- published: 07 May 2015
- views: 51004
1848 (MDCCCXLVIII) was a leap year starting on Saturday (dominical letter BA) of the Gregorian calendar and a leap year starting on Thursday (dominical letter DC) of the Julian calendar, the 1848th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 848th year of the 2nd millennium, the 48th year of the 19th century, and the 9th year of the 1840s decade. Note that the Julian day for 1848 is 12 calendar days difference, which continued to be used from 1582 until the complete conversion of the Gregorian calendar was entirely done in 1929. It is historically famous for the wave of revolutions, a series of widespread struggles for more liberal governments, which broke out from Brazil to Hungary; although most failed in their immediate aims, they significantly altered the political and philosophical landscape and had major ramifications throughout the rest of the century.
Taarak Mehta is an Indian columnist, humorist, writer and playwright who is best known for the column Duniya Na Undha Chasma in the Gujarati language. He has translated and adapted several comedies into Gujarati, and has been well-known figure in the Gujarati theatre.
The humorous weekly column first appeared in Chitralekha in March 1971 and ever since has been looking at contemporary issues from a different perspective. He has published 80 books, over the years, three books are based on the columns he wrote in Gujarati newspaper, Divya Bhaskar while rest were compiled from the stories in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.
In 2008 SAB TV, a popular entertainment channel in India, started a show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah that is based on his column, and soon it became the flagship show of the channel.
Taarak Mehta comes from a Jain family. He lives in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, where he moved in 2000, with his second wife, Indu, of over 30 years. His first wife, Ila who later married Manohar Doshi, (died 2006), also stayed in the same apartment building. He has daughter from his first marriage, Ishani, who stays in US, and has two children, Kushaan and Shailee.
The Revolutions of 1848 (AP European History)
wissen2go: Die Revolution 1848/ 49 erklärt
What Were the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848? AP Euro Bit by Bit #30
Die Revolution 1848 erklärt | Historische Ereignisse
Les événements de 1848 - Henri Guillemin (1973)
Revoluções liberais: 1820, 1830, 1848
1848 Revolutions
1848 : une révolution ratée ? - Veni Vidi Sensi #7
Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah - तारक मेहता - Episode 1848 - 13th January, 2016
Die Revolution von 1848 in aller Kürze
http://www.tomrichey.net An introduction to the Revolutions of 1848 - the first part of a series covering these simultaneous (but ultimately unsuccessful) revolutions. Later segments will focus on the individual revolutions in France, the German States, and Italy, as well as an examination of why neither Britain nor Russia experienced a revolution during this time. This lecture was designed primarily for AP European History and Western Civilization students, but should be good for anyone interested in the subject.
Fast hätte es geklappt: Deutschland stand 1848 kurz davor, ein vereinigtes und demokratisches Land zu werden. Dann kam allerdings doch alles ganz anders. Wie das damals war, das erfahrt ihr in diesem Video. Bundesakte, Restauration, Alte Ordnung - alles Begriffe, die man schon mal irgendwann gehört hat. Aber was bedeuten sie? Und warum sind die Ereignisse dahinter so wichtig in Bezug auf eine Revolution, wie es sie auf deutschem Boden bis dahin noch nie gegeben hatte? Hier erfahrt ihr die groben Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Ende der Herrschaft Napoleons bis zur Ablehnung der Kaiserkrone durch den preußischen König. Eine Zeit, die extrem spannend gewesen ist. Man muss sich nur ein bisschen darauf einlassen ... Hier erfahrt ihr mehr zu diesem Thema: Eine gute Übersichtsseite meiner Partner...
The ideologies of liberalism, nationalism, and conservatism came into conflict in Europe in 1830 and 1848. Across the continent, revolutions broke out. Most of them failed. Here's a brief overview of some of those revolutions.
März 1848: Bürger an den Waffen, blutige Barrikadenkämpfe und Rufe nach einem einheitlichen Deutschland. Das ist die erste Revolution auf deutschem Boden, die die ersten Verfassungen und den Adel um viele Sonderrechte bringt. Trotzdem ist die Märzrevolution gescheitert. Wie das zusammenpasst, darum geht es hier.
Agora que você já assistiu a videoaula, qual o próximo assunto a ser estudado? A resposta para essa pergunta você encontra em http://www.evolucional.com.br. Estude do seu jeito e no seu ritmo. A Evolucional é uma plataforma gratuita que ajudará você a maximizar seu desempenho no vestibular e conquistar a vaga desejada na universidade. Nossa plataforma cruza dados da aprendizagem de cada estudante, dos objetos dinâmicos, do currículo do Ensino Médio e das estatísticas dos principais vestibulares e do ENEM para proporcionar a melhor experiência de estudos e maximizar seu desempenho.
La Révolution de 1848 est bien moins connue que celle de 1789, elle contient pourtant bien des leçons qui sont encore d'actualité. Une vidéo écrite et présentée par Histony ; réalisée, montée et illustrée par Malo, le tout sous licence CC-BY-SA. Retrouvez les sources de la vidéo et des précisions sur notre site, pour aller plus loin et recouper les infos : https://venividisensivvs.wordpress.com/2016/04/18/1848-une-revolution-ratee/ Suivez l'actualité de la chaîne sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/Histony1 Sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VeniVidiSensi/
Daya has gone to Ahmedabad and as a consequence Bapuji and Jethalal along with Tapu has decide have their dinner in a restaurant tonight. However, Jethalal has come little late and on the other hand Bapuji was unable to control his hunger! Want to know what happened next in the episode? Then stay tuned in and find out here! Click to watch all the episodes of Taarak Mehta - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6Rtnh6YJK7a6aWvIzLwbDe6FzzowRhMq The show is inspired from the famous humorous column 'Duniya Ne Undha Chasma' written by the eminent Gujarati writer Mr. Tarak Mehta. This story evolves around happenings in """"Gokuldham Co-operative Society"""" and covers topical issues which are socially relevant.The show predominantly - Promoolves around 'Jethalaal' (Dilip Joshi) who is an u...
Zeittafel zur Revolution 1848/49: ↓↓↓ -----------------------1848----------------------------- -22.Februar Ausbruch der Revolution in Paris -27. Februar Mannheimer Volksversammlung -03. März Aufhebung der Pressezensur durch den Deutschen Bund -05. März Heidelberger Versammlung -10. März Höhepunkt der Agrarrevolten in Baden -13. März RÜCKTRITT DES ÖSTERREICHISCHEN STAATSKANZLERS METTERNICH -18. März BARRIKADENKÄMPFE IN BERLIN -21. März Ehrung der Märzgefallenen durch den preußischen König -31. März Beginn des Vorparlaments -20. April Niederschlagung des Hecker-Zuges im Gefecht bei Kandern -03. Mai Einmarsch von Bundestruppen in Dänemark -18. Mai ZUSAMMENTRITT DER NATIONALVERSAMMLUNG IN DER PAULSKIRCHE -22. Mai Zusammentritt der preußischen Nationalversamm...
This time, you will not grave the hate
That grew in our hearts for many years... for long years...
These words did sound in all the land
These words shattered one mighty world
Our truth persisted long centuries
Kept deep in our hearts and in our speech
Thousand years forgotten for everyone
We were like slaves in our land
We walked through time with innocent hands
The Sun shone, but our eyes were blind
The Spring of Nations - those mighty efforts to change the world
They broke our patience, and led us to be proud and strong
We joined ruler of the monarchy
We had our desires and our dreams
We fought for our nation's liberty