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  1. 2 dakika önce

    Father of missing Tennessee teen found safe says she was brainwashed

  2. 21 dakika önce

    How France's election could have a big impact on the US

  3. 42 dakika önce

    'Lost city' discovery: Kansas site sheds new light on Native American history

  4. 58 dakika önce
  5. 1 saat önce

    Trump optimistic as government shutdown, ObamaCare replacement loom

  6. 2 saat önce

    Israeli PM : "Clearly, one thing that has to be changed is to not let Iran have the best of all worlds."

  7. 2 saat önce
  8. 2 saat önce

    Israeli PM : "Israel has no better friend than America, has no better friend than ."

  9. 2 saat önce

    Israeli PM : "I know the cost of war. There's no one that wants peace more than ." |

  10. 2 saat önce

    Israeli Prime Minister said the first test of peace is for Palestinians to prove they want it.

  11. 2 saat önce

    TUNE IN: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin joins at 10p ET on Channel.

  12. 2 saat önce

    .: You can't try to hold back progress b/ don't want another country taking the lead in the areas of artificial intelligence.

  13. 2 saat önce

    . on who might lost their jobs as technology gets better: "The more repetitive the job, the simpler it is to replace."

  14. 3 saat önce

    . and look ahead to ’s brand-new primetime lineup, debuting Apr 24. at 8p ET, at 9p ET.

  15. 3 saat önce

    Commissioner Timothy Sini: "Many MS-13 members are clearly here illegally."

  16. 3 saat önce

    Sini: "Oftentimes, MS-13 will prey on recent immigrants to this country. They'll prey on the vulnerable, they'll prey on the young."

  17. 3 saat önce

    Timothy Sini on MS-13: "We need to be doing everything we can in this country to combat this gang."

  18. 3 saat önce

    Kalb: We are looking to make sure...people who have jobs, whoever they are, are able to do their job without fear hanging over their head.

  19. 3 saat önce
  20. 4 saat önce

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