- published: 15 Jun 2017
- views: 13026
London i/ˈlʌndən/ is the capital and most populous city of England and the United Kingdom. Standing on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia. It was founded by the Romans, who named it Londinium. London's ancient core, the City of London, largely retains its 1.12-square-mile (2.9 km2) medieval boundaries and in 2011 had a resident population of 7,375, making it the smallest city in England. Since at least the 19th century, the term London has also referred to the metropolis developed around this core. The bulk of this conurbation forms Greater London, a region of England governed by the Mayor of London and the London Assembly. The conurbation also covers two English counties: the small district of the City of London and the county of Greater London. The latter constitutes the vast majority of London, though historically it was split between Middlesex (a now abolished county), Essex, Surrey, Kent and Hertfordshire.
Londra, le urla e l'incubo nelle fiamme del grattacielo - La Vita in Diretta 14/06/2017
Incendio Londra, italiani coinvolti: "Erano lì perché in Italia offrivano solo lavori da 300 euro"
Incendio Londra, Grattacielo in fiamme dove vivevano centinaia di persone
Grattacielo in fiamme a Londra, l'ultima telefonata di Gloria e Marco: "Addio"
Si vedono delle persone bloccate all'interno del grattacielo di Londra in fiamme
Rogo di Londra, lo sfogo del papà di Gloria Trevisan
Incendio Londra: il racconto dei testimoni
Incendio Londra, le ultime telefonate di Gloria e Marco dalla Grenfell Tower
Londra, parla un testimone italiano: "Mancanza di regole totale in quell'edificio"
GUARDA LA PUNTATA https://goo.gl/veyIYt http://www.raiplay.it/raiplay/programmi/lavitaindiretta - Un gigantesco incendio ha travolto la Grafell Tower di Londra, un grattacielo residenziale di 24 piani e 120 appartamenti nella zona di North Kensington. Secondo la polizia è di almeno 12 morti il bilancio provvisorio della tragedia. Si contano 84 feriti ricoverati in sei ospedali. Testimoni raccontano di aver visto con i loro occhi alcuni residenti di Grenfell Tower saltare dalla finestra per sfuggire alle fiamme, anche bambini lanciati nel vuoto dai genitori urlando "Salvate i miei figli". "Un caos totale, come l'11 settembre", racconta un testimone.
“La conferma non è ancora del tutto ufficiale, ma siamo già pronti al peggio”. A dirlo è l’avvocato Maria Cristina Sandrin, legale della famiglia di Gloria Trevisan, la ragazza italiana che insieme al fidanzato Marco Gottardi si trovava all’interno della Greenfell Tower di Londra mentre il fuoco divampava ovunque. Ad aumentare la rabbia della famiglia e del legale anche le circostanze che hanno spinto i due ragazzi a emigrare a Londra: Gloria, in particolare, voleva infatti aiutare la famiglia in grave difficoltà economica, ma in Italia aveva ricevuto solamente offerte con onorari tra i 300 e i 400 euro al mese, mentre dopo sole 2 settimane nella City aveva trovato un lavoro da 1.800 sterline mensili. I due 27enni, racconta inoltre l’avvocato, hanno effettuato numerose telefonate ai genito...
londra incendio palazzo , grattacielo attacco terroristico?
GUARDA LA PUNTATA https://goo.gl/9VZmp9 http://www.raiplay.it/raiplay/programmi/lavitaindiretta - Nell'elenco dei dispersi per l'incendio alla Grenfell Tower a Londra, figura una coppia di fidanzati italiani, Gloria Trevisan e Marco Gottardi, entrambi veneti e 27enni, che si trovavano nella capitale per lavoro. Abitavano al 23esimo piano del grattacielo. "Ho sentito la registrazione della telefonata di Gloria alla mamma. Le dice grazie per quello che ha fatto per lei. Stavano dando un addio. Non ci sono motivi per sperare che Gloria e Marco siamo ancora vivi": a dirlo l'avvocato Maria Cristina Sandrin, legale della famiglia di Gloria. Le squadre di soccorso hanno continuato a lavorare per tutta la notte, ma le autorità non si aspettano di trovare altre persone vive all'interno della torre....
Nell'edificio Grenfell Tower vicino alla stazione di Latimer Road di Londra, si vedono degli inquilini bloccati dall'incendio. - Il rogo della torre Grenfell -
E' stremato dal dolore Loris Trevisan, il papà di Gloria, la giovane padovana dispersa con il fidanzato Marco Gottardi nell'incendio della Grenfell Tower a Londra. "Doveva tornare mercoledì, aveva già il biglietto aereo", ha raccontato l'uomo. I due ragazzi erano a Londra solo da tre mesi. ISCRIVITI AL NOSTRO CANALE e SEGUICI: https://www.facebook.com/blitzTVit/ https://twitter.com/BlitzTVit http://www.msn.com/it-it/video/browse/blitz-tv/vs-AAk9HEK
In un attimo un inferno di fuoco a Londra e le fiamme hanno avvolto la Grenfell Tower in Latimer Road, nel quartiere di North Kensington provocando morti e feriti. Il racconto dei testimoni *Emmanuel, soccorittore* _"Dopo un'ora dall'inizio dell'incendio la situazione è cominciata a peggiorare e poi ... abbiamo visto persone che guardavano fuori dalla loro finestra, urlando aiuto, chiedendo aiuto."_ *David Blanco, residente edificio accanto Grenfeel Tower* _"Ho visto una persona che cerca di s… ALTRE INFORMAZIONI: http://it.euronews.com/2017/06/14/incendio-londra-il-racconto-dei-testimoni euronews: il canale di informazione più seguito in Europa. Abbonati ! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsit euronews è disponibile in 13 lingue: https://www.youtube.com/user/e...
Un incendiu uriaş a cuprins în această dimineaţă un întreg bloc de locuinţe din nord-vestul Londrei. Primele apeluri de urgenţă au fost făcute în jurul orei locale 1:00 (3:00 ora României). Flăcările s-au răspândit de la etajul doi al clădirii, până la etajul 27, ultimul. 200 de pompieri şi 40 de autospeciale au ajuns de urgenţă la faţa locului, dar focul arde şi la această oră cu mare putere. Presa britanică a scris că se poate ca oameni să fie în continuare blocaţi în locuinte, dar informaţia nu este confirmată. Echipele de intervenţie au intrat în clădire să cerceteze. Sute de locatari au reuşit să iasă la timp din apartamente, au spus martorii oculari pentru presa britanică. Deocamdată, poliţia din Londra a anunţat că mai multe persoane sunt tratate pentru diverse răni, dar fără să...
Londra, il dramma dei ragazzi italiani dispersi nel rogo del grattacielo Grenfell Tower, ecco le ultime telefonate dei ragazzi ai loro genitori. ISCRIVITI AL NOSTRO CANALE e SEGUICI: https://www.facebook.com/blitzTVit/ https://twitter.com/BlitzTVit http://www.msn.com/it-it/video/browse/blitz-tv/vs-AAk9HEK
"Ho visto veramente una mancanza di regole quasi al limite della sicurezza". Così Domenico Pecere, italiano residente a Londra descrive la Grenfell Tower, il grattacielo andato a fuoco lo scorso 14 giugno e nel quale sono rimasti intrappolati i due italiani Gloria Trevisan e Marco Gottardi, fidanzati emigrati nel Regno Unito in cerca di fortuna. Pecere stava per prendere casa proprio nella Grenfell Tower di Londra, ma, fortunatamente per lui, il proprietario aveva rifiutato l'offerta. "Ho visto le condizioni del palazzo e da buon immobiliarista quale sono ho pensato di fare un'offerta al ribasso. Non c'erano scale di emergenza esterna e gli ascensori erano vecchi. Inoltre i pianerottoli erano pieni di materiale di ogni genere, di elettrodomestici abbandonati e abiti lasciati ad asciugare. ...
London, England! A modern city built on thousands of years of history. From Millennium Bridge to Big Ben, from the London Eye to Buckingham Palace, we’re covering some of London's most iconic landmarks! Thanks for watching! Please subscribe for more great travel videos! WHERE I BOOK MY TRAVEL: Get 5% off your next trip to almost anywhere in the world by booking through Jetsetter! Click here: http://bit.ly/1RfaNOq Get $20 off your first AirBnB stay here: http://bit.ly/1QQae3b ______________________________ Social: ______________________________ Follow me on social media to see my latest travels! Twitter: https://twitter.com/TylerTravelsTV Instagram: http://instagram.com/tylertravelstv/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tylertravelstv ____________________________ The other st...
http://www.expedia.com/London.d178279.Destination-Travel-Guides A trip to London might as well be a trip through history. This city has long been a hub for finance, education, and culture, and is full of modern construction mixed with ancient buildings. Your London tour must include St. Paul’s Cathedral, one of its most well-known churches. You’ll also want to see the Tower of London, the Palace of Westminster, and Westminster Abbey for exquisite examples of the city’s famous architectural landmarks. Walk or jog through numerous green spaces, among them Hyde Park and Green Park, in the center of London. Continue your London sightseeing in the West End, where you’ll find ancient buildings converted into modern shops, restaurants, bars, and shows. You’ll find one of the largest theatre d...
Here it is, our pilot episode! Why am I doing this? I travel a lot. Too much. And recently I find myself rocking up in a city that I've never been to before and know very little about. On any level. Culture, language, transport, money, food, etc. But most travel shows are an hour-long, US-centric, full of bad information, and almost exclusively aimed at tourists. So I wanted to create something different. Something aimed at the frequent traveller, something portable and short-form. Something...useful. In our pilot episode we get you in, out, and around the wonderful city of London, England. We tell you the best way to get from the airport into the city, the best way to get around, how much things cost, and why you should ALWAYS stand on the right. In follow up episodes we'll be adding ...
London is one of the most visited cities in the whole world, and it's easy to see why. It is vibrant, it is exciting, and there's something to do every single night of the week. You could spend a full year in London and never run out of new places to visit, but since we were a bit more limited with our time, we decided to film a city guide showcasing 50 things to do in London. We hope this will help showcase some of the sights and attractions this city has to offer, and that it'll come in handy for anyone out there planning a trip. Let's begin! GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme ...
Want more travel guide tips? Head to our website! http://www.visitlondon.com Whether it's your first time visiting London, or if you've been before, learn how to do London like a local with our How to do London series! Go to http://www.visitlondon.com - the official London city guide for everything you need to get started in London including ideas for where to go, things to do, upcoming events, activities and London attractions. Coming to London as a tourist? Follow our tips for how to do London: the basics and you'll feel right at home with the locals! From how to use an oyster card to travel around the city, to ideas for things to do including how to beat the queues, we've got it covered. You'll also find out how to pronounce some of our most popular placenames just like a London...
London Travel Guide - Top FREE Things to do in London, England! Believe it or not, yu can actually explore London, England for free! Today we're going to show you how you can have an amazing time in one of the most expensive cities in the world without spending a penny. Here are each of the places we visit in the video: YHA Hostel - http://www.yha.org.uk/ Free Walking Tours - https://www.undiscoveredlondon.com/things-to-do/walking-tours/free-walking-tour/ / http://www.neweuropetours.eu/london/en/home / http://www.freetoursbyfoot.com/london-tours/ Sky Garden - https://skygarden.london/ House of MinaLima - http://store.minalima.com/ Hackney City Farm - http://hackneycityfarm.co.uk/ Borough Market - http://boroughmarket.org.uk/ Don’t miss the adventure, SUBSCRIBE! ►http://bit.ly/1Nnl2k...
London travel guide video. Visit our website today at: http://www.welovetravelguides.com We Love Travel Guides are a growing franchise network of stunning looking travel destination websites. All our websites are owned and run by local experts, giving you more information about specific travel destinations across the globe. Be part of our success by joining our franchise network! We Love Travel Guides are a team of travel enthusiasts, travel industry experts, web design and marketing professionals who each have the skills to help make your business a success. As a franchisee you are never working alone on your travel guide website, as we fully support your business needs with our skilled advisors based all around the globe. Running your travel guide website as part of our franchise ne...
The ultimate Travel guide to london for 2015 and beyond Shopping,nightlife,travel,views and more! Filmed edited and produced by biskeybee Presented by Stuart bardin
The Beginners Guide To London TRAVEL Twitter: https://twitter.com/cityhackslondon / Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cityhackslondon Instagram: https://instagram.com/cityhackslondon Subscribe to city hacks London here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtIC... ************************************************************* In this episode of city hacks London presenter Syrus Lowe shares his beginners guide to London travel. The first London top tip is to make sure you get an oyster card, you can do this before you even get here by visiting this site: https://tfl.gov.uk/travel-information/visiting-london/visitor-oyster-card He also give you some top London advice with regards to London buses: https://tfl.gov.uk/fares-and-payments/fares/bus-and-tram He gives you all th...
These are some things to know before your first visit to London. My ten tips will make your visit to London easier and help you not stick out as a tourist. London underground tips, how to tip in restaurants, and how to pronounce some of the trickier names, and more. **Updates and corrections: - They call it the River Thames (not Thames River) - A pint = 16oz - For all oyster cards, zone charges have increased. For example, travel via zones 1-2 for the day (plus any bus rides) it costs £6.50 the most for that day For things mentioned in this video like a free Uber credit, links to help you figure out which Oyster card is best for your visit, and more, head here --- http://loveandlondon.com/10-important-things-to-know-before-visiting-london *Get my free London 101 Guide - http://lovean...
In a city where choice is everywhere, The Monocle Travel Guide to Tokyo will navigate you through some of Monocle’s favorite corners of this vast metropolis. Expect to fall in love with the dazzling food, sumptuous shopping, and the most courteous residents you’ll ever meet. Tokyo: The Monocle Travel Guide Series is now available at Gestalten Pavilion, Gestalten Space, and in our online shop: http://shop.gestalten.com/monocle-tokyo.html More on The Monocle Travel Guide Series: London https://vimeo.com/128870124 New York https://vimeo.com/130736940
Monocle has launched a new series of travel guide books for people who want to get the most out of their stay in a given city and feel like locals rather than tourists. To celebrate the publication of the first edition—London—Monocle has produced a cinematic portrait of this exciting metropolis. From great examples of urban design and lofty gardens to culinary discoveries and the best music venues, this film journeys to Monocle's favorite places in the city they call home. Published by Gestalten, London: The Monocle Travel Guide Series is now available at Gestalten Pavilion, Gestalten Space, and in our online shop: http://shop.gestalten.com/monocle-london.html More on The Monocle Travel Guide Series: New York https://vimeo.com/130736940 Tokyo https://vimeo.com/134599055
Working with Happy Endings Agency in London, iloobia animated, composited and green-screened this title sequence for Virgin's inflight and online holiday destination documentaries. 27 versions were required to reflect the multiple destinations, and this shows the Shaghai episode. production / art direction / illustration - Happy Endings Agency animation / compositing / chroma keying - iloobia
Madrid has thrown off the shackles of tradition: what was once a buttoned-down bastion of conservatism has become Spain’s unabashed centre of the avant-garde. Monocle Films visits the city to discover a melting pot of talent, taste and tenacity. MADRID: THE MONOCLE TRAVEL GUIDE SERIES is available now at Gestalten Pavilion, Gestalten Space, and in our online shop: http://shop.gestalten.com/books/monocle-madrid.html More from The Monocle Travel Guide Series: London: vimeo.com/128870124 New York: vimeo.com/130736940 Tokyo: vimeo.com/134599055 Hong Kong: https://vimeo.com/135249045 Bangkok: https://vimeo.com/140916954
Bangkok is a city both liberal and traditional, where outsiders are always welcome but few can gain a true understanding of the capital’s intricacies. Bangkok: The Monocle Travel Guide will steer you to our favorite hotels and retailers, lesser-known neighborhoods, tasty restaurants and street-side bars where Bangkok’s bright young things party until the early hours. Bangkok: The Monocle Travel Guide is available now at Gestalten Pavilion, Gestalten Space, and in our online shop: http://shop.gestalten.com/books/bangkok-the-monocle-travel-guide-series.html More on The Monocle Travel Guide Series: London: vimeo.com/128870124 New York: vimeo.com/130736940 Tokyo: vimeo.com/134599055 Hong Kong: vimeo.com/135249045
New York can easily live up to its movie-star good looks but it can be a city that surprises, too. Monocle has had a bureau in New York since its launch in 2007 and this has made them passionate about this city and its ambitions. Published by Gestalten, The Monocle Travel Guide to New York is a celebration of all that Monocle loves about the city. New York: The Monocle Travel Guide Series is now available at Gestalten Pavilion, Gestalten Space, and in our online shop: http://shop.gestalten.com/monocle-newyork.html More on The Monocle Travel Guide Series: London https://vimeo.com/128870124 Tokyo https://vimeo.com/134599055
Vienna is a city that bridges Eastern and Western Europe with panache. It has long been the melting pot of Europe so it’s easy to feel at home here—especially with our fully illustrated, 148-page hardback book as your guide. VIENNA: THE MONOCLE TRAVEL GUIDE SERIES is available now in our Berlin store and in our online shop: http://shop.gestalten.com/monocle-vienna.html More from The Monocle Travel Guide Series: Rio de Janeiro: https://vimeo.com/152257117 London: vimeo.com/128870124 New York: vimeo.com/130736940 Tokyo: vimeo.com/134599055 Hong Kong: vimeo.com/135249045 Bangkok: vimeo.com/140916954 Madrid: vimeo.com/144336305
Monocle reports from around the globe in print, on radio, and online. As its editors and correspondents dart from city to city, they get to know the best places to rest their heads, stretch their limbs, and kick back with a contact in a hard-to-find cocktail bar. That information is now available in Monocle’s Travel Guide Series: a line-up of titles that speaks to you in an informed but informal way about everything from architecture to art, late-night bars to early-morning markets. Published by Gestalten, these travel guides are for people who want to get the most out of their stay—however short—and feel like locals rather than tourists. That’s why each book has a series of neighborhood walks to take you away from the throng and leave you with a sense of discovery even in cities that yo...
Hong Kong is more diverse than you’d imagine. Navigate the futuristic skyways connecting office towers and you’ll pass over temples from which incense smoke trails towards the heavens. Published by Gestalten, The Monocle Travel Guide to Hong Kong takes you on a journey from the best dining spots and side-street food stalls to rich retail experiences. The Monocle Travel Guide Series: Hong Kong is now available at Gestalten Pavilion, Gestalten Space, and in our online shop: shop.gestalten.com/monocle-hongkong.html More on The Monocle Travel Guide Series: London vimeo.com/128870124 New York vimeo.com/130736940 Tokyo vimeo.com/134599055
Beneath its inimitable skyline, Istanbul is a teeming, triumphant metropolis that is constantly being remade and reimagined – as our cinematic portrait explores. Published by Gestalten, INSTANBUL: THE MONOCLE TRAVEL GUIDE SERIES is available now at Gestalten Pavilion, Gestalten Space, and in our online shop: shop.gestalten.com/books/monocle-istanbul.html More from The Monocle Travel Guide Series: Madrid: https://vimeo.com/144336305 London: vimeo.com/128870124 New York: vimeo.com/130736940 Tokyo: vimeo.com/134599055 Hong Kong: vimeo.com/135249045 Bangkok: vimeo.com/140916954
in with the dark nights, in with the weight down clouds
suburbs and stations, longrange trains coming in
how can you manage, how can you bear me now
coming in fast, bringing the lights | keeping me calm,
keeping me calm like you do | im tearing us down,
how can you do? keeping me downin with the trains,
rushing through the lands | in with the aeroplanes,
breaking through heavy nights | where does it go?
when does it sleep again | off with the devils,
off with the devils keeping me calm,
keeping me calm like you do, I love you, I love you,
keeping me calm. ...in with the trains, rushing like blood to my limbs,
come over dance with me, come on over dance with me
bring in the warmth, bring in the comfort to me,
citadel band play forme, citadel band play for me
keeping me calm, keeping me calm like you do.
I love you, I love you, off with the boards,
off with whats keeping me down, in with the arms,
in with whats keeping me calm, i cannot go, i cannot do.