Rate Your World!

Rate Your World!

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Create a review and/or rate your job, your employer, politicians and any service or program related to human rights, anti-racism, immigration, and/or multiculturalism. There are a number of easy steps to follow to create a review and anyone can comment and rate the service or program reviewed. Just click here and choose one star for poor service or quality or five stars for excellent.

For the dedicated

The easiest way to create a review is to forward your review to info@stopracism.ca. If you would like to review a number of services, programs, businesses, politicians, etc., then you can apply to become a reviewer and add your reviews.

If you have applied and been accepted to write reviews, click here. The terms and conditions for becoming a reviewer and creating reviews are outlined below.

The rules for creating a review are that:

  • reviews concern human rights, anti-racism, immigration, and/or multiculturalism;
  • reviews do not libel or defame a person;
  • reviews truthfully reflects your opinion of a service and is not meant to malign a person out of malace or spite, and;
  • reviews are written by the person who is authorized by the system administrator to create the review.

Note: You will loose your privilege to write reviews if the terms and conditions of this agreement are breached.

Rate your world!!

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