Media Archive

  • There was many a bleary eye in the Antipodes the morning after the night before of Rupert Murdoch’s extraordinary appearance before a House of Commons select committee investigating the phone hacking scandal that has gripped his global empire. It was certainly a strange experience for Grubsheet as we struggled through the driving rain in Sydney to an unrelated 9.00am meeting […]


    There was many a bleary eye in the Antipodes the morning after the night before of Rupert Murdoch’s extraordinary appearance before a House of Commons select committee investigating the phone hacking scandal that has gripped his global empire. It was certainly a strange experience for Grubsheet as we struggled through the driving rain in Sydney to an unrelated 9.00am meeting […]

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  • For all the furore that’s erupted over the illegal practices of Rupert Murdoch’s journalists in Britain, there’s been precious little debate about how those practices have become almost routine in the news gathering efforts of many of his competitors. How much easier it is to demonise the infamous “Dirty Digger” than to have a rational discussion about how the practice […]


    For all the furore that’s erupted over the illegal practices of Rupert Murdoch’s journalists in Britain, there’s been precious little debate about how those practices have become almost routine in the news gathering efforts of many of his competitors. How much easier it is to demonise the infamous “Dirty Digger” than to have a rational discussion about how the practice […]

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  • Controversy invariably dogs Australia’s most celebrated art award – The Archibald Prize for portraiture – and fortunately for those of us who love a good artistic stoush, this year is no exception. As the hordes descend on the Art Gallery of New South Wales this weekend for the usually suffocating launch of the Archibald Exhibition, all eyes will be on […]


    Controversy invariably dogs Australia’s most celebrated art award – The Archibald Prize for portraiture – and fortunately for those of us who love a good artistic stoush, this year is no exception. As the hordes descend on the Art Gallery of New South Wales this weekend for the usually suffocating launch of the Archibald Exhibition, all eyes will be on […]

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  • Australians are renowned for their disrespect for authority. Usually this is cast as a healthy disrespect, as if the very notion of authority sits uncomfortably on the broad shoulders of your average laconic Aussie. We seem to regard ourselves as perfectly entitled to tell anyone in authority to “get stuffed”, especially if that person is an effwit and violates our […]


    Australians are renowned for their disrespect for authority. Usually this is cast as a healthy disrespect, as if the very notion of authority sits uncomfortably on the broad shoulders of your average laconic Aussie. We seem to regard ourselves as perfectly entitled to tell anyone in authority to “get stuffed”, especially if that person is an effwit and violates our […]

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  • The global ABC “how to do it” guide to round-the-clock news coverage has it that when a big story breaks on multiple fronts like the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis, you stick with it come what may. You drop everything and devote all your resources to covering what you can. You should also provide regular updates and recaps for […]


    The global ABC “how to do it” guide to round-the-clock news coverage has it that when a big story breaks on multiple fronts like the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis, you stick with it come what may. You drop everything and devote all your resources to covering what you can. You should also provide regular updates and recaps for […]

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  • Wikileaks founder Julian Assange may well be someone totally unconcerned with personal hygiene, as some of those who’ve been in close proximity to him maintain. It’s neither here nor there for those of us keen to keep our distance from this strangely unsettling character, with his Mogadon manner and haughty self-righteousness. Yet there’s something distinctly odious about the way this […]


    Wikileaks founder Julian Assange may well be someone totally unconcerned with personal hygiene, as some of those who’ve been in close proximity to him maintain. It’s neither here nor there for those of us keen to keep our distance from this strangely unsettling character, with his Mogadon manner and haughty self-righteousness. Yet there’s something distinctly odious about the way this […]

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