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WA's meth crisis in the spotlight after state wins appeal of drug lord's 'soft' sentence

Sentencing laws for methamphetamine dealers have been labelled "insufficient" by WA's new attorney general after state prosecutors this week successfully appealed a four-and-a-half year sentence handed down to a drug baron in mid-2016.

The sentencing judge, in his original remarks, indicated he believed the court's approach to drug offences was "softening" - contradicting the state government's hard line on fighting WA's ice crisis. 

Jacksen Nillson's Geraldton house and storage unit was raided in 2015 after police intercepted an envelope containing 129 grams of methamphetamine destined for a PO Box registered in his name.

The 24-year-old later pleaded guilty to possessing 377 grams - or around $250,000 worth of methamphetamine, other drugs including MDMA and cannabis and $23,635 in cash.

In his sentencing remarks, Justice Phillip McCann said Nillson, who had become "overwhelmed with greed", was an important player in the Geraldton drug business and operated a "very organised, large-scale polysubstance drug dealing operation".

He sentenced him in the Perth District Court to four years and six months behind bars for the ten charges he pleaded guilty to - six of which carried a maximum penalty of 25 years in jail.


With parole, it meant he could have been released after serving two years and three months in prison.

State prosecutors appealed the sentence, alleging it was "so inadequate as to manifest error" and that it failed to reflect the overall criminality of Nillson's offences.

The WA Court of Appeal agreed, setting aside the original sentence on Tuesday and ordering Nillson be resentenced.

It found Justice McCann had sentenced Nillson on the basis of what he thought was a 'softening' approach to offences of this nature, based on three other cases he referenced.

"In our view, having regard to all of the circumstances of the case, including the respondent's personal circumstances and all mitigating factors, the total effective sentence of four years and six months' immediate imprisonment did not bear a proper relationship to the overall criminality involved in all of the offences," the Court of Appeal concluded.

"It was clearly inadequate."

Western Australia has the worst rate of methamphetamine use in the country with 2016 figures revealing 3.8 per cent of people over 14 years old used meth – nearly twice the national average of 2.1 per cent.

The new Labor state government has pledged to tackle the state's $2 billion-a-year ice habit, with attorney general John Quigley promising to reform the state's laws to increase penalties for drug dealers.

"Current sentencing is insufficient to deter meth traffickers from their trade," he said.

"We will increase to life the maximum penalty for meth traffickers.

"This means WA will have the toughest sentencing regime in the country for meth traffickers."

The state government's meth strategy will also include establishing two dedicated drug and alcohol rehabilitation prisons, one for men and one for women, investing $2 million into treatment facilities to provide early intervention for addicts, building two rehabilitation centres in regional WA and creating a police meth border force to crack down on the supply and distribution of the drug.