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UK election: Labour frames Theresa May as dishonest in first day of campaigning

London: British Prime Minister Theresa May has batted away accusations of political opportunism, dishonesty and cowardice, on a day of fiery exchanges that marked the start of her surprise re-election campaign.

On Wednesday the British Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of her motion to call an early election for June 8, with only 13 MPs opposed.

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UK election: Labour throws shade at PM

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn says British Prime Minister Theresa May "cannot be trusted" after she called an early general election on June 8.

Mrs May told the House of Commons the election would "secure the strong and stable leadership the country needs to see us through Brexit and beyond".

Division in Westminster "can and will be used against us, weakening our hand in the [Brexit] negotiations to come, and we must not let that happen," she said.

"Waiting to hold the next election in 2020, as scheduled, would mean that the negotiations would reach their most difficult and sensitive stage just as an election was looming on the horizon."

Under European treaty law, Britain will leave the EU in just under two years' time – which would have been just over a year before the UK's next election had been due in May 2020.


Almost as soon as Mrs May had risen to speak in favour of the motion, Labour MP Paul Farelly accused her of having a "loose and complicated relationship with the truth", after she had spent many months insisting there would be no election before 2020.

The point was hammered home by Labour's Yvette Cooper, who challenged the prime minister's explanation for calling an election.

"The Prime Minister yesterday said she was calling a general election because parliament was blocking Brexit, but three quarters of MPs and two thirds of the Lords voted for [Brexit trigger] article 50," Ms Cooper said. "So that's not true is it?

"And a month ago she told her official spokesman to rule out an early general election and that wasn't true either, was it?

"She wants us to believe that she is a woman of her word. Isn't the truth that we can't believe a single word she says?"

Other Labour MPs also labelled Mrs May a political opportunist, though they avoided mentioning the reason: that their party support is at a historic low against the Conservatives, and their leader is desperately unpopular.

The latest polls have the Conservatives on the path to a record-breaking win on June 8, with Labour facing a rout.

Polling data published by The Times on Wednesday predicted a majority of more than 100 for the next Conservative government, with 382 seats in the House of Commons while Labour's MP count would drop from 232 to just 179.

Labour would suffer particularly in its seats outside London which voted for Brexit in last year's referendum, the YouGov data found.

According to pollster IPSOS, there has always been a rock-solid correlation between leader satisfaction ratings and general election results: the bigger the difference between the popularity of the leading parties' leaders, the bigger the eventual win.

The gap between the leaders' satisfaction ratings is bigger than any since at least 1979 .

Conservative MP Desmond Swayne described Labour voting for an election as "turkeys voting for Christmas".

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said he welcomed the general election.

"But this is a Prime Minister who promised that there would not be one — a Prime Minister who cannot be trusted," he said. 

He said the Conservatives "want to use Brexit to turn us into a low-wage tax haven. Labour will use Brexit to invest in every part of this country to create a high-wage, high-skill economy in which everyone shares the rewards."

And he challenged the Prime Minister to face him in a public debate.

"She says that [the election] is about leadership, yet she refuses to defend her record in television debates," he said.

The ITV network will host a leaders' debate during the election campaign, despite Mrs May's saying she would not take part.

Labour MP's accused her of being "frit" of scrutiny, however she told the BBC "I believe in campaigns where politicians actually get out and about and meet with voters".

Leaders of opposition parties including the Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru and the Scottish national Party have called for May to be represented in the debate by an empty chair, to highlight her absence.

Mrs May also faced accusations of disrespecting Parliament with her claim that an election was needed to quell dissent in Westminster.

The morning's Daily Mail translated her speech announcing the election with the front page headline "Crush the saboteurs" – a perhaps unwitting reference to a quote by Vladimir Lenin, who in January 1918 responded to criticism of his political rise with "all power to the Soviets! And we shall crush the saboteurs".

Asked in Parliament whether she considered her political opponents to be "saboteurs", Mrs May replied that debate, scrutiny and argument were the proper role of Parliament.

"But I say to the right honourable gentleman that what the British people — what the people of the United Kingdom — voted for last year was for the UK to leave the European Union," she said. "We have set that process in motion; there is no turning back. But it is clear from statements made by the Scottish nationalists and others that they want to use this House to try to frustrate that process. I will be asking the British people for a mandate to complete Brexit and to make a success of it."

Also on Wednesday, former chancellor of the exchequer George Osborne announced he would not stand for re-election, though he left the door open for a future return.

Osborne was recently named as the new editor of London's Evening Standard newspaper, under Russian proprietor Evgeny Lebedev.

In a letter to his local party association he said he didn't "want to spend the rest of my life being just an ex-Chancellor".

"I am stepping down from the House of Commons – for now," he wrote. "I will go on fighting for that Britain I love from the editor's chair of a great newspaper. It's still too early to be writing my memoirs."