ACT News


Tighter public school cleaner contracts to stamp out exploitation

Cleaning companies looking to work in ACT public schools will face higher scrutiny under a shake-up of how cleaning contracts are awarded.

More than 240,000 cleaning hours per year are up for grabs across 87 ACT public schools, according to tender documents released this month.

Schools have now been split into eight contracts, based on geographical location, a move United Voice secretary Lyndal Ryan expected would make the monitoring of contracts more efficient.

Contractors will also be able to bid for one or some of the contracts, but not all.

Companies must also prepare detailed responses on how they will comply with industrial and safety issues, and there will be tighter means of identifying the employer, the directors and any liquidated entities.

Contractors will be audited every six months on their performance, as well as their taxation, industrial relations and workplace health and safety compliance.


The rates paid to all personnel, including sub-contractors, must also be disclosed, so the directorate can ensure workers are being properly paid.

The terms in the tender documentation will form part of the eventual contract.

"What United Voice will be very keen to see reflected in the contract documentation will be the requirement to offer employment to existing cleaners in the event that the contract will change, process for dealing with any allegations of contract breaches and the ability to terminate contracts for serious and substantiated breaches or less serious but repeated breaches," Ms Ryan said.

"Government needs to take back control. They have the power to reward and promote good contractor behaviour and need the ability to end contracts with dodgy companies."

The current contract to clean ACT primary schools has been in place since 2011.

In February, the ACT Education Directorate sat down with school cleaners, cleaning companies and the union to get their views on how future contracts should be run.

While the directorate said it was standard consultation, it came after more than two years of industrial relations woes and protracted lawsuits which plagued current contractors.

An Education Directorate spokesman said most of the feedback related to logistical issues of cleaning schools, including access to schools, high window cleaning, carpet cleaning, training and supervision.

In 2015, cleaner's union United Voice called on the ACT Education Directorate to terminate the contracts of two companies it claimed had underpaid staff, exposed them to unsafe working conditions and pressured them into signing contracts they did not understand.

In April 2016, the Fair Work Commission struck out a bid by the companies to scrap three rolling "clean start" enterprise agreements, which had promised higher pay rates and better conditions for the city's government-contracted cleaners.

But in June 2016, the directorate extended the contract of one of the companies, Phillips Cleaning Services, despite it being embroiled in Federal Court proceedings.

The findings of that court case are expected to be handed down on Friday, the union has confirmed.