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Frequently Asked Questions

In this section we have provided answers to our most frequently asked questions.

Before sending us a question by email, please check here. Your question may have been already answered. We try very hard to answer all emails as we receive them.

Licensing and Permissions

Terms and Conditions

Note that any use of Globe and Mail content is governed by our Terms and Conditions.

The Globe and Mail uses the iCopyright online Licensing Service to facilitate your permissions requests ­ just look for the Licence button at the top of eligible Globe and Mail stories and click on it for more information & pricing for your specific usage (posting an article, reprints, republishing).

May I link to a story on the website?

The Globe and Mail does not grant permission for a copy of our staff writers' material to appear on individual websites, unless licensed from The Globe and Mail. Moreover, we do not own copyright to all materials in our paper. Articles originating from news wire services or articles written by certain freelance writers are two examples of articles for which we do not own copyright.

However, The Globe and Mail grants you permission to reprint the article headline and then link back to the full text of the article, on our website. You may do so for individual articles on a non-commercial basis.

How do I obtain permission to license a Globe and Mail article (text only) for our website?

Through iCopyright, The Globe and Mail is now able to offer you a convenient way to electronically license Globe and Mail articles for display on your website. Simply click on the "Print or License" button at the upper right of every eligible story on the site. In the resulting pop-up window click on “License”, if activated, and follow the instructions displayed.

N.B. A charge card is required for purchasing licensing rights

Please note that the "License this story" link will not be activated on stories that The Globe and Mail does not have the right to sublicense. Most likely the writers of those articles will have to be contacted directly for permission to reuse. They are entitled to set their own rates for reprint rights. We will try, when possible, to provide you with their contact information, but we require three to five business days to respond. Please send an e-mail to

Or, you can search for those contacts on your own. Information on how to do that is contained further along on our FAQ list.

How do I locate freelance and wire service contact information?

Articles and columns often provide clues, at the end, on how to locate their authors directly. Examples: Mr. John Smith is an Economics Professor at the University of Toronto, or Mr. Richard Jones is a Vice President of Investment for ABC Mutual Funds.

Any article that has "Special to the Globe and Mail" under the reporter's name or at the very bottom of the piece signifies freelanced content. A quick Google search of the person's name will often give you their contact information.

Many articles are supplied by wire services such as Guardian News Service, Reuters, etc. Contact information can be easily located through the Internet.

If you haven't been able to locate contact information using the methods outlined above, please send an e-mail to and allow three to five business days for a response.

How do I purchase an article (text only) for reprinting in a newsletter or magazine?

Simply click on the "Print of License" button at the upper right of every eligible story on the site. In the resulting pop-up window click on “License” , if activated, and follow the instructions displayed under "Republish this Article."

N.B. A charge card is required for purchasing reprint rights

Please note that the "License" button will not be activated on articles that The Globe and Mail does not have the right to sublicense. Most likely the writers of those articles will have to be contacted directly for permission to reuse. They are entitled to set their own rates for reprint rights. We will try, when possible, to provide you with their contact information, but we require three to five business days to respond. Please send an e-mail to

How do I purchase an article (text only) for distributing in hard copy to my clients?

Simply click on the "Print or License" button at the upper right of every eligible story on the site. In the resulting pop-up window click on “License” , if activated, and follow the instructions displayed.

N.B. A charge card is required for purchasing reprint rights

Please note that the "License" button will not be activated on articles that The Globe and Mail does not have the right to sublicense. Most likely the writers of those articles will have to be contacted directly for permission to reuse. They are entitled to set their own rates for reprint rights. We will try, when possible, to provide you with their contact information, but we require three to five business days to respond. Please send an e-mail to

How do I purchase an article for reprinting in a book?

First, locate the article you are seeking permissions for by searching our online archives at

When you have located the article, simply click on the "Print or License" button at the upper right of every eligible story on the site. In the resulting pop-up window click on “License”, if activated, and follow the instructions displayed under "Republish this Article."

N.B. A charge card is required for purchasing reprint rights.

We regret that, for both legal and technical reasons, articles are sold on a "text only" basis. Photos, charts and any other accompanying illustrations are not available for reprinting or resale.

Please note that the "License" button will not be activated on articles that The Globe and Mail does not have the right to sublicense. Most likely the writers of those articles will have to be contacted directly for permission to reuse. They are entitled to set their own rates for reprint rights. We will try, when possible, to provide you with their contact information, but we require three to five business days to respond. Please send an e-mail to

How do I purchase photos, tables, charts, graphics or illustrations that I have seen on the web site or in the newspaper?

The Canadian Press, an outside agency working on behalf of The Globe and Mail, licenses Globe and Mail staff photographs and/or cartoons for editorial use. Please contact them at 1-866-599-0599 or 416-507-2198 or email CP only license those images taken by or created by Globe and Mail staff. We do not currently resell or allow reuse of other visual images, other than Globe and Mail staff photos and editorial cartoons.

How do you know it is a Staff Image?

As a rule, the credit line under the right-hand side of every photo will give you information as to about whether it is a staff photo or not. For example, if a credit reads "John Doe/The Globe and Mail," this is a staff photo.

If the credit reads "John Doe for the Globe and Mail," this is freelance and the photographer retains copyright for the picture. Most freelance photographers have their own websites that can be located easily through a Google search.

All other photos will have AP, CP, Corbis or other credits that can be followed up easily through the Internet.

The Globe and Mail will try, where possible, to provide you with freelance photographer contact information if needed, but we require three to five business days to respond. Please send an e-mail to for freelance photographer contact information only.

We do not currently resell or allow reuse of other visual images, other than Globe and Mail staff photos and editorial cartoons.

How do I purchase freelance or wire photos that I have seen in the newspaper or on your website?

As a rule, the credit line under the right-hand side of every photo will give you a few clues about how to proceed. If a credit reads "John Doe/The Globe and Mail," this is a staff photo and you will need to contact The Canadian Press at 1-866-599-0599 or 416-507-2198 or email to license editorial re-use.

If the credit reads "John Doe for the Globe and Mail," this is freelance and the photographer retains copyright for the picture. Most freelance photographers have their own websites that can be located easily through a Google search.

All other photos will have AP, CP, Corbis or other credits that can be followed up easily through the Internet.

If there is no credit at all under the photo, this generally signifies that it is a handout and doesn't belong to The Globe and Mail. An example would be pictures of a theatre production. Clues to their source can normally be found within the text of the article.

The Globe and Mail will try, when possible, to provide you with freelance photographer contact information if needed, but we require three to five business days to respond. Please send an e-mail to for freelance photographer contact information only.

How do I purchase a full-page reprint from The Globe and Mail?

Please click on for more information on obtaining a full-page paper reprint.

Can I use Globe and Mail articles in the classroom?

If you are a teacher, instructor or professor in Canada covered by a license or tariff from Access Copyright, you may photocopy and distribute one copy per student of an individual article from The Globe and Mail. Additionally, your post-secondary educational institution is allowed to create course-packs on your behalf containing articles from The Globe and Mail.

If you have questions about whether you are covered, please contact your institution or Access Copyright at

Where can I find Globe and mail headlines for use in documentaries or television programs?

We market our institutional online product, "Canada's Heritage from 1844," through ProQuest to major public libraries and universities across Canada. It contains the electronic full-page archive of The Globe starting from June 1844 (four current years are embargoed). Please contact your public or university library for instructions on how to access this product.

Important note: All headlines belong to The Globe and Mail. You can film any headline but you MUST AVOID all other items on the page (including its related article) because we may not have the right to sublicense such content. Sublicensing is not available at this time.

Please read our terms and conditions for more details: Terms and Conditions

Can I use The Globe and Mail in movies and TV?

Please contact Sean Humphrey, Director, Marketing, for permission: 416-585-3348 or

Requests for The Globe and Mail newspaper boxes to be used as props in movies:

Douglas Tripp, Financial Content Manager: 416-585-5654 or

Can an organization license an electronic full feed of The Globe and Mail for their intranet?

Yes, for more information on full feeds, please contact

I am interested in licensing a Globe and Mail video.

To inquire about the re-use/hosting of a Globe produced video on your own web site, and would like further information, please send your request to Please include the video title and url, as well as the hosting website.

Globe produced videos always start and end with The Globe and Mail logo.

We can provide you with the video in HD broadcast quality - more specifically: 1080p or 720p H.264 at 6 mbps (megabits per second), except in the case where the video was not shot with that standard. If you require a different format that those specified, there will be an additional customization fee added to the licensing fee.

See typical licensing rates below:

Please note: Special features or special editing or long-form videos (longer than 3 minutes) are quoted on request.
$750 for short-form video (under 3 minutes).
$50 administration fee (additional research charges may apply for special projects).
$10 per dvd copy - best option is to provide us with an FTP site (with credentials for access where we can upload the video).
All videos are licensed for a period of no longer than 5 years.
Regular turnaround is up to 5 business days.
*A $150 charge is applied to rush requests for videos. Allow one business day (Monday to Friday 9 am - 5pm EST).

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Searching and Submitting Articles

Where can I find a specific article?

Please note that these articles are for your own reference and cannot be reprinted, posted or distributed without prior permission from The Globe and Mail.

Articles may have different headlines in print and on the web. On the web, articles may go through multiple iterations and updates and hence the headline may change over time. As such, when conducting your search, focus on some key words within the article itself or search by author if you know it.

Due to copyright and electronic publishing rights restrictions, we are unable to publish certain content on, as, for example, articles from The Wall Street Journal and The Guardian. We also do not include photographs, charts or other images in our searchable archives.

Articles published prior to 2000 are not stored in our online archive on

If the article was published after January 1, 2000, you could find it on our web site (, by using the search box located in the upper right hand corner of the web site. Please note that The Globe and Mail does not offer a search service.

If the article was published before January 1, 2000, below are your options:

• Globe and Mail content (articles only) dating back to Nov. 14, 1977, is available on several premium content, fee-based subscription online services. Check with your company’s information centre or your local public library system, who may have a fee-based custom research service.

• Most public libraries have electronic or paper indexes of The Globe and Mail available for searching. From there, date and page number can be found, making it possible to look at the paper on microfilm . Even the smallest libraries have access to these services through Interlibrary Loans.

• Through our relationship with ProQuest, we market our product, Canada’s Heritage from 1844, to major public libraries and universities across Canada. It contains the electronic full-page archive of The Globe starting from June 1844 (four current years are embargoed). Coverage includes all stories, plus thousands of images, ads, classifieds, births and deaths dating back to the pre-Confederation era. Check with your local public library system.

Can I purchase a back issue of The Globe and Mail newspaper, ROB Magazine, Style Advisor or an insert?

Unfortunately we do not offer back copies for sale nor do we keep extra copies of the ROB Magazine, Style Advisor and the various inserts included in the newspaper from time to time. The Globe and Mail head office does not stock any current or prior copies of its newspapers, magazines, inserts, The New York Times newspaper and / or The New York Times magazine.

Accessing previous issues:

You can still access copies of The Globe and Mail newspapers via public or university libraries. Most libraries have access to the microfilm version or keep paper indexes of The Globe and Mail newspapers with some of those libraries also carrying the Globe’s Canada’s Heritage from 1844 electronic archive. This archive contains the electronic full-page archive of The Globe starting from June 1844. The coverage includes all stories, plus thousands of images, ads, classifieds, births and deaths dating back to the pre-Confederation era. Check with your local public library system. Please note that Canada’s Heritage from 1844 does not include the past four years of publication.

Subscribing to The Globe and Mail:

The Globe and Mail offers various subscription types to suit your needs. See your home delivery options.

You can also get the electronic form of the newspaper, ROB Magazine and Style Advisor via Globe2Go, the ideal product for viewing the electronic versions of these printed products on tablets and smartphones.

How do I make a submission to the newspaper?

Send your submission to the section of the newspaper in which you wish your piece to appear.

Here are some general guidelines:

If you're sending your letter or article by e-mail, the contents must be sent in the body of the e-mail message as plain text only. Please do not use Microsoft Word format or rich text format (RTF), and please do not send the letter or article as an attachment.

Letters to the Editor: The editor of The Globe and Mail welcomes letters on any subject but reserves the right to condense and edit them. Brevity counts. All letters should be less than 200 words, and must include the name, mailing address and daytime phone number of the writer. The copyright becomes the property of The Globe and Mail if they are accepted for publication. You may also reach us by fax at 416-585-5085.

Comment submissions: Contributors whose work has been accepted for publication will be asked to sign a freelance agreement that explains the publication rights being purchased by the Globe and Mail. Articles submitted for use on the comment page should be about 700 words long, and must include the name, mailing address and daytime phone number of the writer. You may also reach us by fax at (416) 585-5085. Writers will be contacted within two weeks if their pieces are accepted for publication. Writers who have not been contacted within that period, or within a shorter period they have stipulated at the top of their submissions, should assume their work will not be published.

Facts & Arguments Essays: See the full submission guidelines (click here).

Lives Lived: See the full submission guidelines (click here).

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