move WordPress to a new domain

Need to move WordPress to a new domain name? Maybe it’s time for a rebrand, or maybe you snagged a premium domain name that’s just too good not to use. Whatever your reasons, it’s important you do things right if you want to keep your site running smoothly. See, the actual process to move WordPress to a new domain is fairly simple. You basically just need to copy your files to a new folder on your host and update your database. But keeping your SEO…Continue Reading “How to Move WordPress to a New Domain (Safely + Without Losing SEO Rankings)”

WordPress educational website

If you’re running an educational institution, you need to meet your potential students where they’re active. And in most cases – that means you need an Internet presence. No matter if you’re part of a college, trade school, or any other educational entity, it’s important to know that creating a WordPress educational website is critical to your school’s growth. And we know…setting up an entire educational website may sound complicated, but WordPress enables you to do it with relative ease. And the short time spent…Continue Reading “A Simple Guide to Creating a WordPress Educational Website”

create a WordPress quiz

Want to create a WordPress quiz for your readers? Quizzes can help you do everything from catching some of BuzzFeed’s viral magic to learning more about the demographics of your readers. So whether you use them for fun or business, they’re a powerful weapon in your WordPress arsenal. In this post, I’m going to give you a detailed tutorial on how you can create a WordPress quiz using a free plugin called Quiz Cat. How to create a WordPress quiz with Quiz Cat Quiz Cat…Continue Reading “How to Create a WordPress Quiz for Free”

social media strategy for WordPress

An effective social media strategy for WordPress can mean the difference between a struggling website and a thriving one. But what makes for a successful strategy, and how do you go about implementing one from scratch? Fortunately, integrating your website with social media isn’t as complicated as it might seem. Your first step should be to determine which platforms to target. After that, it’s just a matter of developing a solid strategy and sticking to it. If you approach the process methodically, your efforts can result in increased engagement and additional traffic….Continue Reading “3 Fundamentals of a Solid Social Media Strategy for Your WordPress Website”

how to add two-factor authentication to WordPress

You don’t need me to tell you that it’s a dangerous world on the Internet. Hackers abound, which is why you should always make sure you’re following WordPress security best practices. And one of those best practices is learning how to add two-factor authentication to WordPress. We already have a post explaining the basics of two-factor authentication, so I’m not going to focus very much on “what it is” in this post. If you’ve ever banked online, you’re probably already familiar with the concept anyway….Continue Reading “Beginner’s Guide: How to Add Two-Factor Authentication to WordPress”

5 Awesome WordPress Podcasts

Podcasts are the new radio. Not only are they just as relaxing and informative, they’re also far more convenient. However, because anyone can create their own podcast, the number of options can sometimes feel overwhelming. WordPress podcasts are no exception. Finding the perfect podcast isn’t difficult…assuming you have the time to sample the dozens of options out there. But because you might not have all day to sit around sampling podcasts, you can also shortcut that process by checking out our list of some of the best…Continue Reading “5 Awesome WordPress Podcasts and Their Best Episodes”

WordPress Maintenance Mode

Editor’s note. WordPress maintenance mode is a very useful feature you can set up in some circumstances. Particularly, you can benefit from it greatly whenever you want to perform administrative tasks on your website, and you don’t want your visitors to see any error pages in the meantime. We wrote about an easy way of enabling WordPress maintenance mode in the past, but now there’s a completely new possibility of getting a cool maintenance mode page without the need for a custom-built plugin. Instead, you…Continue Reading “WordPress Maintenance Mode Tutorial – With Elementor and Zerif”

Book Appointments Through WordPress

Want to let your visitors book appointments through WordPress? Sure, you could do it manually through your contact form, but why not set up an automated system to save yourself some time? With an appointment booking calendar, visitors can easily check availability and schedule an appointment all by themselves. In this post, I’ll give you a detailed step-by-step guide how to allow your website visitors to book an appointment through WordPress using a free plugin called Easy Appointments. Our tool for the job: Easy Appointments…Continue Reading “How to Let Clients Book Appointments Through WordPress With an Appointment Calendar”

How to sell digital files using WordPress

E-commerce is one of the fastest growing markets around, and digital sales make up a big piece of that pie. If you want to dabble in the world of online commerce, setting up a digital sales-only store is one of the simplest methods. The problem is figuring out the best way to sell digital files using WordPress. (Chart by Visualizer Lite. Data from BusinessInsider.) Fortunately for you, WordPress makes this task easy with its intuitive plugin system. There are plenty of tools that will enable…Continue Reading “How to Sell Digital Files Using WordPress … Step by Step”

send WooCommerce abandoned cart emails

If you’re running an eCommerce store with WordPress, you probably don’t need me to tell you why abandoned cart emails can reduce your store’s abandonment rate and get you more sales. But because there’s no built-in tool to send WooCommerce abandoned cart emails, you might need me to tell you how. In this post, I’ll give you an in-depth tutorial for sending WooCommerce abandoned cart emails using a free plugin. Then, at the end, I’ll share a few premium options that are also worth investigating….Continue Reading “How to Send WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Emails (for Free)”