
Anti-War and Militarism News

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A coalition of social justice activists demonstrated with signs, banners, and flyers outside the annual RSA cyber-security conference at Moscone Center in San Francisco on February 14 and 15, educating attendees and the public about how Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) enables and profits from Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories, and from racist immigration and incarceration policies in the United States. HPE is a platinum sponsor and participant in the annual RSA Conference. The protests followed last month’s Global Day of Action against HP, with over 150 demonstrations in over 60 countries around the world
On October 29, World Can't Wait San Francisco and friends took a stand against "Torture Professor" John Yoo and his handlers at UC Berkeley Law School. "Today we represent the views and the hearts of many more tens of millions of people who know that torture is a war crime, and a crime against humanity. International and UN law both prohibit torture, under any and all circumstances, without exception," read the protest flier. "Indict, Prosecute, Disbar... No More Torture in Our Name," chanted about 20 witnesses to university apologists.
Since August 26, when San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick began to sit and then kneel during the playing of the national anthem to protest racist police violence, at least dozens of more Black people have been murdered by the police. What is also intensifying is that more and more athletes are taking a visible stand against police brutality. Students at the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) have been particularly vocal about their opposition to a lack of police accountability and the unfair treatment of Black and Brown people at the hands of law enforcement.
On September 9, activists chained themselves to the entrances of the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton to protest Urban Shield, the SWAT training and weapons expo hosted annually by the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department. Hundreds of community members from cities across California, including Oakland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sacramento, marched and rallied. Twenty-three activists were arrested, cited, and released.
Fri Apr 8 2016 (Updated 04/20/16)
26 Arrested at Drone War Base in Nevada
On April 1, at Creech AFB in Indian Springs, Nevada, morning traffic was diverted by dozens of peace and justice activists attempting to shut down the armed drone attack program through nonviolent civil resistance. Twelve peaceful resisters were arrested at the two main gates of Creech. Another six were arrested at the main East Gate while blocking the entrance with "crime scene" tape, referring to the criminal activity of weaponized drone terrorism conducted at Creech, killing thousands of non-combatants and civilians over the past decade.
Louis LaFortune passed away unexpectedly on the morning of March 13 at his family home in Live Oak. Media reports indicate he died in his home after suffering heart trouble. His family states that he passed quickly without pain or discomfort. Louis’s untimely passing, at the young age of 64, was a sad shock for his family and wide circle of friends.
The Santa Cruz Police Department released photos of the BearCat armored attack vehicle they purchased in 2015 despite large protests by the public against its purchase. The attack truck, manufactured by Lenco, cost $251,000 and was bought with grants from the Department of Homeland Security.
On August 2, community members in Santa Cruz came together to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "Let us recommit ourselves to a world without nuclear weapons and without war," an announcement for the gathering read. The evening began with musicians playing in front of the Collateral Damage statue, which was installed next to the Town Clock on the 50th anniversary of the atomic bombings as a memorial to all civilian casualties of war.
On the 4th of July, community members in Santa Cruz brought messages of peace, justice, and equality to Ocean Street as they greeted visitors entering town for the busy holiday. Every year a variety of groups working on peace and justice issues rally along Ocean Street as thousands of people make their way to the beach and the Boardwalk. Although some very serious statements were communicated by those holding signs at the rally, the atmosphere was generally fun and festive.
On the grassy lawn in front of Hewlett Packard headquarters, demonstrators held a "virtual" meeting dubbed "The People's Shareholders Meeting" on March 18. Board members in silk-screened HP insignia ties joined a Meg Whitman character in blonde wig. CEO Whitman fielded questions about the company's complicity in Israel's oppression of Palestine from a group on lawn chairs portraying shareholders. Testifiers, including two Israeli citizens, spoke to the shareholders from a mock podium.
February 10 marked the fourth consecutive Santa Cruz City Council meeting where residents have protested the police purchase of a $250,000 BearCat (Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck) funded by two Department of Homeland Security grants. As with the previous protests, community members again rallied in the City Hall courtyard and entered the council meeting as a group to speak out against the purchase of the armored attack-style vehicle during the open communications period.
Members of Youth Alliance for Justice rallied in front of Mountain View City Hall on January 28th with the faces of victims on placards, asking that they not be forgotten. All the images were of people who were killed, seriously injured, or "disappeared" due to racism or human rights violations.
On January 13, hundreds of residents attempted to attend the Santa Cruz City Council meeting to oppose the council's December decision which approved a police department request to accept Homeland Security grants totaling more than $250,000 earmarked for the purchase of an armored attack vehicle. When residents first found out in early December about the proposed purchase, police described it as an "emergency response and rescue vehicle."
On November 10, peace activists in Santa Cruz protested a book signing appearance by Leon Panetta, the one-time Secretary of Defense and CIA Director. Bookshop Santa Cruz hosted the event with a crowd of hundreds in attendance. By the end of the evening, five individuals were "banned for life" from Bookshop Santa Cruz, in retaliation for activities related to the evening's peaceful protest. Additionally, Panetta's security assaulted an Indybay journalist who was documenting the event.
On October 28, father and daughter Mauro Oliveira (Red Sun) and Mahai'a Sol helped blockade Beale Air Force base, which is east of Sacramento. They are free now, but they face Federal charges. Mauro Oliveira writes: We want drones to end and until THAT day, my family wants it to be clear to the victims of drone strikes and to the entire world, that we believe in Peace, not war and consider drone strikes as a war crime against humanity and an act against the Creators greatest gift, the Children of the world, of which we all are.
iCal feed From the Calendar:
Trump's elite cabinet poised to wage class warfare (1 comment) Monday Feb 13th 4:58 PM
Israel is no Democracy: A letter to Jimmy Panetta Sheila Carrillo (1 comment) Tuesday Jan 24th 9:32 PM
GITMO 15th Anniversary Vigil & Procession Martha Hubert Monday Jan 9th 9:27 AM
Mumia rally at Oscar Grant Plaza, 12-9-16 DJ Mouse (1 comment) Saturday Dec 10th 2:44 PM
Free All Political Prisoners forum at Starry Plough (12-3-16) DJ Mouse (1 comment) Tuesday Dec 6th 2:26 PM
Torture Not in Our Name Curt (2 comments) Monday Oct 31st 3:08 PM
Kaepernick ‘effect’ grows with every police atrocity Monica Moorehead, Workers World (1 comment) Sunday Oct 9th 10:39 PM
Veterans for Peace thank Colin Kaepernick Veterans for Peace, East Bay Chapter 162 (1 comment) Saturday Oct 8th 5:09 PM
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Caution: Don't Glorify Obama's Record in the Era of Trump Sheila Carrillo Saturday Feb 4th 6:49 AM
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Injerencia de Washington en Bolivia Luis Fernando Gonzales Guardia* Saturday Nov 12th 5:12 PM
#DisruptJ20: Call for a bold mobilization against the inauguration of Donald Trump NO PEACEFUL TRANSITION (2 comments) Friday Nov 11th 3:23 PM
10,000 children in Mosul in urgent need of aid Iraq Solidarity News (Al-Thawra) Monday Nov 7th 1:07 AM
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The "Security Conference" - A Fraudulent Labeling Walter Listl Thursday Mar 9th 3:43 PM
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The Shortwave Report 03/03/17 Listen Globally! Dan Roberts Thursday Mar 2nd 4:18 PM
Suicided to death...Dr. Kelly...oil war press...2-28-17 Mouse Report DJ Mouse (1 comment) Tuesday Feb 28th 3:59 PM
The Shortwave Report 02/24/17 Listen Globally! Dan Roberts Thursday Feb 23rd 5:33 PM
Kucinich Warns of Deep State's Plans for War Post-Trump Impeachment Caitlin Johnstone (1 comment) Monday Feb 20th 5:29 AM
The Shortwave Report 02/17/17 Listen Globally! Dan Roberts Thursday Feb 16th 5:04 PM
Death Squads R US...Flynn 2012 DIA Intel...2-14-17 Mouse Report DJ Mouse (1 comment) Tuesday Feb 14th 3:25 PM
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