IIPPE statement on the crackdown on its members in Turkey

IIPPE Council has been concerned with events in Turkey in the wake of the failed coup. In particular, we condemn the restrictions and pressures that have been placed upon our own members, which have meant that significant numbers have been unable to attend our Annual Conference in Lisbon in September, 2016. We are also disturbed by the potential threat to the health of political economy and political economists in Turkey, and support the efforts of TSSA to sustain its presence in Turkish academic and social life as part and parcel of its more general endeavours to promote social science in Turkey. (View more)

Progressive European Policies Working Group

This Working Group (WG) will be somewhat different from the other Working Groups. In line with sub-item item v of IIPPE’s item 3 of IIPPE’s constitution (“Objects”), “to engage with activism through formulation of progressive policy and support for progressive movements objectives,” a major part of this WG’s effort will be in applying political economy (in this case to European Policies). Clearly theoretical work (covered by sub-items i to iv of the same point in the constitution) must and will be involved as well, but the difference of this WG is the strong orientation to “policy advocacy.”