Defend Auburn, Alabama Against the White Power Invasion April 18th!

On Saturday, April 15th, students, anti-racists, anti-fascists, and other residents of the Bay Area clashed in the streets of Berkeley, CA against an array of organized white supremacist and far-Right forces. Unlike most events and actions the far-Right has organized in recent past — usually ending in embarrassing failure — this time members of the Right were able to bring out an organized force committed to inflicting violence against our comrades and other community members in a city once thought to be a stronghold for leftist and generally socially tolerant sentiments. Bolstered by what they view as a success, the far-Right is now bragging that if it can take over Berkeley it can do the same in any city.

Now, to add to the gravity of the situation, racist “Alt-Right” leader Richard Spencer and his goons have decided on a show of force in the South, threatening to overrun the campus of Alabama’s Auburn University with white power combatants armed with “safety gear.”

Events began with antisemitic flyers surfacing around Auburn University, promoting the founding of a campus “White Student Union”. Late on the night of Tuesday the 11th, not long after these flyers made headlines, white power leader Richard Spencer announced online that he had booked a room on AU campus for a speaking event which would take place the next Tuesday, April 18th. Following public uproar, this Friday university officials in consultation with police announced that they had decided to cancel Spencer’s appearance due to “safety concerns”.

Spencer promptly issued a YouTube response asserting that, regardless of the cancellation, he would still show up to the campus with security teams in tow. Spencer has also arranged for other far-right leaders, such as Mike Peinovich of “The Daily Shoah,” to fly into Auburn in support of Tuesday’s white power rally. Alt-Right chatter online makes clear that this gathering is intended to be a demonstration of power. Racist organizers are doing little to veil their intimidatory and violent intent. In addition, other groups such as “Anti-Communist Action” have made a firm vow that “shit’s gonna go down” at Auburn on Tuesday, and are organizing their own numbers for this purpose.

We must show up ready for conflict in the numbers necessary to thwart their attempts at silencing us. We must ensure that the voices of those who oppose exterminationist agendas can be heard above those of Richard Spencer and his white nationalist and fascist supporters. A call to action has been issued to mobilize Southern anti-racists to get to Auburn. So far it is endorsed by the following organizations:

Atlanta Antifascists;
Atlanta Resistance Medics;
Athens Antifascists;
General Defense Committee, Atlanta branch;
Atlanta Redneck Revolt;
Anti-fascist News;
Ida B. Wells Coalition;
Metro Atlanta Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America;
One People’s Project;
Socialist Party of Central Alabama;
Workers’ Solidarity Alliance;
and the Young Dems of GSU.

We will be gathering at Auburn University’s Foy Hall at 6:00pm on April 18th, the same day as Spencer’s event.

This is not simply a matter of pro-Trump vs. anti-Trump. There are committed racists and fascists trying to organize in our cities and our hometowns, in our neighborhoods and at our schools. It is imperative that we come together in our communities, in strength and solidarity, to put an end to their agendas.

We ask that the people of Auburn, Alabama, the Deep South, and beyond take the strongest possible stand against white supremacy on Tuesday.

Follow @no_nazi_auburn and @afainatl for updates.

See you there!

Alex Beck: The Irrelevant Turd-Waffle Behind Fascist Honeypot “”

If you’re outside of antifa circles, you may not have noticed that, after Trump’s inauguration, the far-right began making honeypot websites in a pathetic attempt to doxx antifascists. One such website that garnered attention was “,” created by Denver-area nobody Alex Beck. We want to make it clear from the start that Beck has very little of interest to say in regards to pretty much anything. Though he likes to throw around slurs and conduct strange racist demonstrations, his incoherent “libertarian” politics are completely beside the point to us. Antifascists are interested in Alex Beck because he is attempting to track us and our allies and, in doing so, is aiding fascists.

In an article written for Campus Reform, a publication that hired a vocal supporter of a neo-Nazi gang member who burned down a historic Black church as a “journalist,” Alex Beck claimed that Antifa painted a Valentine’s Day love note on the side of his father’s company vehicle.

In the article, Beck claims “Numerous groups and individuals have alleged that I setup as a honeypot to collect ANTIFA information. All of the claims are false … Truth be told, I didn’t even have the means to do this …” If this were the case we wonder if he could explain this script in’s source code that appears to be tracking users:

The code appears to relay information to Google Analytics and Survey Monkey. While Beck may not be able to retrieve the IP addresses of his website’s visitors using this software, he can likely retrieve somewhat useful information for doxxing. This probably includes the visitor’s internet service provider, approximate location, and possibly even social media information.

For this reason, we encourage everyone to avoid visiting this website altogether. However, if you must, some precautions can help. Use Tor Browser, and make sure you are not logged into any social media on your computer at the time. (A VPN with the same social media precautions will also likely thwart Beck from being able to find out much useful information.) Using Privacy Badger, a tool provided by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, also helps to block trackers like Google Analytics and Survey Monkey.

Currently, this site is basically just a link to another site where Beck complains about antifa with a script running trackers in the background, so we really don’t see much of a reason to visit at all. Beck has also recently met with equally-irrelevant shitlord Ivan Throne, a “Men’s Rights Activist” who promotes psychopathy and claims to be “more Nazi than [Richard] Spencer.” Well Beck, we’ve been about twenty steps ahead of you this whole time, but if you aren’t “done playing,” we’re happy to make sure you quit playing.

Alex Beck Info:

Phone: 720.301.2784 (possibly changed)
Religion: Catholic
Organization: Young Americans for Liberty, Regis University

Current Residence:
O’Connell Hall, Regis University
3333 Regis Blvd (50th Ave), Denver, CO 80221

Permanent addresses (family has two):
14432 W Center Dr, Lakewood, CO 80228
505 Church St, Eagle, CO 81631

Previous Address:
2577 S Coors St, Lakewood, CO 80228

Social Media:

Websites (we strongly discourage visiting):

To Alex:

We hope your life gets significantly harder and lonelier as you descend into the alt-right pit, you pathetic fuck. “Free speech” doesn’t mean living without consequences for your words and actions. If you’re fighting on the same side as Nazis, you don’t get to pretend like you’re on the side of liberty. Why don’t you do everyone a favor and fuck off already?

“Act like a Nazi, get punched like a Nazi!”
-Rocky Mountain Antifa

Philly Police Officer Outed as White Supremacist with Ties to Blood and Honour

Ian Hans Lichterman (left) with 2 fellow Nazi cosplay enthusiasts. Lichterman was previously outed as a member of the WP network Blood and Honour and is an active Philly PD Officer
Ian Hans Lichterman (left) with 2 fellow Nazi cosplay enthusiasts. Lichterman was previously outed as a member of the WP network Blood and Honour and is an active Philly PD Officer


Those of our readers who have been Anti-Fascists for a few years may remember that during a period from 2010-2012 there were several successful hacks of Neo-Nazi websites that led to the identification of dozens of Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists.

One of the more interesting cases was that of Ian Hans Lichterman. Lichterman was listed as a member of Blood and Honour, an international network of Neo-Nazi organizations started by Ian Stuart Donaldson, the lead singer of Skrewdriver. Upon some investigating, it was discovered that Lichterman was also a Philly PD officer who had even recently been commended at a crime stoppers awards ceremony.

Shortly after the hack, Lichterman left the Philly PD and was working as a private security contractor (mercenary) in the middle east for some time, presumably using his connections from his time as a Marine. Recently, at the Philly Coalition for REAL Justice’s march during the DNC, someone noticed that one of the bike cops working the event had some shady tattoos. That cop has been identified as Ian Lichterman, back on duty in Philly.

Iron Cross Tat on Left Elbow is just the beginning
Iron Cross Tat on Left Elbow is just the beginning

One was a rather generic Nationalist tattoo of an AR-15 over an american flag with “For God and Country” written above it. That is the motto of the American Legion, a veterans organization that was very sympathetic to Fascism in Europe before WWII.

“The president of the American Legion in 1923 was quoted as saying, ‘If ever needed, the American Legion stands ready to protect our country’s institutions and ideals as the Fascisti dealt with the destructionists who menaced Italy.’ In reply to whether this meant taking over the government, he said ‘Exactly that. The American Legion is fighting every element that threatens our democratic government-soviets, anarchists, I.W.W., revolutionary socialists and every other Red ..Do not forget that the Fascisti are to Italy what the American Legion is to the United States.’”

If that wasn’t bad enough, the other tattoo was this:

real subtle, Ian
real subtle, Ian

That eagle design is called a partieadler. With wings outstretched and a simplistic design, the partieadler is distinct from the national emblem in every other era of German history, a history that stretches from the reichsadler’s first appearance in the 12th century, to its present design. It is the eagle of Nazi Germany specifically. And the word “fatherland” is also a reference to Nazi rhetoric oft-used to describe Germany during the Third Reich.

Oh, and then there’s these:




“Real Americans” haven’t felt so safe since Hulkamania was taking over.

self-describing as an “infidel” is a common trope by Anti-Muslim racists.
self-describing as an “infidel” is a common trope by Anti-Muslim racists.

Those pics are taken from Lichterman’s flikr account, which is under “Panzerhund0311.”

It is obvious from his past association with Blood and Honour, his Nazi tattoos, his cosplaying a Third Reich soldier and his reactionary, racist, anti-communist photoshops that Ian Hans Lichterman is an extreme danger to the people of Philadelphia (especially People of Color, Muslims and Anti-Racists) as long as he has a gun and a badge.

This information coming to light could lead to Lichterman’s removal, but one thing is certain: it will not change the fact that Police were developed specifically to protect White Supremacy and Patriarchy in this country. As long as Philly PD exist, their ranks will be full of the bigoted, power-hungry and corrupt, as well as a handful of fools and cowards who get the “good cop” label and serve to protect people like Lichterman.

For a world without Cops or Nazis, or Nazi Cops.

antifa eyes HiRes

Atlantic City Boneheads Sink NJ Drug Ring

Benjamin DiPilla, Atlantic City Skinheads member, recently arrested for cocaine distribution.
Benjamin DiPilla, Atlantic City Skinheads member, recently arrested for cocaine distribution.

Originally posted on Philly Antifa:

According to dozens of media outlets, what began as an investigation by the state Attorney General into ACS and its members quickly morphed into a drug sting. According to

“Operation Skin Deep, as the investigation was called, started out as a surveillance operation targeting white supremacist groups in Atlantic City. While monitoring the activity of one group, the Atlantic City Skin Heads, detectives identified several individuals who appeared to be selling cocaine, according to Peter Aseltine, a spokesman for the attorney general.”

DiPilla has been featured on our “Local Nazi and Fascists” page for years now. Rumors have always circulated around Philly and NJ that ACS was involved in drug dealing, but I guess now there is some evidence to that.

From the Ocean City Patch:

“Benjamin DiPilla, 28, is charged with second-degree distribution of cocaine and second-degree conspiracy to distribute cocaine.

Additionally, 62-year-old Thomas Bullock, of Millville, is charged with first-degree distribution of cocaine and second-degree conspiracy to distribute cocaine; and 31-year-old Thomas White, of Galloway, is charged with first-degree distribution of cocaine and second-degree conspiracy to distribute cocaine.

The arrests of DiPilla, Bullock and White led to the first-degree racketeering indictment charging 12 men in connection with a drug ring that marketed cocaine and designer drugs online and distributed them via the mail.”

It is unclear from the articles whether DiPilla was involved in the ring directly or just bought from them and then flipped it locally, but the article does seem to imply that Dipilla and his cohorts might have had something to do with the other indictments.

Click the link above for the full post.




intlantiThe International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund is designed to provide fast material support to anti-fascists and anti-racists around the world whenever they encounter trouble as a result of their stand against hate.

Anyone can make a proposal to use the Fund by emailing us at:  All decisions are made via consensus between all those who donated at least  $20U.S./€20/£15.  If consensus can’t be reached, the proposal is decided by a simple majority vote.

In its first six months, the fund has:
-received over $1700U.S./1600EUR in donations from supporters in eight countries
-supported two dozen anti-fascists in Australia, Belarus, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and the U.S.
-received endorsements from The Torch Anti-Fascist Network (U.S.) and Föreningen Fånggruppen (Sweden)

Supporters can now make regular monthly contributions of any amount automaticallyby signing up here.  This is the best possible way to support the Fund and the anti-fascists and anti-racists it provides much-needed material aid to. they encounter trouble as a result of their stand against hate.

Anyone can make a proposal to use the Fund by emailing us at:  All decisions are made via consensus between all those who donated at least  $20U.S./€20/£15.  If consensus can’t be reached, the proposal is decided by a simple majority vote.

In its first six months, the fund has:
-received over $1700U.S./1600EUR in donations from supporters in eight countries
-supported two dozen anti-fascists in Australia, Belarus, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and the U.S.
-received endorsements from The Torch Anti-Fascist Network (U.S.) and Föreningen Fånggruppen (Sweden)

Supporters can now make regular monthly contributions of any amount automatically by signing up here.  This is the best possible way to support the Fund and the anti-fascists and anti-racists it provides much-needed material aid to.

Public Portion of TORCH Conference Schedule Announced


It is now less than 6 weeks until the TORCH Anti-Fascist Network national conference here in Philly. So finish your travel preparations if you are coming from out of town and send in your registration information. E-mail for registration forms if you haven’t gotten them yet.

The public section of the conference will take place the afternoon and evening of Saturday November 7th at The Rotunda (4014 Walnut Street) in West Philly. We are very excited about all public events.

The first event, starting at 2:00 PM on Saturday will be a panel discussion and Q&A. The subject of the talk is “Militant Anti-Fascism and the Black Lives Matter Movement” and will include several Anti-Fascists and Black Lives Matter activists discussing the role that Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists, both in and out of uniform, have played in opposing the Black Lives Matter movement and how Anti-Fascists can counter them effectively.

Immediately after the talk at 3:00 PM, we will be hosting a screening of “In Memory of Our Friend Ivan,” an hour-long documentary about the life and murder of Russian Anti-Fascist Ivan Khutorskoi who was assassinated in Moscow in 2009. The film was only recently released with English subtitles recently and has not been screened more than a handful of times in the U.S. After the film at 4:00pm we will be showing a short sneak preview of “No Fascist USA,” an upcoming documentary about the Anti-Fascist movement in the United States by a member of Antifa Philadelphia.

Both those events are free though we will be collecting donations for Anti-Fascists political prisoners and those facing legal repression for Anti-Fascist work.

We will then be kicking everyone out for a few hours to get ready for the Show of Unity that evening. Doors will re-open at 6:30. 5 bucks to get in which goes to the acts and Antifa prisoners.

Christopher Walking (Philly Math Punk)

Leisure Muffin (Just listen. We don’t even know.)

Novotore (Chicago Hardcore Hip-Hop)

Erik Petersen (Mischief Brew) (Philly’s favorite son, anarcho-punk-folk laureate and all-around sweetheart)

If you or your crew want to table the show e-mail us to set it up. Look forward to seeing you all for the Conference.

Antifa Philadelphia