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The Globe and Mail
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In-depth reporting and opinions, across Canada and around the world. Share info with us anonymously:

The Globe and Mail's posts

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In a bid to create a safe and secure way for sources and whistle-blowers to communicate with us, The Globe and Mail has become the first Canadian media organization to launch a system known as SecureDrop:

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You got your free Parks Canada pass. Here’s where you should go: 2017 Parks Canada Discovery Pass gives you no-charge access to 148 national parks, marine conservation areas and historic sites

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WestJet – ‘LessJet’ – crams more people on flights: It’s what Canadians want: Airplanes – like the ones flown by WestJet – run upwards of $100-million each. Add to that figure things like fuel, labour, maintenance, and flying becomes exceedingly costly. Keeping costs down by jamming more people on the flight makes the operation affordable

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Missing from Wynne’s remedies: housing supply: The so-called ‘Fair Housing Plan’ will at best do nothing to address the underlying supply issues affecting affordability and at worst further distort the housing market

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Time for a housecleaning at Home Capital: Soloway and Morton must go: Canadians shouldn’t want to invest in a market where Home Capital’s disclosure is deemed satisfactory

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Without good housing data, Ontario is fixing the wrong problem: The provincial government’s latest attempt to cool a hot housing market addresses a political issue rather than one of affordability

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How to prepare for retirement during every decade of your life: Your mission should be to accomplish at least three important goals each decade

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Stirring the pot legislation: A few recommendations for Canada’s incoming legal-marijuana regime

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Leah McLaren: As malls die, so too does a way of life: It wasn’t so long ago that parents frowned on kids hanging out at the shopping centre. In hindsight, it now seems positively quaint

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Politics briefing: Trudeau meets Italian PM: Also: BC Liberal Leader asks NDP to calm down; refugees want names fixed
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