- published: 26 Apr 2017
- views: 3078
The Dazu Rock Carvings (Chinese: 大足石刻; pinyin: Dàzú Shíkè) are a series of Chinese religious sculptures and carvings, dating back as far as the 7th century AD, depicting and influenced by Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist beliefs. Some are in rock-cut cave shrines, in the usual Chinese Buddhist style, but many others are rock reliefs carved into the open rock faces.
Listed as a World Heritage Site, the Dazu Rock Carvings are made up of 75 protected sites containing some 50,000 statues, with over 100,000 Chinese characters forming inscriptions and epigraphs. The sites are located in Chongqing Municipality within the steep hillsides throughout Dazu County, located about 60 kilometers west of the urban area of Chongqing. The highlights of the rock grotto are found on Mount Baoding and Mount Beishan.
The carvings were listed as a World Heritage Site in 1999, citing "…their aesthetic quality, their rich diversity of subject matter, both secular and religious, and the light that they shed on everyday life in China during this period. They provide outstanding evidence of the harmonious synthesis of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism."
Neelesh Misra (Hindi: नीलेश मिश्रा) (born 1973) is an Indian journalist, author, radio storyteller, Bollywood director, scriptwriter, lyricist and photographer. He is most known for his radio show, Yaadon Ka IdiotBox with Neelesh Misra on BIG FM 92.7. He is co-founder-editor of Gaon Connection, India's rural newspaper. He has also founded a content creation company called Content Project Pvt. Ltd.
Born and brought up in Nainital, His father belonged to a village, Kunaura 160 km from Lucknow.
Neelesh Misra did his schooling from boarding school, St. Joseph's College, Nainital (1988) and Mahanagar Boys' Inter College, Lucknow (1990). He did his graduation from DSB Government Degree College, Nainital (1993), and later studied at Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi.
As a journalist, he has covered conflict and insurgency over the past two decades in South Asia, travelling deep into the hinterland. His travels have taken him from the rebel heartlands of Kashmir to Naxalite-dominated areas of central and eastern India, to the faraway north-east which is home to some of the world's longest running insurgencies. He has closely studied the Maoist insurgency in Nepal. For his reportage from India's insurgency lands, he received the Ramnath Goenka Award For Excellence in Journalism and the K.C. Kulish Memorial Award in the year 2009. Presently he is the Editorial Director of his rural newspaper Gaon Connection.
فيديو هام جدا بيحكي عن dazu مع امثلة وشرح كامل . قاموس الماني عربي http://amzn.to/2pGoS4J سي دي صوتي - الشبح من البحر http://amzn.to/2pWCCVF قاموس الماني - الماني http://amzn.to/2pWCCs8 اضغط للاشتراك يوتيوب https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2r4aCbQNqpIUTBFwKvNYCQ فايسبوك https://www.facebook.com/topfacts777 تطبيق القناة https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Tobit.android.Slitte7313911686 تويتر https://twitter.com/TopFacts777 غوغل بلس https://plus.google.com/+TopFacts777/posts
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The steep hillsides of the Dazu area contain an exceptional series of rock carvings dating from the 9th to the 13th century. They are remarkable for their aesthetic quality, their rich diversity of subject matter, both secular and religious, and the light that they shed on everyday life in China during this period. They provide outstanding evidence of the harmonious synthesis of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai URL: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/912/
Wie kann man jemanden dazu bringen, dich zu mögen? Hier die Antwort! Endcard-Vid Links: http://bit.ly/1oiTv9G Endcard-Vid Rechts: http://bit.ly/1lH9eK1 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ciellenoire Instagram: ciellenoire Twitter: https://twitter.com/CielleNoire Privates Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stefy.noire.1 Musik: audionetwork.com
Mai 2017: Der Schweizer Felix Abt hat als erster Ausländer sieben Jahre in Nordkorea gelebt und gearbeitet. Der Pharmaunternehmer hat trotz Sanktionen zu einem gewissen Wirtschaftsaustausch zwischen Europa und Nordkorea beigetragen. Abt kritisiert das Embargo des Westens und geht nicht davon aus, dass Nordkorea einseitig einen Krieg beginnen würde. #korea #nordkorea #politik #Pjöngjang Quelle der Bilder: http://bit.ly/2rwZ3Cf und http://bit.ly/2qxfTT7 Interview von Sputnik: http://bit.ly/2qxgOTG
Dazu (HD Audio) | The Neelesh Misra Show | Story No. 83 | 93.5 RED FM | 25-04-17; ~The Neelesh Misra Show~ HRP 2.0 Google+ -- https://plus.google.com/+HRP20 HRP 2.0 Blog -- https://hrp20.blogspot.in/ The Neelesh Misra Show, Neelesh Misra, Pyar Ke Kisse, Yaadon Ka Idiot Box, Nilesh Mishra, Love Story, Yaad Shehar, Yaad Sheher.
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ANZEICHEN das SIE NICHT auf dich STEHT 😳: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyLMTY5tghg Das machen MÄDCHEN vorm EINSCHLAFEN WIRKLICH … 😳😱: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ndXMnf9b6M
Dazu is a musical animation, about a 4 years old girl named Lala, who loves to sing and play with her animal dolls. Whenever Lala is alone in her room she imagine her dolls come to live, play music and sing in her band called Dazu (from misspelled "the zoo"- also means "to perform" in Japanese) The song itself carries the story forward, by introducing Lala's band members. Tata a tapir who loves to sleep and eat spicy food, Baba a sensitive and shy one horned rhino and Dudu an excessively happy proboscis. Lala always has good time playing with them, we hope you do too Main Studios production 2011
****Transkript Unten*** Transcript Below Konzept: LesMigraS & Zara Zandieh Text & Stimme: Mona Moon Protagonist_innen, in der Reihenfolge, wie sie im Clip erscheinen: Ford, Bea, Mitra, Joaquín la Habana reyes, Patras,Lázaro, Alexia, Adir J. Tekîn,Gur,Katharina,Danía, Saideh Saadat-Lendle, Berivan Inci, Jaya, Kerstin Kühn, Kübra Varol, Senami, Tal Lungman, Sanchita Projekkoordination: Giovanna Schwertmann Projekkoordination Assistenz: Jay Keim, Annika Ackerman Ausstattung & Kostüm: Alexia Apolinario Figueras Ausstattungsassistenz: AnouchK Ibacka Valiente Catering: Lilian Custódia Rodrigues Set-Regie: Joey Steffens Aufnahmeleitung und Produktionsassistenz: Mascha Nehls Kamera: Zara Zandieh Kamera-Assistenz: Aline Reinsbach Grip: Paolo Sanzani Studioaufnahmen & Ton: Birte Gerstenkorn Tit...
Ruhig und verlassen liegen mitten im Berliner Umland die alten Heilstätten Grabowsee. Marode Gebäude, bröckelnder Putz, alte kaputte Fenster und wunderschöne Balkone und da dachte ich mir: schwarze Dessous bieten den perfekten Kontrast dazu. ‚The Nightmare‘ - wer hätte nicht gern so einen Traum von einem sexy Mädchen?! Es war einfach ein perfekter Tag, an dem nicht nur das Video entstand, sondern auch noch einige Photoaufnahmen dazu. Lasst Euch überraschen!
Der "Elektrische Reiter" widmete seine Ausgabe am 11.12.2014 der Frage, wie sinnvoll und brauchbar Portale wie 99Designs oder Fivr sind. Er hat auch die AGD-Geschäftsführerin um eine Stellungnahme gebeten, die man sich bei Minute 4:30 ansehen kann.
Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, Paper beats Rock Two computers playing rock-paper-scissors. Each has its own random algorithm running, choosing one of the three possible items. Connected by an ethernet cable, each computer plays its hand — the winning pc gets a point. German Description: Stein schlägt Schere, Schere schlägt Papier, Papier schlägt Stein. In der Installation SchereSteinPapier treten zwei Computer im bekannten Spielsystem gegeneinander an. Per Zufallsgenerator wählt jeder Computer synchron ein Symbol aus — Der Gewinner bekommt einen Punkt. Im Gegensatz zur menschlichen Variante fehlt hier jedoch die pseudo-taktische Möglichkeit den Gegner zu lesen. Die Algorithmen die zur Entscheidung führen verfahren vor jedem Spiel nach dem selben Zufallsgenerator. Lerneffek...
ARD / EinsPlus / Format: LEBEN Autorin: Anette Wagner Redaktion: Gabi Reich Ausstrahlung: September 2014 www.nakedheart.de Wenn der Fotograf Gerrit Starczewski mit seiner Kamera auf Musikfestivals auftaucht, ist Happening angesagt. Dann bringt er Menschen dazu, sich auszuziehen und bei seinem Kunstevent nakedHEART mitzumachen. „Ob Indiekid, Raver oder Hipster – nackt und in unserem Wunsch nach Freiheit sind wir gleich und doch individuell, eben jeder auf seine ganz persönliche Art und Weise.“ Die Teilnehmer sind begeistert.
Dazu Rock Carvings refer to all cliffside rock carving in Dazu Distict, Chongqing City. It is made up of 75 protected sties and more than 100000 statues, of which were built at the end of the Tang Dynasty and the beginning of the Song Dynasties. The most representative are the rock carvings found on the Beishan Mountain and Baoding Mountain. http://www.travelchinaguide.com/attraction/chongqing/dazu.htm
Felsskulpturen von Dazu -- Bei Shan - China http://www.myvideomedia.com English see below weitere Informationen: http://blog.myvideomedia.de Die Felsskulpturen von Dazu liegen ca. 1,5 Autostunden nordwestlich von Chonqging. An 75 Stätten in der Region Chongqing wurden geschätzte 50.000 religiöse chinesische Skulpturen in Stein gemeißelt, wobei die ältesten Statuen auf die frühe Tang Dynastie zurückgehen. Die bekanntesten sind am Nordberg (Bei Shan) und am Schatzkammerberg (Baoding Shan) zu besichtigen. Im 9. Jahrhundert befand sich am Fuß des Nordbergs ein Militärlager des Königreiches Shu, in das viele Buddhisten während der Verfolgung geflohen waren. Ein General gab den Befehl zum Bau der ersten Skulpturen. Set 1999 sind die Stätten Teil der UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Liste. ***[e...
Longevity-Temple at Baoding Shan - China http://blog.myvideomedia.com English see below [dt.] Der Longevity-Tempel am Holy Summit -- (Baoding Shan - 宝顶山), nahe dem Schatzkammerberg bei Dazu in der Provinz Chongqing, gehört neben dem Emei Shan zum heiligen Besitztum der Buddhisten in China. [en.] Longevity-Temple at Baoding Shan - China The Longevity Temple at the Holy Summit Baoding Shan (宝顶山) is located close to the Treasured Summit Hill in the province of Chongqing. Besides the Emei Shan (峨眉山 ) it belongs to the sacred possessions of the Buddhists in China.
Impressive outdoor stone carvings done in 7th century AD depicting and influenced by Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist beliefs. Due to large number of visitors and shouting tour guides,during my visit it was very noisy noisy.. So reduce the voice volume to minimum while watching.The sculptures were very beautiful. It was a worth a visit for me. Expect to walk a lot and go up and down steps. I was the only foreigner during my visit!
Welcome to the world's most populous country, China. People's republic of China (PRC) is the second largest country in the world by total area. located in East Asia with the seat of government in the capital city of Beijing China tourism landscape has a wide and varied, ranging from forest steppes and the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts in the north to the arid subtropical forests in the wet south. Himalaya, Karakoram, Pamir and Tian Shan mountain ranges separate China from South and Central Asia. Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, the third and the sixth longest in the world, running away from the Tibetan Plateau to the densely populated east coast. China coast along the Pacific Ocean is 14,500 kilometers (9,000 miles) long, and is bounded by the Bohai, Yellow, East and South China Seas. Travel in ...
大足石刻TheMuseum Kitchener Ontario 大足石刻研究所海外專業解說員細心解說大足石刻第一個石刻佛像的由來
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Shao Ping Dian Primary School, Xi'an, China - China Tourism & Vacations https://youtu.be/XrH-yg8MBJc Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube China is a huge country in Eastern Asia (about the same size as the United States of America) with the world's largest population. With coasts on the East China Sea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea, and South China Sea, in total it borders 14 nations. It borders Afghanistan, Pakistan (through the disputed territory of Kashmir), India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam to the south; Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to the west; Russia and Mongolia to the north and North Korea to the east. This number of neighbouring states is equalled only by China's vast neighbour to the north, Russia. T...
The Jelling Stones, thousand-year-old Viking runestones, sit in the town of Jelling in Denmark. They tell the tale of Harald Bluetooth: one of the first kings of Denmark. Here's why his name is on your phone. I'm at http://tomscott.com on Twitter at http://twitter.com/tomscott on Facebook at http://facebook.com/tomscott and on Snapchat and Instagram as tomscottgo Sources for this video: http://en.natmus.dk/historical-knowledge/denmark/prehistoric-period-until-1050-ad/the-viking-age/the-monuments-at-jelling/the-jelling-stone/ http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/697 http://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1269737&page;_number=2 (written by Jim Kardach himself!)
Sister love, why don't you break it up?
You got to let someone look into your heart
Sister love, how do you keep it up?
If you don't let no-one look into your heart
As a kid, you couldn't live it up
You were so serious but always so smart
As a kid, you couldn't keep it up
And we were never close, so much apart
Here comes the sun smiling
How long have you been blue?
There'd ever be a time for us to recapture
All the time we lose
There was a time when you were being so proud
Could have been anythin' that you aspired
There was a time when you were never around
When somethin' good happened, somethin' good happened right
So sister love, I'll help you off the ground
You got to let someone look into your heart
You got to turn this situation around
You got to turn this, turn it around
Here comes the sun smiling
How long have you been blue?
There'd ever be a time for us to recapture
All the time we lose
'Cause it's plain to see
A storm is not the weather
And I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
7 days you should be givin' yourself
All your belongings, all that you treasure
7 weeks you think of nobody else
Is this what you want, is this what you are?
How did it come this far?
Here comes the sun smilin'
The only thing that's true
There'd ever be a time for us to recapture
All the time we lose
'Cause it's plain to see
A storm is not the weather
And I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
And I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
And I'm telling you girl
You'll look at them and smile
And I'm telling you girl