For an anti-fascist, revolutionary unionism.

A statement by the African Peoples Caucus of the Twin Cities Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) about revolutionary unionism's responsibility to be anti-fascist.

fascism, IWW, USA
#deliverunion - riders unite!

Deliveroo and Foodora are two very young start-ups that are rapidly expanding on a global level through their high amount of start-up funds. They spark doubts whether digital capitalism brings an...

A homeless camp set up in Brighton on April 5th to protest against a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) which has been imposed on the city’s parks and seafront was evicted on Wednesday — and...


The 1917 revolution in Russia, and the comeback of workers’ councils, signalled the start of a revolutionary wave that spread across the world over the next ten years. The map below is an attempt...


Recent workers’ struggles in India prompt us to examine the concept of autonomy more closely. Movements in the Gurgaon-Manesar region have consciously or unconsciously addressed the reality of...


Group of Edelweiss Pirates being executed, Cologne 10 November 1944

Pamphlet offering a snapshot of some elements of the resistance to Nazism in Germany before and during World War II. It is not a comprehensive account and has some important omissions, discussed...