
We cultivate an environment where you can connect with other researchers
to share ideas and develop your research capabilities.

Services and expertise are available to support you at all stages of your
research career to:

Connect with other researchers

We offer a range of opportunities to immerse yourself in VU’s research culture. Come along to our annual research events such as the:

For regular updates and development opportunities, subscribe to the 'Research info' (internal) mailing list via email to via email.

Browse our research news, events & publications or contact the Office for Research for more information on ways you can get involved.

Develop your research capabilities

Our comprehensive Researcher Development Program offers workshops and sessions designed to develop your research capabilities and expertise.

The program is delivered across nine categories spanning the entire researcher lifecycle, from graduate researcher through to accomplished senior researcher.

View the online calendar

Get your research funded

We have a range of internal grants and funding schemes to support research projects and researcher development. You may also apply for funding from the:

Before you apply view the grants & funding application process or if you need help with your application read our guides to preparing grant applications which include:


Conduct responsible & ethical research

To ensure all research is conducted in a responsible and ethical manner, we can support you for research involving:

Researchers must also take care when using copyrighted material.

We adopt best practice in managing the conduct of research, regulated by our Research Integrity Policy and Procedures, and ensure all research at VU complies with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.

Find out more about the integrity of our research.

Publish & disseminate your research

Publishing and disseminating research is an integral part of the research lifecycle. 

We can assist researchers at all levels, from an early career researcher publishing your first article to a senior researcher complying with a funder mandate. View resources & advice for:

VU researchers (staff & students) are encouraged to submit appropriate material to the Research Repository.

Manage & promote your data

Research data, materials and records must be safely and securely stored throughout your project. Find out more about:

We can also assist you with getting access to existing research data and promoting and sharing your research data & collections for others to use.

Report on your research outputs

The data and information we collect about research funding, expenditure, publications and VU research student completions enables us to recognise your research achievements.

It also informs decisions about the ongoing investment in research and supports the Australian Research Council's Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) initiative.

Find out more about the type of data we collect and how it gets used, to assist you in meeting your research reporting obligations.