15 November 2013

Tyler Sturrup: “If I have a fucking question about her I’ll make her be dead."

More disturbing testimony today at the murder trial of Robert Reitmeier. Yesterday and today the jury heard recorded conversations between Reitmeier and Tyler Sturrup which appears to refer to the murder. Here are a few excerpts:

Tyler Sturrup and Robert Reitmeier
“I mean you know how much anxiety rips my ... heart out every ... day,” Reitmeier tells his friend in an April 20, 2011, call. “Like I say, they’ve got nothing.

“Talk about being in the wrong place, wrong time, whatever.”

Sturrup reassures Reitmeier that if police had something on them, they would have been brought in for questioning. “They’ve got nothing. I’m not worried,” he adds.

In a call the following day, Reitmeier begins to get uptight again, telling Sturrup that at the beginning of the conversation he was told there was nothing to worry about and now he is saying otherwise.

Reitmeier: Photo taken late (December) 2012
Sturrup said the media reports were starting to get him concerned.

“When I heard the news, I was, ugh, I’m dying a little bit inside,” Sturrup tells Reitmeier. 

“Whatever it is, I mean, they’re not gonna get me in handcuffs for that ... I’ll make them kill me ... I’ll take a couple of cops with me.”

Reitmeier says the police essentially just want to keep their jobs by keeping the case in the news.

“Their publicist, with his wheels spinning, is going to do what he can to make it look like they’re doing something here,” Sturrup says.

The next day, April 22, 2011, Sturrup says “the ugly beast rears its head again” and the news is getting closer to the front page.

He then says the two of them need to have a private conversation in person, not on the phone, about the situation that seems to be closing in.

“Mr. Big. You gotta start being real f---in’ careful about you,” said Sturrup, with Reitmeier agreeing.

“Watch it. Now is the time to watch out for Mr. Big. Nobody ever again hears about this.”
Reitmeier: Taken early (January or February) 2013

Ironically, Sturrup is at that very time in the midst of an undercover police sting operation, in which he is about to meet the boss of the fictitious major crime organization for which he is working — often described in the media as a “Mr. Big” operation.

The revelation today might hit a little closer to home for some.

A person claiming to be the sister of Robert Reitmeier's wife posted a number of comments on the last blog entry about the case. Some of those were removed, mostly owing to an intemperate exchange started by this writer, however this post remains:

Anyways, if you have so many questions as you say, why don't you just head on down to the courthouse and ask her yourselves, seeing as that's where she is every day for Robs [sic] trial.

Today, the court heard this:

In the lengthy chat Sturrup berated Reitmeier for talking too much and even suggested the accused’s wife might have to be murdered.

If I have a (expletive) question about her I’ll make her be dead,” Sturrup told Reitmeier, about C.S.

“Don’t think about that ... she is solid,” Reitmeier said.

We don't care who you are. Knowing that someone was talking about having to perhaps murder you to keep you quiet has to be disturbing as hell.

Robert Reitmeier and Tyler Sturrup... in handcuffs


Anonymous said...

Is there any explanation of why these conversations were recorded? Did Reitmeier or Sturrup record them? Were the phones tapped? If the police did in fact have the phones tapped, why was that? Was a warrant obtained because the two were suspects in the murder? Or were they being watched for another reason?

Anonymous said...

Reitmeier's wife has been rather stone faced during the whole thing, but kudos for being there every day for her man.
Still hard to listen to all those expletives.

Nostrils200 said...

Yeah, know what's worse than that?

Losing a loved one as a result of a murder and knowing you will never be able to see that loved one ever again.

Suffice it to say, not a hell of a lot of sympathy here.

Anonymous said...

Whilst I don't agree with any form of racism or violence, the case against Reitmeier appears to lack real evidence? Is there any DNA, fingerprints, boot prints or actual evidence to link him with the senseless murder of that poor man. I agree justice should be served, but to someone who is guilty of the crime, not guilty of being a racist....

Surely we live in a free society where proof is needed?

Nostrils200 said...

There has been discussion of physical evidence (for example, marks on Reitmeier's boot evidently chemically matches to materials at the crime scene), though the media tends to focus on the more sensational evidence such as video surveillance and wire taps.

Anonymous said...

Try leaving the whole family alone how about?
The whole situation is none of your business, or the worlds for that matter.
Have you ever met any of them and actually sat down and talked to them as PEOPLE? Didn't think so.

Nostrils200 said...

Actually, when Sturrup and Reitmeier murdered someone, it was not only a crime against an individual but a crime against society. As such, it is very much the business of society or, "the world."

It also doesn't matter if Sturrup or Reitmeier are the nicest people you know (which we sincerely doubt in any case). Beating a person to death sort of is a significant mitigating factor in how they should be viewed from this point on.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit, thats pretty intense. Almost surprised they didn't try to hit tyler with another charge for talking about doing a hit on someone. I'm not sure about the legalities or what they could stick him with but still.

Is rob actually married to this woman?