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Fact over fiction: Thousands rally to Melbourne's inaugural March for Science

Doctor Sherry Mayo doesn't love speaking in front of people. The CSIRO research scientist, who specialises in X-ray science, is far more comfortable holed up in the lab.

But she gritted her teeth in the name of her profession on Saturday to address thousands of fellow scientists and their supporters as part of Melbourne's first March for Science.

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Thousands of Australian join 'March for Science'

Thousands of Australians marched in support of science and evidence-based policy as part of world-wide demonstration around the world for Earth Day on Saturday.

Rally organisers estimate more than 3000 people rallied for more evidence and reason in Australia's political process and stable public funding for the sciences.

Some of Australia's brightest minds lined up to speak to the crowd who gathered outside the State Library before marching to the steps of Parliament House.

Former science minister Barry Jones told those gathered that politics was being guided by "fake news", "alternative facts" – as coined by US President Donald Trump's senior adviser Kellyanne Conway – and a short electoral cycle.

"It's driven by opinions rather than knowledge. Politicians no longer ask if it's true, rather, whether it will sell. We choose the bits we're emotionally attached to and feel comfortable with," he said.


Mr Jones, now an honorary professor at Melbourne University and a fellow at the Australia Academy of Science, among others, called on those gathered to "harass" their local members of parliament about the importance of scientific method, rational thought and evidence to a functioning democracy.

Statistician Terry Speed, who heads the laboratory at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, spoke passionately about the need to dismiss the "small but very loud" group of people trying to reject scientific evidence, particularly on the topic of climate change.

Data scientist Alex Thomas, who was among the crowd, agrees.

"I'm here because I think we have to choose between stupidity and science," he said. "I think we're dealing with a very dangerous phenomena, that is the rejection of science. Although science isn't everything, it's the grounding and the underpinning of modern life and many of us wouldn't be here without it."

PhD graduate Tessa Charles, 29, said she came to fight for long-term public investment in scientific research. "I think it's grossly underfunded," she said. "I just finished a PhD in physics and am about to move overseas to work with European nuclear research organisation CERN because there's essentially nothing to apply for here."

The Melbourne rally was one of 10 held in Australian cities on Saturday, and among more than 500 satellite marches across the world.