheads with a grudge and let us tell you they are often a very surly bunch). A lot of the information isn't published for a few reasons, two of which are:

1. It's about a nobody in the "White Nationalist" movement (or are merely a groupie) and no one cares until they give us a reason to care; nude pictures really don't make the cut (that would be you Natalie).
2. It's boring. We know it will come as a great shock to our readers, but Nazis lead pretty bleak and colourless lives.

Sometimes, however, we get some information that we're just dying to share. Mostly because it shows what a sad, surly bunch of social misfits that we're dealing with here.

We've discussed Aryanprincess1488, or as we lovingly refer to her as "Nazi mom" a few times on this blog. One of her closest friends from Winnipeg, Jessie Lajoie (now Jessie Ammeter again) moved to Calgary a few months ago but remained in close contact. We had no idea there had been a falling out between the two of them until we received the following message:

Anyone else such as aryanprincess is on their own and is not a member of the Aryan Guard. She has moved to a new province and ties with her have since been cut.

This was part of a much larger message that attempted to take us to task regarding our story about J.H. and the damage the Aryan Guard had done to his family. By the way, you people need to get together and come up with a single story to tell people; your inconsistency is a bit of an embarrassment.

Well, we were a bit confused as to why ties between the AG and "Nazi mom" would have been cut. Then we received the following Facebook updates from "Nazi mom's" and Alicia Reckzin's profiles:

Nazi Mom: If you're going to hack into my account... I suggest you get your fucking facts straight children!!!!

Reckzin: email hackers = RATS... as my grampa would say.... blood will out. Courtney and Jessie will see their day.

Nazi Mom: Well... live and learn... friends like you are best left at the enemies hands good luck and god willing burn in hell!!! And FYI... that type of manipulative behavior is usually left to the antis... thanks for trying to destroy our movement you 20 year old cunts!! But thanks for coming out and exposing yourselves for the twats you really are!!

Nazi Mom: Well... all the while knowing that your girlfriend's favourite music is rap.... listening to her mother bitch about her being a lesbian... knowing that she has been with niggers... and smokes a fuck of a lot of weed... what does that make you then??

The last point is interesting given Thomas Trenerry made similar accusations about "Nazi mom" herself.

It would seem that Jessie and his girlfriend Courtney B. hacked into "Nazi mom's" email account, for what reason we don't yet know. However Reckzin (whose insights we take with a grain of salt) appears to have received the information from the horse's mouth:

Reckzin: may not sound it but I talked to him today and he did... and told me and told me shit about me that was between me and [Nazi mom]... some not even true...SO WATCH YOUR BACK ALBERTA

Wow, Reckzin has put Alberta on notice. It's a little known fact that Albertan's are deathly frightened of gap-toothed, used up harpies that weigh no more than a buck ten. Be afraid!

So, do you think "Nazi mom" and Reckzin are going to be invited to the next Aryan Guard picnic?

20 February 2009

Aryan Guard At It Again

Most of our readers are aware of the Aryan Guard's plan for another "White Pride" day rally on March 21. This information isn't exactly old news, in fact the mayor of Calgary has already said that the Aryan Guard will not be permitted to hold their rally on city property. We know that there will be at least a few members and associates who attended last year's march and rally, such as the young man currently on trial for assaulting a Japanese immigrant, the Winnipeg Nazi mom and dad who lost custody of their children only days after returning from last year's event, our favourite loose canon Tom Trenerry, foul-mouthed Nazi kitty cat lover Jason Harley, disgraced university lecturer Terry Tremaine and a number of others may have a difficult time attending this year's events due to legal issues of conflicts with current members of the Aryan Guard.

30 January 2009

Winnipeg Nazi Mom and Alicia Reckzin: This Should Be Fun to Watch

Most of our readers are probably aware of the the "Nazi mother" from Winnipeg who's children were removed from her and her then husband's home by Child and Family Services soon after her return from Calgary in March. "Nazi Mom" and "Nazi Dad" had been attending the Aryan Guard's "White Pride" march that month. Due to the publication ban we can't name the two parents involved, however the American-based One Peoples' Project ran a story today which provides more information. "Nazi Mom" has claimed that she's not an advocate of racial hatred, however her posts as Aryanprincess1488 would beg to differ with that claim.

Yesterday the CBC ran a story on their website discussing the case as it stands now as well as the efforts to keep the media from the hearings:

22 November 2008

November Odds and Ends

Those of us who participate in gathering information and writing articles for Anti-Racism Canada have been very busy this month, though our business is more a matter of our rather full and hectic lives than anything the far right are up to. November has been filled with hockey practices and piano lessons for our children, vacations to Spain, and getting marks ready for midterm report cards.

It helps that the activities of the far right have been pretty low key too.

So, we thought we'd write a short blurb about what has been happening over the last couple of weeks.

Terry Tremaine was in the news again today as the federal court upheld the ruling against the former University of Saskatchewan lecturer in which Tremaine was found guilty of human rights violations. Tremaine is also soon to be on trial for criminal charges related to his online postings, primarily on Stormfront and his own website. This news was greeted with the usual reaction of the far right as Canadian Stormfront moderator "OdinPatrick" speculated on the faith of the presiding judge:

Is Judith Snider Jewish? She appears to be a "champion" donor for the Canadian JFSA (Jewish Family Service Agency)

Cue the conspiracy accusations. If our readers would like to know more about the trials and troubles of Terry Tremaine, they can go to a well researched article found on the website of our friends with the One Peoples' Project.

17 November 2008

Folks on Stormfront Giddy With Excitement; Conservative Party Might Want to Take Notice of Who Their Supporters Are

A little over a week ago, the Conservative Party of Canada held a policy convention in Winnipeg. The convention marked a significant shift to the right and will no doubt be fodder for those who believe that Harper and the Conservatives have a secret agenda.

From our stand point, one of the most interesting motions was to remove power from the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Tribunal. Recently some prominent conservatives have found themselves in the cross hairs of the Tribunal for comments made about Muslims and Islam. We find it interesting it was only some of their own were targeted that conservatives started calling for more freedom of speech.

One of the biggest cheerleaders of this motion, which ultimately passed almost with unanimity, was Paul Fromm who called on his supporters to write Conservative MPs to push for defanging the Commission and Tribunal. Fromm is no stranger to the Tribunal, as he has advocated for a number of individuals who had been brought before the Tribunal based on complaints by Richard Warman. We will charitably state that Fromm's efforts before the Tribunal have met with limited success.

When news that the motion was adopted reached Stormfront, the faithful were ready to celebrate their great victory over the powers of ZOG. Here are some select comments:

12 October 2008

Aryan Guard vs. Volksfront Canada?

Before getting to the main event, we continue our long running saga detailing the dispute between Tom Trenerry and John Marleau. In this exciting episode, we learn about the origin of the rather heated disagreement between these erstwhile allies:

We think that Tom actually hurt John's feelings here. John seems upset that Tom has continues to make fun of him because of John's weight problem. True, that's a low blow. What we could rather Tom comment on is John's apparent inability to bond with a woman who isn't under the age of 16. That, our dear readers, is truly sad.

At this point, we have to admit that the Trenerry and Marleau spat has grown predictable, tiresome, and boring. Until something more exciting occurs, we're not going to tune in to their minstral show any longer. Changing the chanel.

What has interested us is the rising tension between the Aryan Guard on one side, and the "A" brothers and Volksfront on the other. We have earlier discussed the online fight resulting from comments made by D.A. on the Stormfront, Blood and Honour, and Aryan Guard Forums (here and here). Soon after posting the second to the two articles, we received the following message, presumably from someone close to the Aryan Guard, if not a member himself:

28 September 2008

The Aryan Guard Fallout Regarding Our Articles.

First we'd like to forward our readers to an article on the blog "Firebrand" which discusses how the right-wing mainstream media in Canada have abandoned any pretense of journalistic integrity in their effort to re-brand Paul Fromm as a "civil liberty advocate."

Thank you to the person who forwarded to us this link.

It has been a week since we published the last of our three part series on the impending collapse of the Aryan Guard. We wondered what the effects of the articles had been thus far. Thomas Trenerry was the first to comment on the story, leaving the following message on the YouTube profile of one of our more active members:

We are gonna find you. 

And give you a reward for being the world's dumbest person. Grow up kid. You live off of basic Marxist propaganda. You post things about "Neo Nazi's" attempting to be someone. But really you spend most of your time on a computer probably in your mothers basement. And spewing nonsense to onepeoplesproject. Actually kind of sad. You need to get a life.

20 September 2008

The Decline of the Aryan Guard: Part 3

The previous article on the Aryan Guard focused on the infighting between members and those who have abandoned the racist gang. The final article of this three part series will feature the criminal behaviour of the Aryan Guard.

As we have reported in the past on this blog, members of the Aryan Guard are no strangers to the criminal justice system. Thomas Trenerry has spent time in prison on criminal charges and had his sentenced increased as a result of a prison escape. Kyle McKee and Dallas Price have criminal convictions and were both implicated in an assault using weapons in 2006. Later that year, Robert Reitmeier was charged with attempted murder in the case of a beating which left a man in his 40s unconscious (we don’t know if the man survived the attack or if he remains in a coma, though charges against Reitmeier appear to have been stayed). Ryan Nordfylki was convicted of various crimes early this past year and appears to either be on probation. One of the founders of the Aryan Guard, a person who’s name is Jan and who posts online as “boywhite” was arrested and placed in the Calgary Remand Centre not long after he moved from BC to Calgary. After some efforts to try and make bail for his release, the Aryan Guard has failed to mention Jan’s name since and his current fate and whereabouts is currently unknown.

The Decline of the Aryan Guard: Part 2

We continue with part two of our part three series on the continuing collapse of the Aryan Guard.

The troubles of the Aryan Guard in recent days have been evident, but even we didn’t realize just how bad things were getting for them until the third week of September. We’ve discussed some of the infighting and rifts between people previously associated with the Aryan Guard such as Melissa Brow and "rippler2k3", but in recent days we’ve been hearing rumours of youths getting tired of the Aryan Guard and leaving as well as some of the worst infighting among Aryan Guard members (or former members depending upon whom one listens to) that we’ve seen yet. We’ll begin first with those who are rumoured to have left the Aryan Guard.

The first individual associated with the Aryan Guard whom we had heard had left the organization is a bonehead going by the initials B.L. We’ve noted that B.L.’s mother is someone who appears to be a progressive and, as such, likely never approved of his involvement with an overt racist gang. Seems we were right, as B.L.’s involvement with the Aryan Guard resulted in a rift between himself and his family to the point that they wouldn’t have anything to do with him so long as he continued to be involved with the Aryan Guard. Estrangement from his family appears to have given B.L. cause to reconsider his involvement with organized racism and he has, if the rumours are true, decided to leave the group in order to try and reconcile with his family.

The second individual rumoured to have left the Aryan Guard is M.J., an Aryan Guard groupie / oi toy. M.J. had been involved with the Aryan Guard for at least a year and was a member of its women’s auxiliary the Valkyrian Legion. She was also involved with Aryan Guard member Tyler Sturrup, a relationship that called into question both her judgment and good taste. Well, word on the street from a reliable source was that Miss. M.J. soon became bored with her involvement with the Aryan Guard and decided that she would rather get drunk and suck on a pacifier at raves than get drunk and suck on… well, Aryan Guard members. This rumor appeared to be confirmed when, “AryanBroad” posted the following comments on Anti-Racist Canada:
Just for the website's knowledge,
I wanted to inform everyone
[M.J.], is not dating Tyler Sturrup and the stupid Bitch hasnt been around for the last 2 months or so. Along with Tyler is back in jail

[M.J.] broke up with Tyler at the end of August, Im not to sure when. The reasons from what I understand is because he is an idiot and went to Jail a second time. The other time about him going to jail was about "robbery" and breaches. This time the same thing for the Breaches. Where [M.J.] is? From what the Aryan Guard and WEB understands is she is back to her old group and Raving. If she were to come back we would be suprised.

28 June 2008

Shocking Update!!!!!!!

Some time between April 26 and May, Tyler Sturrup was arrested and was held in custody by the police. For close to a month.

Wait. Did we say shocking update? What we meant was run of the mill ordinary news when it comes to the Aryan Guard. Our mistake.

Okay, we have to admit that we missed the boat on this one so this isn't exactly breaking news, but we are including this now as it's one more nail in the coffin.

We can add Tyler to the long, and ever growing list of Aryan Guard members who we know have spent time locked up behind bars or who have otherwise run afoul of the law:

Kyle McKee, Dallas Price, Robert Reitmeier (who has recently spent more time in jail this year), Thomas Trennery, RN, Bill Noble, and others.

For all their crying about 'non-white' crime, we think one would be far more likely to be victimized by the average Aryan Guard member than any ethnic minority one might meet on the street.

We presume that Sturrup is out by now and in the loving arms of his girlfriend M.J., a lovely young lass who likes to post nasty little messages here (under the Nom de Guerre that will remain without mention as of this September 17, 2008 edit). We'll have more later as we continue to document the simultaneous destruction from outside forces and implosion from within of the Aryan Guard.

20 February 2008

Wildrose Alliance Candidate "Linked" To Paul Fromm

Photograph falls under Fair Use.

Link Byfield shaking hands with Paul Fromm in November 1999. Byfield was being honoured at dinner held by Fromm.

Link Byfield is currently a candidate for the Wildrose Alliance Party in the constituency of Whitecourt-St. Anne (see Byfield campaign website). In 2004, he was chosen as one of Alberta's four senators in waiting, though the Federal government is not obliged to appoint him to the Senate.