
Jacqueline Rose

Jacqueline Rose is Professor of English at Queen Mary University of London, UK. Her books include Sexuality in the Field of Vision (Verso Radical Thinkers), On Not Being Able to Sleep, The Question of Zion and the novel Albertine. She contributes regularly to the London Review of Books, and wrote and presented the Channel 4 documentary, "Dangerous Liaison–Israel and America."


  • Women against inequality: A Verso reading list for International Women's Day

    "What is 'Women's Day'? Is it really necessary?" Alexandra Kollontai asked readers of the Russian journal Pravda a centenary ago. "On Women's Day," she wrote, "the organised demonstrate against their lack of rights."

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  • Explaining the Israel-Palestine Conflict

    The latest Israeli military attacks in Gaza, dubbed 'Operation Protective Edge', is the third major offensive on the Gaza Strip in six years. Before the July 2014 offensive, the last large-scale escalation was in November 2012, when the Israeli military bombarded the Gaza Strip with air strikes for eight days. Those strikes killed 171 Palestinians, including more than 100 civilians. In 2008-2009, Israeli soldiers launched a 22-day military operation in Gaza, dubbed Operation Cast Lead. About 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed. [source: Aljazeera]

    Tens of thousands of Palestinians have left their houses to seek shelter from an Israeli ground invasion, July 2o014. Photo: Emad Nassar/Al Jazeera

    As the latest attacks intensify, and the number of civilian deaths continue to rise, it seems more pertinent than ever to understand the political motivations behind these assaults and, more importantly, how Israel have been able to carry out such atrocities without intervention. Here, we present a list of books from Israeli and Palestinian authors, to explain the conflict and consider what the future might hold. All books on this list are available for direct purchase, at discounts of 30% for hardcovers, 40% for paperbacks, and 50% for ebooks. Additionally, for a limited time, you can download the ebook of the trenchant anthology The Case for Sanctions Against Israel for free. 

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  • Margaret Thatcher's funeral: an act of coercion

    By Jacqueline Rose

    Orginally published at Comment is Free

    She is not to be mourned. Which does not mean, either, that we should be dancing on her grave. Nor that grief is inappropriate for those who may have been close to her. Indeed, on such matters, no one has the right to pronounce. But she should not be mourned publicly, as if the British people were united in respect for one of the most divisive political figures in modern history.

    The funeral planned for Margaret Thatcher – a state funeral in all but name – is an act of coercion and a masquerade. It will be pretending, at a time when the social divisions of her legacy have never been more acute, that on this at least the British are at one. Worse, it will be proclaiming that image of false unity to the whole world. As if, for the space of a day, we are all meant to take time off from the cruel and increasing forms of inequality, the self-regarding ethos, the worship of money, that she left behind. If we should be grieving, it must surely be for what, partly but decisively because of her, we as a people have let ourselves become.

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