Maggie Whitson


My info

Full name
Maggie Whitson
Maggie Whitson
I am
a professional scientist
Curator level
Full Curator


4383 objects curated
1288 taxa curated
564 images set as exemplar
97 articles selected for Overview
716 preferred classifications selected

1077 common names added
25 common names removed
9 common names curated

189 taxa commented
358 comments submitted
42 articles added
0 data records added
*counts are refreshed daily

Curator qualifications


I am a faculty member in the biology department at Northern Kentucky University, and I direct/curate their herbarium. (see ) I published a paper on the molecular phylogeny of Physalis (Whitson, M. and P. S. Manos. 2005. Untangling Physalis (Solanaceae) from the physaloids: a two-gene phylogeny of the Physalinae. Systematic Botany 30(1): 216-230.) I am a member of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists.

Curation scope
I am a professional botanist trained in plant systematics and taxonomy. My specialty is the genus Physalis and its relatives (in the Solanaceae or tomato family). I also know a good bit about flora of the southeastern U.S., particularly the woody plants.