Showing posts with label Benson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benson. Show all posts

21 February 2017

The (Partial) Rise and Fall of Milo Yiannopoulos: With Canadian Content

Upon learning the news today regarding the Milo Yiannopoulos that came to light, we threw this together quickly, mostly because this writer is having fun honing the ol' video editing skills.

I think I'm getting better.

In any case, another shout out to Canadian Cynic who collected many of the screen shots found in the video.

4 December 2016

Andrew Benson Reappears With Interesting Friends

It seems that in addition to the Goudreau, who recently came to our attention after a lengthy absence, another character whom we had once been keeping close tabs on but whom we lost track of has reappeared on our radar:

Andrew Benson has been somewhat of a political chameleon over the years. He started out as a self-proclaimed Trotskyist....

.... followed by a lengthy stint as a bonehead:

The last time we heard from Benson, he had begun to style himself as a free market libertarian acolyte of Ayn Rand and Ron Paul, though his association with Richard Spencer's National Policy Institute certainly strongly suggested he retained his antisemitic and racist views:
“I am not a fan of political correctness,” said Andrew Benson, 28, who had traveled from Canada to attend. Wearing a black suit vest, red collared shirt and black cargo pants, he looked more like he’d come to his conclusions as part of a teenage rebellion. “I have always had an odd attraction to things that are taboo.”
No kidding?

It seems that Benson is still enamored with this particular brand of nationalism and like other members of the so-called "alt-right" (who are, at the core, neo-Nazis) is a supporter of Donald Trump:

Benson with Milo Yiannopoulos. Photo first posted on Benson's page July 2016.

We found Benson again quite by accident, but we immediately recognized him despite his Russified name as it now appears on Facebook:

30 October 2013

Andrew Benson: “I am not a fan of political correctness”

During the summer when we wrote about a far-right and antisemitic Catholic organization's list of speakers at an upcoming event in Canada we noted that one of the speakers was American libertarian and frequent presidential candidate Ron Paul. We also noted in one photograph that standing beside Mr. Paul was an individual well known to our readers:

Andrew Benson, who had tried to ingratiate himself to Marxists before sliding into fascism, seemed to have shed another skin and had repackaged himself as a disciple of Ayn Rand as further indicated by his other photographs:

"Rub a bald Ludwig von Mises for luck?"

21 August 2013

Ron Paul, a Neo-Fascist, and The Birchers Are Coming to Canada

A while back we began wondering where Andrew Benson ended up.

Our readers remember who Andrew Benson is, right?

Whenever one of the folks we've paid attention to in the past falls off our radar, we become a little curious to see where they've ended up. Sometimes they are in prison. Other times they've rejected racism and have tried to make themselves useful human beings. And in the case of Andrew Benson, a man who before he identified with racist boneheads had tried to ingratiate himself to radical Marxists, he tries to reinvent himself again.

So the one time communist, then fascist, is now a libertarian:

6 October 2011

October Bits and Bites: Goudreau, Ontario Election, Ed Kennedy and Blood & Honour

We received a bit of fan mail regarding one of our recent article that dealt with the sentencing of two men involved in a mini hate crime spree in Edmonton earlier this year:

Great intel guys. Kyle wasn't even there that night. You think you're so fucking smart because you pulled the picture off of Kyle's facebook photos. Nice try, who's the bonehead now? 

Oh you! Of course you're right. At the time these boneheads were engaging in behavior that would end getting them sentenced to a lengthy stay in jail, McKee was (for not even the first time) a guest of the Canadian judicial system, at taxpayer's expense. The reason why the photo was used in the article is twofold:

21 May 2011

Kitchener News Article on Kyle McKee Published Today

Ex-Kitchener resident at forefront of white nationalist movement  

By Josh Brown, Record staff
Fri May 20 2011 

Kyle McKee caused an uproar in Kitchener when he hung a Nazi flag outside his rented Kitchener home.

Six years later, and now based in Calgary, the 25-year-old skinhead has become one of Canada’s most active white supremacists, leading a group dubbed Blood and Honour.

“Kyle has become quite successful for becoming the main spokesperson, the leading light and the one leader,” said Jason Devine, a spokesperson for Anti-Racist Action Calgary.

10 April 2011

Paulie Running in Federal Election in Calgary Southeast

Paulie, who earlier announced another run at public office, may just have jumped the shark on this one.

In August, Paulie and the Aryan Guard (soon to be re-named Blood & Honour) protested in front of Jason Kenney's constituency office:

20 March 2011

Aftermath: Identifying Boneheads

So we've been looking at the photos that have been sent to us and that have been published by the media. So far we have been able to identify a few of the 16 (not 30m Natalie) boneheads who were present. They are, in no particular order:
  • Natalie S.
  • Michael "Puddles" Gaio
  • Curtis Erickson
  • Jonathan Besler

19 March 2011

Reitmeier Arrested During March

Despite claiming that the members of WEB would not be appearing at the march we knew that they wouldn't be able to keep away. Here is Robert Reitmeier being taken into custody at city hall at around 9:40 am, before the anti-racist rally was to begin at that location:

We might guess that Benson, Martin, Brozny and other WEB were perhaps lurking around somewhere nearby as well.

Very Well Written and Researched "Globe" Story on Calgary WN Movement

Normally we would post the whole article, however it is quite extensive and detailed so we invite our readers to go directly to the source:

Calgary’s in-your-face neo-Nazis take to the streets

Full disclosure. ARC was in contact with Mr. Wingrove and provided some background information about the Movement in Calgary. We hope that we were at least a little bit helpful, but even if we weren't it is evident that Mr. Wingrove was able to provide the general public a great deal of insight into the racist movement in Calgary. Perhaps the one quibble we have with the article is with the labelling of some of the pictures. Two of the photos in the story seem to identify the subjects as Aryan Guard supporters, however they are in fact members of W.E.B. This however is pretty minor and doesn't take away from the article itself.

The article was timed to come out during the morning of the march on Saturday, which we guess is today (damn insomnia).

We have also included a link to the article in our selected bibliography on the left side of the blog.

15 March 2011

W.E.B. Claims They Will Not Attend March 19 Rally

We aren't usually in the business of acting as a press release for bonehead gangs, and we really think our readers need to be skeptical about this for a variety of reasons, but we figured we would post this message which purports to be from Robert Reitmeier since it concerns W.E.B.'s participation in the bonehead rally on March 19.

W.E.B. Will not be attending any planned C-18/ATB event in Calgary this year. reasons are our own. Take from this what you like. From past experiences it has proven the media likes to use our pictures/videos in these events while labeling our members/associates under false names and incorrect affiliations.


We take this with a grain of salt (for instance, it might not even be Reitmeier who wrote this message), though given the antipathy W.E.B. has towards any group in which Kyle McKee is a member, it shouldn't be unexpected that they would decide not to participate.

7 March 2011

March 2011 Bits and Bites: The "Where Are They Now?" Edition

As we continue to creep up on March 19 when the planned bonehead rally may or may not occur (what, with McKee in jail and all) we thought we would take a moment to look back at one bonehead who had fallen off our radar for a while and another who we wish would fall into a hole.

That latter person is Richard Martin. Big, dumb, and ugly has managed to find his way to Calgary and is presumably living with his life partner Andrew Benson. That is until he inevitably screws up and ends up back behind bars himself.

26 February 2011

Guess Who Is Out Of Jail Now

Hot on the heels of news that Kyle McKee had once again been jailed, we learned that another one of our favorite subjects had been released after serving his sentence:

Richard "Lurch" Martin
, who plead guilty when the case went before the judge, was released a few days ago after serving 9 months for ethnic intimidation:

2 January 2011

Update on Benson Drama and Paulie Paranoia

Well, maybe calling it paranoia might be a bit much, but we've certainly caught his attention. We'll deal with that in a moment. In the meantime, a quick update on Andrew Benson's status. Last we wrote about him he had started dating the young woman who was allegedly assaulted by three members of the Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard). Benson, once associated with that group, had subsequently moved on to the Aryan Guard's rival W.E.B. We had surmised that W.E.B. wouldn't be very pleased with Benson's new love interest based in part on their attitude towards the young woman in question as well as Micki (spurned by Benson) reaction to the new relationship. Seems we were correct, as Benson is now on the outs with W.E.B. as well as evidenced by the following wall post on Reitmeier's Facebook profile:

28 December 2010

Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) Members Allegedly Beat Teen Girl Unconscious: Interesting Development

On December 15, we reported an incident in which three members of Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) beat up an 18 year old girl. Later that week, we provided a follow-up which included a picture of the injuries the young woman purported to sustain during the assault.

Well, looks like the young woman in question has decided that she is still going to run with violent neo-Nazis. In fact, she has started dating one:

6 October 2010

How Well DO Boneheads Keep Their Secrets?

We in the Collective are constantly gathering information. Most of what we collect is never published, but is used to further our understanding of the Movement and the direction it is taking. Other times the information really defies categorization and we struggle with the best way to present that information.

This is one of those times.

What we're posting is the rest of the exchange on the Blood & Honour (C18) forum's Canadian section. It is a continuation of the pissing contest between Volksfront and the Hammerskin aligned Blood & Honour faction, and the faction aligned with Combat 18. The crux of the issue at hand here is how does so much information reach us here at ARC. Is it carelessness? Do boneheads themselves, willingly or not, supply us with information? In reality, it is sort of all of the above. But we'll let the discussion progress with very little commentary from us, at least less than we usually provide. We begin with the part where OdinPatrick takes sides in the Blood & Honour factionalism:

25 September 2010

Richard Martin: Aryan Warrior /sarcasm

On September 16, Richard Martin and Shane Gill were sentenced to 9 and 6 months in jail respectively. Here's a reminder why they were sentenced to lengthy terms behind bars:

Earlier that month, on July 3, the woman had been sitting in her living room when she heard a man outside making gunshot noises. She looked out her front window and saw her neighbour, Martin, on the sidewalk making gestures with his hand as if he were shooting a gun at her house. 
Nine days later, the woman heard Martin and another man in the parking lot outside her bedroom window. They were loudly singing songs with racially offensive lyrics and yelling, "Go back to Africa."
The woman filed her first police report the next day. Two days later, as she and the 11-year-old girl were walking to the local variety store, they were confronted by Martin and Gill. Martin again made the gunshot noises and the sign of a gun in her direction. 
When the men began to spew their racial slurs, the woman and child turned and headed for home. The woman told police Gill was close behind them as they ran inside the house and locked the door. Gill then began to pound on her door. 
Once inside, the woman, the young girl and the child's mother moved to the middle of the home for fear that the men would break windows. After police arrived and took a second report, the two women took turns sitting guard on the porch through the night in case of further trouble.
And as a result of his profound bravery in intimidating two women and an 11 year old child, Martin's friends consider him to be a prisoner of war:

15 September 2010

Oh, Richard Martin, You Are A Special Kind of Stupid: Part II

Remember the story about Richard Martin and another schmuk being arrested for ethnic intimidation?

Looks like Martin won't be moving to Calgary to join his friends Andrew Benson an Mike Gaio any time soon:
Racists going to jail for taunts
Barbara Brown, Wed Sep 15 2010 
A pair of hate-mongers will be sentenced Thursday for threatening behaviour and racially motivated harassment of a young black woman who lived on their street. 

12 August 2010

Oh, Richard Martin, You Are A Special Kind of Stupid

When Andrew Benson moved to Calgary in July, his best friend and life partner Richard Martin didn't accompany him on the journey. It's not as if Martin wouldn't have made the trip if he could, but he was a bit preoccupied being in jail at the time. Still, he had an open invitation to move out to Calgary once he was released.

Looks like he might have to hold off a little longer on those plans:
Racial epithets lead to charges
The Hamilton Spectator(Aug 11, 2010) 
The woman called police when two men, who had been taunting her, arrived at her door. 
She'd seen them around her Westdale neighbourhood over a couple of weeks since the start of July -- two men she did not know yelling racial slurs at her. The last straw was July 16. The two men followed her home and pounded on her door. She called 911. 
Hamilton police identified two suspects in their investigation and last week arrested Shane Gill, 38, of no fixed address, at an address in St. Catharines. They also arrested Richard Martin, 23, of no fixed address, at the Hamilton- Wentworth detention centre where he was in custody on an unrelated matter. Both men have been charged with criminal harassment with hate/bias overtones. 
The two men appeared in Hamilton court Friday for bail hearings but were remanded until they can obtain counsel. 
Though both suspects were of no fixed address, they were apparently living in the woman's neighbourhood at the time of the alleged offences. Police will not identify the nature of the racial remarks or what ethnic community the woman identifies with. 
Police Sergeant Terri-Lynn Collings said the case is an alleged hate/bias crime that went beyond the kind of thing usually seen in Hamilton because there was repeated contact. 
The incident is relatively rare because it meets the criminal harassment test in that it caused someone to fear for their safety. 
Collings could not recall similar charges being laid in Hamilton in recent years. 
"We don't often see this," said Collings, adding that could be due to a number of factors including having enough evidence to lay such a charge and having a witness willing to take the case through the court process. 
Collings said Hamilton Police victims services and community relations staff will be assisting the complainant each step of the way.
Of course Martin isn't a stranger to the readers of this blog. In March 2009 we posted an article pointing to Martin's involvement in the vandalizing of a Toronto store. Sadly, it doesn't appear that Martin was ever even questioned, much less charged, in that case. In addition to this, it also appears that Martin is aware of other acts of racist vandalism that had occurred in the Toronto area; he either knew of the individual or individuals involved or he was had actively participated in the act himself:

We've also used these pages to childishly make fun of Martin and his friends.


...and over again.

Oh dear! However did that picture of Martin with Paulie show up here? Well, we might as well leave it there. Considering whom else Paulie associates with, it just confirms what we all believe already about him.

28 July 2010

Looky Who's In Calgary Now

Truth be told we've known about it for a while now, but we wanted to see if he actually made the trek out West.

Andrew Benson is now in Calgary, thus lowering the cumulative IQ of the city by 0.002. The IQ of the bonehead community, already low, drops 7.9 points.

A while back the Aryan Guard tried to encourage their fellow travelers to head to Alberta and bolster their ranks within the city. Those were heady times for the boneheads as they sought media attention, however Benson might be a bit disappointed by the state of affairs in the city now:

Now, we know what you're thinking. Where is Benson's sidekick and life partner Richard Martin? Surely he must have come with his little buddy? To be sure, he was, and is, invited by Benson, but there's that, whole being in jail thing that's getting in the way of travel plans:

Truly, the crème de la crème.