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Calgary's in-your-face neo-Nazis take to the streets Add to ...

"I'll probably stay here for at least another four years. Not really sure," he said in January, taking a drag of a cigarette outside his townhouse. "Got some stuff to finish up here."

A reference guide to terms and numbers used in the neo-Nazi movement

Nationalist - As in National Socialists. This is the preferred term of most of the people in Calgary's movement. Some shy away from "neo-Nazi."

Racialist - One who is aware of one's race, and proud of it, they say. White nationalists prefer this to "racist."

Oi - A white nationalist, stemming from punk music subculture embraced by many skinheads. An "Oi toy" is a derogatory phrase for a woman who dates a white nationalist but doesn't buy into the movement

Odin's Cross - Also known as the Celtic Cross, it's among the most popular tattoos for skinheads, behind the Swastika. Most who have the tattoos claim they're a reference to an original meaning, and deny the obvious hateful links to Nazism.

Skin - Another frequent tattoo. Short form for skinhead, a music subculture largely tied in with white nationalism. One white nationalist in Calgary has tattooed "skin" to his forehead.

Stormfront - The most prominent neo-Nazi website. It's based in the United States and its content is protected by that nation's First Amendment free speech laws.

Blood and Honour - Calgary's most prominent white nationalist group, including most of the people who made up Aryan Guard, which was prominent but has largely broken apart.

W.E.B.: - Another Calgary white nationalist group, which hasn't settled on what its acronym stands for - either Western European Bloodlines or Western European Brotherhood. Group is believed to be volatile and violent.

Volksfront: Another Calgary group, largely underground.

WNL - The White Nationalist Legion, a fledgling Edmonton neo-Nazi group.

WCFU - Western Canada For Us, a white nationalist group shut down by Edmonton police in 2004.

Aryan Nations - A neo-Nazi group that once infamously tried to set up in the small town of Caroline, Alta.

PLE - Pioneer Little Europes, a largely conceptual notion whereby neo-Nazis swamp a town or neighborhood to live among one another. Such efforts have failed in Canada.

14 - A hat-tip to American neo-Nazi leader David Lane's infamous line: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

18 - Code for Hitler, corresponding to his initials' order in the alphabet ("1" for "A," and "8" for "H")

88 - Code for Heil Hitler, corresponding to the alphabet.

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